Ancestor Shayin roared angrily and cursed: "Bloodlight! Dare you plot against me? I'm not done with you."

While he was cursing like this, the terrifying and boundless evil energy and blood on his body burst out. As he roared, he pointed a finger...

boom! ! !

Thirty-two murderous blood-light knives burst into the sky, bursting out with suffocating blood-red sword light. Under the terrifying blessing of countless evil spirits, a terrifying sword light storm of a hundred feet in size erupted...

Boom boom boom! !

The terror of this great monk in the middle stage of the Golden Core was most vividly displayed at this moment...

Wherever the blood-red sword light storm passed, the Xiao Mi Tian Formation was instantly blown to pieces. It only managed to resist for a breath before the entire formation collapsed. At this moment, all the formation flags exploded and were destroyed...

Followed by the Great Trap Dragon Formation, it only blocked half a breath, all the clouds and mist were defeated, and the formation restriction only blocked less than half a breath...

Finally, those talisman formations could not withstand the crushing force of the bloody sword light. They exploded very loudly, but had no impact.

The three layers of defense deployed by Ye Han could only withstand four breaths...

It had already been blasted by Sha Yin Ancestor.

This is the horror of those who are cultivating immortals in the middle stage of Jindan.

If Ye Han overestimates his capabilities and uses the Small Mitian Formation and the Five Elements Ancient Treasure Formation to deal with the Shayin Patriarch, he is simply seeking death...

However, the Shayin Ancestor furiously blasted away the Small Heaven Formation, the Large Trap Dragon Formation, and the Talisman Formation, and found that Ye Han's aura had disappeared.

damn it! Damn bloody ancestor! He is indeed the most cunning guy.

He must have known my plan and escaped earlier!

Thinking like this, the fierce figure of the evil ancestor turned into a stream of evil blood and rushed towards the passage where Ye Han escaped...

Yes, just when he was delayed for a few breaths by Ye Han's triple formation, Ye Han actually disappeared long ago.

This Golden Core Stage cultivator is so fast, he can fly hundreds of feet with just one breath, not to mention that the cunning old guy like the Blood Light Ancestor intends to escape, he must have escaped at full speed...

During these four or five breaths, this old guy had already gone somewhere.

wrong! !

The Evil Ancestor suddenly stopped. The Bloody Ancestor was notoriously cunning. There were countless immortal cultivators who had suffered losses at his hands. How could they really escape from this direction?

Immediately, the Shayin Ancestor scanned his consciousness, and sure enough he discovered that there was no aura of the Shayin Ancestor from the entrance of this passage to a hundred feet away. Instead, there was that guy's aura at the other side of the passage...

Immediately, the Shayin Ancestor roared and cursed: "Damn it! You are playing with me like a fool! See how I deal with you!"

As he spoke, his body's energy and blood surged, turning into a streak of evil energy and blood visible to the naked eye, and he chased towards the cave...

After a dozen breaths.


The evil ancestor turned into a streak of blood and flew back, chasing after him in the direction where he started sprinting, his face gloomy.

damn it! The damn Blood Light Ancestor is so cunning. He is indeed the most cunning elder of the Blood Cloud Sect...

He chased for thousands of feet, but there was no breath at all. When he reached the end of the passage, he couldn't find the breath of the damn bloody ancestor at all.

It was obviously the aura deliberately left by the Blood Light Ancestor to lure him into being fooled. The damn old guy must have escaped in the same direction...

He was so aggrieved that he almost vomited blood. For so many years, it was only this damn bloody light that the ancestor had played so badly with.

However, this also gave him a very important reminder. Wasn't this old guy killed physically?

The current Xueguang Ancestor is definitely not at his peak. If he kills this bastard, the harvest will be extraordinary.

Thinking this, the Shayin Ancestor sprinted forward crazily.

If he had known, the Bloody Ancestor would have died long ago.

And if he fell into the hands of Ye Han, a little-known young man, I'm afraid he wouldn't have the same idea at all.

at this time.

Ye Han was running quickly along a passage.

The passage he is leading now is neither the dead-end passage nor the passage that the evil ancestor is chasing...

It is the passage that the gold and silver rune compass has been guiding.

Ye Han deliberately pretended to be the ancestor of Xueguang. Of course he didn't think that if he succeeded in pretending to be the ancestor of Xueguang, this damn ancestor of Shayin would not make things difficult for him.

On the contrary, if he knew that his fake blood-light ancestor's cultivation was no longer as good as before, and that there were not many places to escape in the Tianji Palace, he would naturally kill Ye Han.

The only purpose of pretending to be the Xueguang Patriarch is to prevent the Shayin Patriarch from killing him immediately, and to say a few more words to him so that he can have time to prepare.

When he came out of the Purple Cauldron, he had put away all the puppets. The remaining three formations were also relatively lucky. When the thunder light of the Heavenly Tribulation came down, these three formations were not there. Play any role and avoid being bombed by the catastrophe...

The purple tripod that made his treasure weird was not exposed because of it.

In fact, many of the books Ye Han had read mentioned that the Heavenly Tribulation would not be blocked by formations or caves...

Basically, they ignored these obstacles and penetrated directly.

For example, this heavenly tribulation is so powerful, but the terrifying bombing did not destroy the top of the huge hall of the Tianji Hall...

In fact, if the heavenly tribulation can be restricted by the formation and blocked by the cave chamber, it would be too easy for the cultivators to avoid and resist the heavenly tribulation.

Especially for some super-large sects, as long as the heavenly tribulation comes, they will open the super-defense mountain gate formation, plus the thick cave barrier, wouldn’t it be very easy for the cultivators to block the heavenly tribulation?

Therefore, it is impossible to block the heavenly tribulation of this thief god by means of formation or cave avoidance.

The only thing that makes Ye Han happy is that he has been thinking about it before, that the purple tripod space can allow him to avoid many dangers...

Including this heavenly tribulation can be blocked, which gave him a huge surprise. Then he can continue to avoid it when he encounters the heavenly tribulation in the future?

This is not very clear, but this time, at least he escaped and saved his life.

In this way, although the three formations he had set up earlier did not work against the heavenly tribulation, they could still protect the purple cauldron and his body...

But the Sha Yin Ancestor suddenly showed up and was ready to kill him for the treasure.

Ye Han naturally had to find a way to save his life. The purple cauldron could not be exposed, and at the same time he could not expect that he had magical powers and treasures that could cross the gap in realms and kill this damned Sha Yin Ancestor who was in the middle stage of the golden elixir...

So he had only one goal from beginning to end!


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