Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 628: The inheritance of the Tianji Palace! ?

Hearing this voice, Ye Han's face could not help but change. What does it mean? A destined person?

Could it be that he had encountered the inheritance place of the ancient immortal cultivators?

Thinking of this, Ye Han could not help but get a little excited. He had read about the opportunity of inheritance in many books.

The so-called inheritance is that some people who are about to die or have some special reasons have to pass on their immortal methods, skills, magical treasures, etc. to future generations in some caves.

Originally, this kind of inheritance was passed down to one's direct relatives or disciples...

However, many immortal cultivators have no direct descendants or disciples, and they are unwilling to let their inheritance be cut off, so they leave some inheritances and pass on their hard-earned immortal arts, skills, magical treasures to the right people...

Hopefully, the other party can inherit their inheritance, carry it forward, and spread their reputation...

In the biographies and autobiographies of immortal cultivators that Ye Han has read, there are similar examples. That immortal cultivator obtained the inheritance of an ancient immortal cultivator in an ancient place, and from then on, his cultivation level improved greatly, and even ascended to the upper realm...

Of course, these are just hearsay from the author, and they did not get the inheritance...

Is my luck really against the sky? I was able to find the inheritance.

If Qin Jiuzhen knew about this, he would definitely regret giving the gold and silver rune compass to himself, right?

But is this true?

Ye Han did not answer the other party, but scanned the entrance of the passage with his spiritual sense vigilantly...

He did not find any dangerous atmosphere. It was sunny outside, with blue sky and white clouds, green grass and tall trees. There was a lively garden with all kinds of exotic flowers and plants, emitting bursts of flower fragrance...

In the center of the garden, there was a very small and exquisite wooden house.

Ye Han could feel that the spiritual energy of heaven and earth here was extremely abundant, several times more abundant than the spiritual energy of heaven and earth in his purple tripod space, and it was extremely pure. If he practiced here, he would definitely get twice the result with half the effort and absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth faster.

Ye Han had been in the dark Tianji Palace maze for more than a year. Although it did not affect his state of mind, he felt refreshed when he saw this lively and natural garden, and had an urge to practice here for a while.

Ye Han could hear that the sound should have come from the cabin.

He remained vigilant and swept his spiritual sense over...

Hmm? No?

Ye Han found that his spiritual sense could not penetrate the wooden house at all, but was isolated outside by a very powerful ban.

At this time, the majestic voice continued: "Fated person! I am the master of Tianji Hall, Tianji Taoist. I have experienced life and death disasters, and my life span is not much. I leave this inheritance to future generations to become the master of Tianji Hall. I hope that the person who comes can restore my Tianji Hall and become the master of the earth!"

After listening to the words of Tianji Taoist, Ye Han couldn't help showing surprise. God! I actually found the inheritance place of the master of Tianji Hall? As long as the inheritance is achieved, doesn't it mean that I can become the master of Tianji Hall?

At that time, the entire Tianji Hall will be under my control?

And I have to make myself the master of the earth!

God! Isn't this too arrogant?

Ye Han just felt that the tone of this Tianji Taoist was too arrogant, right?

However, he remembered the means of the Tianji Palace, and there are Tianji Palace treasure mountains across two continents. Those terrifying Tianji beasts and Tianji soldiers are already very heaven-defying.

Being able to control and create such a large Tianji Palace is definitely not a means for ordinary people.

In this comparison, this Tianji Taoist does not seem to be bragging, and it feels like he really has such great means.

But such a heaven-defying Tianji Taoist has actually fallen?

What kind of existence can kill him?

Is it a heavenly tribulation?

For high-level immortal cultivators, there is a small heavenly tribulation every five hundred years and a large heavenly tribulation every thousand years. Many immortal cultivators have not been able to withstand it, so it is normal for them to fall in the final heavenly tribulation.

Will I take advantage of it then? Do I really want to get the inheritance of this Tianji Taoist?

Thinking of this, Ye Han also became a little excited. In recent years, although he has more powerful means and has made amazing progress in cultivation, he has no power to fight back against the Jindan-stage immortal cultivator demon king he encountered. He was hunted everywhere. Everything was because he was not strong enough.

If he was also a Jindan-stage cultivator and had more magical treasures and spells, what would he be afraid of?

Ye Han was inevitably a little excited, but he suppressed his excitement and carefully scanned with his spiritual sense. He did not find more dangers. Could it be that he really arrived at the place of inheritance?

He released a metal puppet, pointed his spiritual sense, and let the metal puppet walk towards the hut...

It is better to be safe than sorry. This place that looks like a place of inheritance has the inheritance of the so-called master of the Tianji Hall, but what if there is any danger?

As the metal puppet walked forward, there was no danger along the way. When he arrived at the door of the hut, the metal puppet stretched out his hand and pushed it. The wooden door of the hut opened automatically with a creak.

Ye Han had been staring at the metal puppet and found that there was no dangerous aura or trap...

When the door of the wooden house was opened, an old man with a white hair and beard, a ruddy face, kind eyes, and a white Taoist robe was sitting cross-legged on a cushion in the small room. It seemed that he was the so-called Taoist Tianji.

Seeing this old man, Ye Han's face moved. God! This Taoist Tianji has been dead for a long time, how can he still keep his appearance and body the same?

It seems that his body has been cultivated to a higher level and turned into a treasure, which is incorruptible...

Ye Han looked around vigilantly, gritted his teeth, and walked towards the small wooden house where the Taoist Tianji was...

Although he was very excited, he still remained extremely vigilant.

Walking to the front of Tianji Taoist's hut, there were many books and classics placed inside, but they were all wrapped in forest light, and Tianji Taoist's figure had a layer of precious light surging, looking very extraordinary...

Ye Han suddenly felt a powerful and boundless terrifying aura emanating from Tianji Taoist's body, covering Ye Han's figure...

Ye Han was shocked, feeling that this aura was too terrifying.

This aura alone might make him unable to move.

At this time.

The voice of Tianji Taoist continued: "Not bad! Heavenly spiritual roots and gold spiritual roots! You are very suitable for my inheritance, kneel down! Accept the inheritance!"

Hearing this, Ye Han's heart moved, and a strange look flashed in his eyes...

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