Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 649 Fellow Daoist! Please stay!

The old ancestor Sha Yin looked at the big hand that the mountain giant was bombarding, his face was very ugly, his body was shaking with blood and blood, and he flew hundreds of feet away...

Boom!!! The huge hand that the mountain giant bombarded, the crushed space continued to burst out with amazing shattering storms, and the terrifying storm rushed out, chasing the old ancestor Sha Yin...

Following the huge figure, he took a step forward and actually jumped onto the thousand-foot-high mountain, bombarding the old ancestor Sha Yin continuously.

Waves of violent and terrifying storms surged, shaking the wind and clouds, and there were amazing storm ripples for more than ten miles...

And the old ancestor Sha Yin seemed like a small boat in a storm, being chased and continuously performing escape techniques and teleportation skills to avoid the crazy pursuit of the mountain giant.

Seeing this scene, Ye Han's face became solemn.

The attack power and attack range of this mountain giant are really terrifying, and with such a huge body, it is also very difficult to attack and destroy this guy.

It can be imagined that among all the treasures and magical powers on his body, only the Five Elements Ancient Treasure Formation with this attack power can cause certain damage to this mountain giant!

As for the Zhuxian Yin Yang Sword Formation, it has no effect on him. This mountain giant is too big. The Zhuxian Yin Yang Sword Formation can't trap this guy, and there is no such a large array range...

The Sha Yin Ancestor was so angry that he finally escaped the pursuit of these terrifying guys, but was exposed by that guy. In this case, how can he not be angry?

This bastard is so hateful...

That's right! Such a hateful method, could it be that the bastard kid who pretended to be the Blood Light Ancestor?

Yes! It must be that hateful bastard!

This method is clearly that kid!

The old ancestor Sha Yin reacted and looked at Ye Han with hatred and roared: "Asshole! I'm not done with you! You wait for me!"

After hearing this, Ye Han waved his hand at the old ancestor Sha Yin, looking completely unconcerned.

He didn't believe that an old fox like the old ancestor Sha Yin would really not recognize him. He was definitely recognized by him. It would be better to trick this old thing first and let him consume his mana... and see how powerful the mountain giant is!

The mountain giant saw that he failed to chase the old ancestor Sha Yin, and roared in rage. A terrifying storm surged, and the hot red rune flames on his body gushed out...

The sizzling flames and magma gushed out from the cracks. The mountain giant seemed to be burning, and burst out with a terrifying and suffocating breath.

Gurgle! The fist of the mountain giant suddenly began to change, turning into a big hand covered with magma, emitting a scorching flame surge and a scorching storm action.

Then, the sound of metal clashing trembled, and the mountain giant's fist and hand broke apart, and a magma chain wrapped around the huge fist...

The mountain giant swung the magma chain and swung the huge fist full of magma, and the terrifying hot red light storm chased the evil ancestor frantically...

Boom! The mountain giant blasted out a magma fist, and the impact broke into a circle of fire storms. The area within a radius of more than ten miles was full of terrible storms. The evil ancestor was beaten and used the secret method of escape to avoid it, and was very embarrassed...

This mountain giant actually has lava attacks? That chain is definitely not formed naturally...

Could it be that the mountain giant's is also a product of mechanical technology?

Seeing this scene, Ye Han's face was full of surprise.

However, with the crazy attack of the mountain giant, how could the old ancestor Sha Yin dare to confront the mountain giant head-on? He could only flee in embarrassment...

The old ancestor Sha Yin looked at Ye Han who was watching the show from a distance and cursed: "Damn it! You wait for me!"

After that, the old ancestor Sha Yin suddenly swooped down a hillside and fled quickly...

The mountain giant roared angrily, and his body shook into a terrifying suffocating storm, chasing the old ancestor Sha Yin...

Ye Han watched the old ancestor Sha Yin being chased by the mountain giant, but he didn't care about his rage. Anyway, this guy had a grudge with him a long time ago...

It's better to let this guy fight with the mountain giant to see how powerful the mountain giant is, and how to deal with it when he encounters it later?

However, seeing that the old ancestor Sha Yin in the middle stage of the golden elixir was chased and killed by the mountain giant, he felt bad.

This mountain giant seems to be a fire and earth attribute existence. Whether it is a product of mechanical technology or something else, Ye Han still doesn't know.

But just one of them is so powerful. If there are other mountain giants, it will be even more difficult to deal with them...

If this mountain giant is of fire and earth attributes, we can think of a way to use the power of the water and wood attributes of the Five Elements Ancient Treasure Formation to deal with this guy...

The key point is, is there any other benefit in killing this mountain giant?

Otherwise, there is no need to waste effort to deal with it...

Because seeing that the Sha Yin Ancestor started to hide in the cave, this mountain giant should be able to avoid it.

Another important situation is that the Sha Yin Ancestor appeared on the second floor and did not pass through the space channel where he came out, which means that his previous guess was correct. There is not only one channel to the second floor, and the method is not only to use the gold and silver rune compass...

That is to say, in this second layer, in addition to the terrifying mountain giant and the Sha Yin Ancestor, there should be other demon kings and immortal cultivators. These guys are all Jindan demon kings. How can I, a foundation-building cultivator, protect myself if I go in?

These guys are the biggest threat to me.

After all, his cultivation is far behind those beings.

Fortunately, he can now be completely sure that this second layer, this piece of forbidden defense, cannot be destroyed by the mountain giant, and the Sha Yin Ancestor did not rush in, which means that this defensive restriction is indeed as Ye Han thought. Once this restriction is out, it can't come in.

It's no wonder. I have been practicing in seclusion for so many years in the place where Wu Xuankong's soul is. Except for the Blue Lake Demon King who came from the space channel, I have not encountered other immortal cultivators or attacks by mountain giants.

It turns out that there is this huge restriction, so I am still very safe now.

But according to the direction pointed by the gold and silver rune compass, he must leave this area...

However, if there is no complete plan, Ye Han will not easily go out and take such a risk...

Just when Ye Han was about to go back.

"Daoyou! Daoyou! Please stay!"

An urgent voice suddenly came...

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