Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 608 Danxiancao

This made Ye Han a little strange. When facing this giant hand bamboo demon just now, Zi Ding did not react at all. How could he suddenly react?

He looked carefully at the charcoal-like body of the giant hand bamboo demon, and his spiritual sense swept over, trying to find out what exactly interested Zi Ding?

After a careful spiritual sense sweep, Ye Han had already discovered the breath that interested Zi Ding, which came from the position of the giant hand bamboo demon's head...

The golden light in Ye Han's hand trembled, and the Soul-Severing Sword appeared in his hand, and he slashed the sword light towards the head of the giant hand bamboo demon continuously...

Clang clang clang!! The giant hand bamboo demon's head was full of sparks, but it was not ordinary hard. Finally, a gap was opened, and a black crystal stone wrapped in golden runes was spinning in it...

What is this? Could it be the magic crystal of the Warcraft?

When Ye Han saw the magic crystal, his heart moved, and he secretly said, and continued to slash the sword light, forcibly slashing a crack in the giant hand bamboo demon's head. With a tip of the sword, the fist-sized magic crystal of the giant hand bamboo demon flew out.

Ye Han immediately felt the sea of ​​consciousness, and the purple tripod began to tremble, eager to try, as if to absorb the magic crystal into the purple tripod...

However, since Ye Han got the purple-gold rune from Ouyang Changning and completed Ye Chunfeng's purple-gold rune, he can now control the purple tripod to actively absorb things of interest.

For example, now, although the purple tripod is eager to absorb this magic crystal, Ye Han's mind moves, and he puts the magic crystal in his hand into the storage bag, not letting the purple tripod absorb this magic crystal.

Having owned the purple tripod for so long, Ye Han knows very well that the purple tripod is not something that is interesting to absorb into the purple tripod. Sometimes absorbing other things will cause danger.

What he remembered most clearly was that when he inhaled the residual soul of the evil cultivator of the Tuxingsun monster, he almost went astray and had his body taken over...

The demonic energy of this magic crystal is so strong that although the giant hand bamboo demon was killed by the demon-breaking thunder, if there is a residual soul left, it might cause some trouble.

He still thinks that it is better to be cautious about the things of the demon clan and not to be too obsessed with the purple tripod...

Because although he has a lot of control over the purple tripod, he still can't completely control this heaven-defying treasure. He still has no control over the Fantian Pagoda in the purple tripod and can't let the purple tripod release this treasure.

Every time he controls the purple tripod with his mind and lets it release the Fantian Pagoda, there is a resistance force that resists his order.

In other words, the current purple tripod is still very strange and does not let him completely control it.

If he is cultivated by this purple cauldron like a furnace, and after his cultivation is high, he can control his mind and take over his body, that is also possible.

In the biographies and autobiographies of many immortal cultivators that Ye Han has read, it is mentioned that many immortal cultivators seem to be very lucky and get some treasures for cultivation. After they have achieved success in cultivation, they are taken over by the remaining souls of the treasures...

This kind of situation is also encountered by Ye Han, or the residual soul of the Tuxingsun monster...

So he does not completely trust the purple cauldron now, and is always alert to some unexpected situations.

After all, there are too many dangers in cultivating immortals. One mistake means a complete loss and the loss of all opportunities to become immortals...

Thinking of this, Ye Han took a deep breath and eliminated his disordered thoughts...

Although the giant hand bamboo demon in the medicine garden was killed by him, Ye Han still remained cautious, released the defensive treasure blood to practice, protected his body, and entered the medicine garden.

This time, there was no giant hand bamboo demon attacking him, and it was safe inside.

He looked around and found that this medicine garden must have been visited by immortal cultivators, because there were basically no mature spiritual medicines and natural treasures left. There were only a few mature spiritual medicines, which should have just matured recently.

This made Ye Han a little disappointed. No one told him what happened in the Baoshan Medicine Garden of the Tianji Palace and what the battle situation was like. He himself did not participate, so of course he didn't know.

However, since the giant hand bamboo demon is still alive, although it was seriously injured and not killed, it is very likely that, just like the plan of the Black Mountain Sect Leader Zhuge, someone should have used the Heavenly Secret Token to go in and pick the spiritual medicine...

However, when he went to pick the black gold dragon beard grass after killing Zhuge in the medicine garden, the three-faced magic stone abandoned the delay of the Black Mountain Sect Leader and others and came back to deal with him...

In other words, although the giant hand bamboo demon was delayed, the most important spiritual medicine inside may not have been picked up, and it is very likely that there are still some...

Thinking of this, Ye Han ignored those spiritual medicines and rushed to the innermost part of the medicine garden...

When Ye Han ran to the middle, he felt the purple tripod in the sea of ​​consciousness tremble, and it was obvious that there were spiritual medicines that the purple tripod was interested in.

This situation made Ye Han's heart move, and he could finally gain something.

Sure enough, in the deepest part of the medicine garden, there was a magical medicine that gave off an amazing medicinal fragrance and had golden light spots swirling around inside...

It was a leaf with very tender green leaves, and it looked very ordinary, but there were actually a few golden light spots swirling on it, making this natural treasure look very extraordinary.

Seeing these very green medicinal herbs, Ye Han was pleasantly surprised and said, "Great! It's Danxian Grass!"

Seeing this Danxian Grass, Ye Han was of course very happy, because it was one of the main ingredients for refining the advanced Jindan stage elixir Jiangchen Dan.

In this way, the most important thing for refining Jiangchen Dan is four kinds of spiritual medicines. He has already obtained three of them, the black gold dragon beard grass, the companion purple orchid grass, and this Danxian Grass, which actually already has three. The other auxiliary medicinal materials are basically all there, and only one or two auxiliary medicinal materials are missing. Then he can start to try to refine the Jiangchen Dan spiritual liquid...

The last time he refined the foundation-building Dan spiritual liquid, he successfully made the purple tripod give birth to the fruit, allowing Ye Han to successfully advance to the foundation-building stage.

He planned to use the same method to get the spiritual medicine for the advanced Jindan period...

However, Ye Han also saw that there were not many Danxian grass, more than 30 plants, and there were also traces of fighting here...

Perhaps just as he expected, although someone held back the giant hand bamboo demon, because of picking Danxian grass, the giant hand bamboo demon still found it, and did not have time to pick all the Danxian grass away...

This harvest is still good. Ye Han was about to pick all the Danxian grass away, and suddenly his eyes lit up, showing a look of surprise, looking at the medicine field where the Danxian grass was...

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