Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 67 Water Monster

Even though Ye Han has very little experience in treasure hunting, he has rarely been out.

But this sudden aura of heaven and earth was really amazing, and the aura of heaven and earth contained a refreshing fragrance. Just smelling this aura of heaven and earth made every pore in Ye Han's body feel comfortable.

The spirit was lifted up, this abundant spiritual energy of heaven and earth was by no means an ordinary thing.

At this time, senior brother Zhang Qingshan had already rushed in, and Ye Han also hurried over...

As the two of them flew forward, the spiritual energy of heaven and earth and the refreshing aroma coming from the front became stronger and stronger.

There must be some great treasure ahead.

Zhang Qingshan also looked excited.

Ye Han's eyes were slightly touched. When Senior Brother Zhang Qingshan decided to enter the claw beast's lair, he felt that Senior Brother Zhang Qingshan seemed to know something, so he decided to come in.

Now that I come in and find such amazing aura of heaven and earth, this is no coincidence at all.

Senior Brother Zhang Qingshan must have some means of discovering treasures.

The further you go forward, some stones that glow slightly appear on the cave wall. These stones have a special aura of heaven and earth.

It actually contains quite a lot of spiritual energy.

As the two of them walked forward, they found a faint light coming from the front. With Ye Han and Zhang Qingshan's cultivation, they could see clearly even with a little light.

Tick ​​tock!

Tick ​​tock! !

There was actually the sound of dripping water.

The two of them walked to the end of the cave, and the front suddenly opened up. There was actually a pool in front of them. Above the pool, some stones glowed brightly, and in the middle was a stalactite, which was dripping water drop by drop!

The entire cave is filled with astonishing spiritual energy of heaven and earth. The abundance of this spiritual energy of heaven and earth is several times stronger than that in Ye Han's cave.

Unexpectedly, there is such a pool full of spiritual energy in this clawed beast's lair.

The aura of heaven and earth emanating from this pool is really amazing.

Ye Han suddenly looked forward and found a plant that looked like a white lotus in the middle of the pool.

The refreshing fragrance comes from this white lotus.

Zhang Qingshan also saw the white lotus in the middle of the water, with indescribable surprise in his eyes, and murmured to himself: "What kind of treasure is this? Is it the legendary narcissus lotus? Or the thousand-year-old snow lotus? The water here actually contains such amazing content The aura of heaven and earth is clearly a spiritual spring."

Listening to Senior Brother Zhang Qingshan's words, Ye Han was also pleasantly surprised, because he felt that the purple tripod in his arms was constantly trembling, and he seemed to be very excited.

It's just that he doesn't know what the lotus in front is, and what kind of water is this?

Spirit spring?

Isn’t the spiritual water produced by Qingxuan Peak of Qingxuan Sect come from the spiritual spring?

Ye Han couldn't help but ask Zhang Qingshan: "Senior Brother Zhang! Are this spiritual spring and that lotus really good things?"

Zhang Qingshan immediately said: "Of course! The spiritual energy of heaven and earth contained in this spiritual spring water is by no means trivial. No wonder the two clawed orcs advanced to the second level in the Black Demon Forest! It turned out that they relied on the spiritual energy of heaven and earth from the spiritual spring. No wonder They occupy this place and won’t leave.”

As he spoke, he looked at the white lotus in the middle and said excitedly: "The lotus in the middle must be very extraordinary. I think it is a thousand-year-old thing! With these things! We really made a lot of money this time! As long as I Once the injury is fully recovered, I will be able to participate in the competition for the Foundation Establishment Pill!"

After hearing this, Ye Han was also happy for Zhang Qingshan. After all, there were too few senior brothers like Zhang Qingshan who were willing to help him. If his cultivation level could be higher, it would be of great benefit to him.

So Ye Han said: "Senior Brother Zhang! Then you should quickly collect that treasure!"

Zhang Qingshan nodded and said, "Look at me."

While he was speaking, he moved his body, lifted his foot slightly, rose into the air, crossed the pool, and grabbed the white lotus...

Seeing Zhang Qingshan rushing towards the white lotus, Ye Han suddenly felt something was wrong.


Since this is the territory of the claw beasts, if the white lotus is a real treasure, why don't the two claw beasts pick it and take it without improving their own cultivation?

Think of this.

Ye Han couldn't help it and shouted at Zhang Qingshan: "Senior Brother Zhang! Don't pick it! There's a problem!!"

Zhang Qingshan was about to grab Bai Lianhua when he suddenly heard Zhang Yehan shouting. His heart skipped a beat and he wanted to take back his grabbing hand!

Just at this moment.

The petals of the white lotus suddenly opened, and a piece of pink mist spurted out, whizzing towards Zhang Qingshan's face.

Zhang Qingshan exclaimed, his magic power surged instantly, and his arms surged with golden light, blocking him in front of him...

But the pink mist sprayed out still made Zhang Qingshan smell a little bit.

He suddenly felt dizzy!

The aura that can make him, a monk at the eleventh level of Qi refining stage, feel dizzy, is absolutely extraordinary!

"Death!" Zhang Qingshan roared angrily, his arm exploded with golden light, and he punched the white lotus...

boom! ! !

A fist punch blasted out, and the white lotus and the water pool exploded violently. A large splash of water exploded, and the entire cave buzzed...

Ouch! !

An angry roar of a demonic beast came from the pool, followed by a mouth larger than the water tank, full of fangs and a bloody mouth, fiercely biting Zhang Qingshan.

Zhang Qingshan kicked the monster on the head, and the whole body flew backwards...

The monster was kicked into the pool!

Bang! !

A splash of water, the monster's huge body went directly into the water and disappeared.

Ye Han could see clearly from a distance that the monster had a disguised tentacle on its head that looked like a white lotus.

The whole body was a huge water monster. He didn't see what it looked like. The shadow of this guy was seven or eight feet big, with a long and thin tail, and gray-black fish scales all over his body...

Bang! ! Zhang Qingshan's body was also hit back by the water monster and hit the mountain wall...

The mountain wall suddenly cracked and exploded, Zhang Qingshan opened his mouth and spit out a large mouthful of blood, and fell to the ground...

The rocks fell down with a crash!

Zhang Qingshan had never thought that the white lotus with a refreshing fragrance was actually a disguise of this monster.

If Ye Han hadn't reminded him in advance, I'm afraid...

Zhang Qingshan stood up suddenly!

He suddenly felt dizzy, and his strength was rapidly draining away. His magic power couldn't work anymore...

It's bad! The mist that guy just sprayed out was poisonous!

It's over! This guy is definitely not easy to deal with.

Zhang Qingshan immediately yelled at Ye Han: "Junior Brother Ye! Run away! We can't deal with this guy."

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