Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 65 A huge profit?

The clawed beast rushed out, and suddenly fell to the ground like a garlic being mixed...

I saw that his feet were entangled by vines.


The clawed beast roared angrily, and his feet shook violently, and the strength burst out, and the vines under his feet broke and exploded in an instant...

He just remembered.


Another circle of vines entangled his feet, and this time the vines continued to spread and entangle...

I saw Ye Han in the distance, his hands quickly pinched the seal, muttering something, and his mana surged out...

When he cast the spell, his mana was constantly exhausted, and the purple tripod in his arms kept replenishing mana...

It actually made the vine soul technique he cast spread out vines crazily.

It directly entangled the body of the clawed beast!

The claws of the clawed beast kept grabbing those vines and breaking them, but these vines seemed endless...

At this time,

Zhang Qingshan roared: "Die!"

He raised the battle axe with one arm, and turned it into an axe light and slashed at the neck of the claw beast...

Puff! ! !

The entire head of the claw beast was chopped off and blood spurted out. His body shook continuously, and the vines wrapped around his body instantly turned into dots of green light and disappeared.

The claw beast rushed forward for several feet and fell crookedly...


A burst of mud flew, and the claw beast's body fell to the ground, and its feet and limbs twitched...

As the claw beast's body fell to the ground, Ye Han appeared behind it...

Ye Han looked at the claw beast on the ground panting.

He had already seen that Senior Brother Zhang Qingshan was already at the end of his strength. If he really faced this claw beast, he actually didn't have much chance of winning.

And this guy already hated the cultivators very much, and was very cunning. After killing Zhang Qingshan, he would definitely deal with him.

With his cultivation, even a hundred Ye Hans would not be a match for this guy.

So he used the only spell he knew, the Vine Soul Technique, to drive his mana at all costs, constantly consuming his mana to release the Vine Soul Technique and entangle the Claw Beast.

Under normal circumstances, he could not release so many Vine Soul Techniques, and it was because the Purple Cauldron constantly helped him to recover his mana instantly.

This allowed him to continuously release the Vine Soul Technique to trap the Claw Beast and give Senior Brother Zhang Qingshan the opportunity to deliver a fatal blow to him.

He felt that the breath absorbed by the Purple Cauldron was almost exhausted.

This time he really lost a lot...

But compared to his life, what does this count for?

Although he did not agree with many of Zhang Qingshan's words, including this time Zhang Qingshan came out to rescue Zhang Sanlei, Wang Fulai, and Li Zongqing, he felt that he was too anxious.

At least he should see the situation clearly before coming out to rescue people.

How would he explain to Zhang Qingshan that he could perform the Vine Soul Technique continuously?

Zhang Qingshan killed the Claw Beast and breathed a sigh of relief. He was also at the end of his strength. This Claw Beast obviously looked a little wrong, and the fighting power it burst out was too strong.

This battle was no less dangerous than the one when he encountered the five casual cultivators besieging him.

Finally, his luck was good.


It was not because he was lucky, but because Ye Han used the Vine Soul Technique twice in a row to help him.

Once he killed the Qin Shan Da Xiong!

Once he trapped this Claw Beast.

It was just a move of the Vine Soul Technique, but this kid actually performed it to perfection, and the timing and key points he seized were really wonderful.

Moreover, how could he perform it so many times in the last time?

Thinking of this, Zhang Qingshan looked at Ye Han unintentionally. Not to mention Ye Han, it was impossible for him to perform the Vine Soul Technique so many times in a row, because this kind of spell consumes a lot of mana.

Otherwise, it would not be so amazing! It directly trapped the Claw Beast.

This kid has a secret.

However, as a cultivator, who doesn't have many secrets? Including himself, he was able to escape from the siege of so many cultivators last time because he used his strongest magical power and the treasure of the axe at the bottom of the box...

Zhang Qingshan put away the axe and said to Ye Han: "Junior Brother Ye! You did a great job, you really don't look like a rookie!"

Yes, Ye Han's calmness and the timing of his moves are so exquisite that they are incomparable to ordinary people.

Even some cultivators with good cultivation would find it difficult to make a move at such a critical moment and catch the enemy off guard.

This kid is really extraordinary.

Ye Han complained to Zhang Qingshan: "Senior Brother Zhang! Why are you so anxious to come out? The three of them have harmed you, and you still come out to save them."

Indeed, Ye Han really sneered at Zhang Qingshan's behavior. He knew that Zhang Sanlei and the other two were not good people, and they still harmed them, but Zhang Qingshan still came out to help them.

This time, his loss was not small. The aura absorbed by the purple cauldron was probably used up long ago!

He was still thinking that his cultivation could improve again.

But in order to save his life, this was the only way.

Zhang Qingshan heard what Ye Han said and said: "Junior Brother Ye! The three of them... are actually from the same hometown!"

When Zhang Qingshan said this, his face was a little lonely. Obviously, his relationship with Zhang Sanlei and the other two was not that simple, so at the critical moment, he actually came out to help these three people?

What is this? It was these three guys who had been plotting against him and Zhang Qingshan first...

After hearing this, Ye Han rolled his eyes. It was hard for him to say anything to Zhang Qingshan. After all, how did a good guy like him survive in the world of immortal cultivation? He really couldn't figure it out.

Could it be that good people are rewarded?

How is that possible? Or is it because Senior Brother Zhang Qingshan has his own little secret?

And his axe is definitely not an ordinary treasure! How could he have such a good treasure?

Anyway, he would not be so stupid as to come out and save his enemy by repaying evil with kindness.

So Ye Han said: "All three of them have already fallen, died at the hands of the monsters, we have nothing to say, it was their fate."

Zhang Qingshan nodded and said: "Okay! Junior Brother Ye! Now is not the time to talk, hurry up and clean up the battlefield, let's take all the things away."

He remembered that the last time he hunted monsters, the reason why he was besieged by others was that he was too slow to clean up the battlefield...

Ye Han's eyes moved and he became excited. Although this time was very dangerous, he didn't expect that there were two claw beasts, one of which was particularly powerful. Senior Brother Zhang Qingshan said that the higher the cultivation of the monster, the more good things it has, and the more valuable the materials on it.

Not to mention Zhang Sanlei's storage bag, the treasures and magic tools on his body...

And the treasures on Qin Shan Er Xiong.

That's not a small amount.

Zhang Qingshan looked at Ye Han, who looked like a money-grubber, and was both angry and amused...

The two quickly looted the storage bags and treasures on their bodies, and put the bodies of the two monsters directly into one or two storage bags...

Both of them could not hide their excitement. They made a lot of money this time, but there was no way to count how much spoils there were here!

Ye Han said: "Brother Zhang, we made a lot of money this time, let's go back quickly."

But Zhang Qingshan said: "No, we can't go back yet!"


Zhang Qingshan looked at the claw beast's cave and said: "These two claw beasts are entrenched here, and their cultivation has broken through to the second level. This cave should have a secret! Let's go in and take a look."

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