Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 669: Spiritual Sense Push

Indeed, although this space is huge, with a hexagonal space of several thousand feet, the edge can be seen at a glance. The entire ground is an extremely flat gray-white ground, surrounded by walls, and the sky is also a gray-white plane...

There is only a huge six-sided square metal block in the air that is a hundred feet in size.

Besides this, there is nothing else.

Ye Han frowned. What's going on? Fox Lao told him about the possible situations that might be encountered on the first, second, third, and fourth floors of the Heritage Tower, such as large-scale monster sieges, breaking formations, mind illusion formations, wisdom tests, etc.

But he didn't say that there would be such a situation, with only a huge metal block suspended in the air in the middle, and nothing around?

However, Ye Han took a closer look at the metal block on it and found that this huge square metal block was not a whole metal block, but a metal block composed of small pieces of very flat cut metal blocks.

What surprised Ye Han even more was that each of these small metal blocks had an ancient character on it, one, two, three, four, five, and six, which were all messy...

What's going on?

Ye Han observed carefully. There were only numbers from one to six, but no seven, eight, or nine...

He observed for a while, and walked around the ground again. He searched the area of ​​thousands of feet in a short while, but found nothing.

It seems that the method to enter the third level should be in the big metal block in the middle.

Thinking so, Ye Han walked under the big metal block. This thing is really big. I don’t know what kind of metal it is. It would be great if I could take it away...

Huh? !

Ye Han suddenly found that in the second level, there were no restrictions on the forbidden air of the spiritual consciousness.

Thinking so, Ye Han released the Piercing Cloud Boat and flew out, circling around the huge metal block.

He circled around the huge square metal block. Except for the small blocks that were separated from it, there was nothing else to find.

Ye Han did not dare to approach the big metal block easily. If there was any danger, it would be too late to avoid it.

There was nothing else around. It seemed that he had encountered the other tests that Fox said.

After all, although Fox Lao had passed through the first, second, third and fourth floors of the Heritage Tower once, that was only once, and he had also told him that there were many unknown situations.

Now he was facing this kind of unknown situation.

There was only a huge metal block in the middle, and these metal blocks were divided into so many small pieces, and there were numbers one by one, what was going on?

Ye Han drove the Piercing Cloud Boat around the huge metal block for a while, and observed for a long time, but couldn't see anything.

Why not use the spiritual sense to scan the inside!

Ye Han felt that this metal block should not be dangerous, and his spiritual sense swept towards the metal block...

Buzz! When his spiritual sense swept towards the metal block, suddenly his spiritual sense was sucked over by the metal block...

The entire huge metal block trembled slightly, and then his spiritual sense was connected with the metal block...

What's going on?

Ye Han's heart moved, and he found that his spiritual sense felt like it was glued to the metal block, and subconsciously retracted his spiritual sense to avoid hurting his soul...

When he retracted his spiritual sense.

Kakaka! The huge metal block suddenly trembled slightly, twisted a little, and then returned to its original state...

Ye Han's heart moved, and he observed the dense numbers of one, two, three, four, five, and six on the huge metal block.

His eyes suddenly lit up, and he suddenly understood.

This entire huge metal block seems to be able to rotate on six sides?

Could it be that this level is to put all these numbers on one side? That shouldn't be difficult.

Thinking of this, Ye Han circled around the huge metal block, pinched the magic formula, and the magic power turned into a huge magic power spiritual light hand, pushing it towards the metal block...

However, when the magic power hand released by Ye Han approached the huge metal block.

Buzz! The huge metal block trembled violently, and a mysterious rune formed a light shield...

Puff! The magic power spiritual light hand released by Ye Han hit the light shield, and was swallowed up cleanly in an instant, without a trace of breath leaking out.

Ye Han felt that the magic power he released was like a mud cow entering the sea, without any reaction...

Hmm? What's going on?

Ye Han's face changed. There was clearly no forbidden light shield blocking his spiritual sense just now. Why can't mana pass through?

Could it be that mana cannot be used? Only spiritual sense can be used?

Thinking of this, Ye Han once again drove his spiritual sense outward and swept towards the huge hexagonal metal block.

Sure enough, Ye Han's spiritual sense turned into a wisp of blue-green spiritual light and surged towards the metal block. There was no longer any forbidden light shield blocking it. It was attached to the huge metal block. There was a special pulling force on it, which made Ye Han's spiritual sense stick to the metal block...

Ye Han's eyes lit up. It seemed that he had guessed right. This thing can only be approached by spiritual sense...

Then, doesn't it mean that if you want to rotate this huge metal block and let the numbers one, two, three, four, five, and six on it turn to one side, you can't use mana, but only use spiritual sense to rotate it?

Ye Han understood and immediately activated his spiritual sense. The blue-green spiritual light of his spiritual sense trembled slightly, and slowly pushed the huge piece of metal to rotate...

Sure enough, the huge metal block slowly rotated, and the small numbers on it twisted along with it.

The sound of the mechanism creaking came from the huge metal block. Ye Han felt that his consciousness was quite strenuous, and he tried hard to control his consciousness to rotate the huge metal block.

Finally, with a click, Ye Han controlled his consciousness to push the huge metal block to rotate a circle, making a sound of mechanical vibration, and he felt a little tired.

Ye Han's face became solemn. This rotation would consume so much consciousness. With so many small grids of numbers, it was unknown how much consciousness would be consumed to transfer all the numbers to a plane.

Moreover, Ye Han also found other problems. He couldn't use his consciousness to rotate randomly. If he rotated randomly, it would not only consume the energy of his consciousness, but also make the numbers more chaotic. It would be even more difficult to transfer them to a plane completely.

I also have to find a very smooth way to rotate the plane, and it would be best if I could arrange several numbers in the desired position at once, to reduce unnecessary movement...

Thinking of this, Ye Han took a breath of cold air. The guy who designed this huge piece of metal was really amazing. It was not easy to pass it. It was not only a test of the cultivator's spiritual power, but also a test of the cultivator's calculation intelligence...

Could this tower really be built for inheritance?

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