"Damn it! This brat, go practice by yourself, and treat me like a laborer!!"

"Oh my god! How can this brat have so many good materials?"

"Huh? This brat also has Gengjin Spiritual Liquid? It's really a waste of resources, and he actually uses it to make puppet materials?"

"Not bad, not bad! Let me see if I can refine a more powerful guy?"

"How about refining some spiritual cannons?"

Among the piles of materials, seven or eight semi-finished puppets were piled up on the side.

A metal puppet more than ten feet tall was talking to itself in human language, emitting magical auras, and using a furnace to refine some puppet materials.

After Fox Lao passed on the puppet magic to Ye Han, Ye Han became a hands-off shopkeeper, letting him refine puppets in the secret room, and Ye Han went into the secret room to practice the puppet magic.

This made Fox Lao very unhappy. After all, he was a Jindan-stage elder of the Puppet God Cult, and he was refining puppets for others here.

But Ye Han also had good reasons. How could his puppetry skills compare to Fox Old Man? And it was Fox Old Man who proposed the puppet formation.

Besides, Fox Old Man himself said that he couldn't drive a hundred puppets in his current situation. He needed Ye Han to perform the puppet formation.

The key to performing the puppet formation was the puppet god technique, which was the secret of the Puppet God Cult. It was passed on to Ye Han because Fox Old Man couldn't drive the puppet formation...

Otherwise, how could it be passed on to Ye Han?

However, even though he complained, Fox Old Man was really surprised to see Ye Han could come up with so many materials for refining puppets. He originally thought that Ye Han couldn't come up with so many materials to refine a hundred puppets, and he had to find ways to get them everywhere.

As a result, Ye Han took out so many materials, many of which were quite precious, which was more than enough to refine a hundred puppets.

There are many materials that Fox Old himself does not have. If he can use them to refine puppets, he is also very interested...

In fact, although Fox Old is the second elder of the Puppet God Sect, he is not actually a lineage that uses puppets to fight. His main ability is still a high level of puppet refining...

Although he is a mid-stage Jindan cultivator, in fact, his real fighting and combat level is only at the early stage of Jindan.

However, this is without puppets. Of course, puppeteers like Fox Old will become more powerful the more puppets they control.

The Jindan stage Puppet God Sect cultivators with puppets and the Puppet God Sect cultivators without puppets have different fighting and combat abilities.

This is also one of the reasons why after Fox Old lost his body and had no puppets, he could only seek cooperation from cultivators in the Foundation Establishment Stage like Ye Han...

If he had sought cooperation from those demon kings and cultivators in the Golden Core Stage, Fox Old would have been captured long ago...

There is no safety at all...

On the other hand, it is also because Ye Han, with his powerful spiritual consciousness and cultivation, is not as simple as it seems, and he is quite smart. Although he is not a good person, he is also quite decent in mind, which at least gives him a great sense of security.

It is just that this stinky boy has too many thoughts, and he does not suffer any loss at all. He does not feel guilty at all for using a great cultivator in the Golden Core Stage.

However, Fox Old also knows that although the level of puppets refined by Ye Han is good, it is still far behind him.

And the puppet magic does take a lot of time to practice, and he has worked hard only once...

In the absence of materials, after Fox Old refined eight puppets, he controlled the puppets to help him refine together, and the efficiency was greatly improved. However, the core part must be arranged by him personally.

Just as Fox Old Man complained, Ye Han was practicing the Puppet God Technique in the secret room at the moment...

Ye Han was seen sitting cross-legged in the secret room, with a trace of spiritual light radiating from his body, controlling the spiritual figures with blue light surging one by one, and quickly performing sword skills in the air...

There were a total of eighty-eight sixty-four of these spiritual figures.

If the sword skills performed by these sixty-four spiritual figures were the sword skills of the Qingxuan Sword Formation...

Using spiritual consciousness to control and perform sword skills, it has already exceeded the level of a foundation-building cultivator...

The reason why Ye Han can release such spiritual sword skills is that his spiritual consciousness is strong enough. His current spiritual consciousness has barely reached the level of a Jindan cultivator.

Before Ye Han practiced the Puppet God Technique, he actually didn't have this ability. The reason why he was able to improve so quickly was because he succeeded in practicing the Puppet God Technique and had already advanced to the second level of the Puppet God Technique.

The reason why he was able to improve so quickly was because his spiritual consciousness was strong and the realm of the Qingxin Gong he practiced was improved.

In fact, the puppet magic that Fox Old Man passed on to him is actually a secret method of using spiritual consciousness to strengthen one's own spiritual consciousness and fight.

Because the puppet god sect controls puppets to fight, in fact, it mainly relies on spiritual consciousness control, which is not higher than the metal puppets in the burial ground of immortals, let alone the ice lotus puppets.

However, in comparison, there is no one higher or lower, but the puppet magic of the puppet god sect requires a stronger spiritual consciousness control. This puppet magic is a secret method of powerful spiritual consciousness combat that can only be practiced by the true disciples or elders of the puppet god sect.

Moreover, the puppet god sect also looks at whether the disciples are born with strong spiritual consciousness, and does not pay much attention to the spiritual root attributes...

So Ye Han pretended to be a pig to eat the tiger, showed weakness to Fox Old Man, and kept saying that his magical power cultivation was not good and it was very dangerous to go out, just to let Fox Old Man pass on more secrets to him and refine more puppets. Isn't that the purpose?

Old Fox was now working hard outside to refine puppets, and he also passed on to him the secret puppetry technique of the Puppet God Sect...

What surprised Ye Han even more was that the puppetry technique complemented his Qingxin Gong. Qingxin Gong was mainly used to strengthen the state of mind, resist the inner demons, and deal with evil spirits, mental attacks, etc. It had a great defensive effect.

And the puppetry technique was mainly used for spiritual consciousness battles, which could release spiritual consciousness power to further strengthen his spiritual consciousness and exert even more amazing combat power...

The success of the second level of the puppetry technique made his spiritual consciousness, which had been stuck in the bottleneck for a long time, grow by 30% at once, and it has reached the level of a Jindan stage cultivator...

This time he can control 64 puppets to perform sword formations.

In fact, he had reached the level of puppetry technique required by Old Fox half a month ago. He didn't go out because he didn't want to reveal that he had cultivated to the second level of the puppetry technique, and let Old Fox spend a lot of effort to refine puppets outside.

Ye Han didn't want to be used as a pawn by this old fox, and he didn't believe that the old fox really told him the truth about the second floor and the so-called secret inheritance place. It was really that good...

He went into seclusion to improve his cultivation and strive to cultivate the puppet god technique to the third level before going out...

"Ye Han! How is your puppet god technique going?"

The old fox's voice suddenly came from outside.

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