Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 671 Breaking through the bottleneck

Seeing this, Ye Han almost collapsed and cursed...

It took him so long to finally turn more than 700 No. 1s to one plane...

Of course, he was very depressed when he suddenly got this.

However, it was not beyond his expectations. It was not so easy for him to slowly rotate this huge six-sided metal block to one plane.

I saw that the metal block stopped after a rapid and dazzling rotation. The numbers on the No. 1s that were finally transferred together were completely messed up...

Seeing this scene, Ye Han was depressed. Is it going to start over again?

However, he spent so many hours to turn seven or eight hundred No. 1s to one plane. Although there are some numbers on other planes with the same number, it is still a long way to get the six numbers on one plane.

Now looking at this huge metal block, it suddenly rotates and becomes chaotic. That means there is a time limit to rotate the numbers on these metal blocks to one plane.

Ye Han estimated, and his spiritual sense began to push the metal block to rotate, until the metal block suddenly shook off his spiritual sense and began to automatically scramble the numbers on the plane of the metal block.

It was about three hours.

In other words, if Ye Han could not rotate the 999 numbers on the six sides to a plane within three hours.

After the time was up, the digital plane on this huge metal block would be automatically disrupted, and everything would start from the beginning...

After thinking about this situation clearly, Ye Han's face turned black. This damn thing was really not that simple. Although his spiritual sense could barely push the metal block to rotate, the speed was too slow, so he was in trouble.

He was still a long way from it before. How could all the six digital faces be neatly moved to a plane in three hours?

Speed ​​alone is not enough, and there must be enough skills. If you only consider the numbers on one plane when rotating these metal blocks, it is not enough. Even if the spiritual sense is a powerful enough Jindan stage cultivator, it is impossible to successfully rotate so many planes within three hours.

If, by rotating this huge metal surface once, I can turn several numbers to the desired position, then the efficiency is greatly improved, and the speed may be faster.

Ye Han recalled that when he turned the metal block just now, it was not only the numbers on one side that were moving, but the numbers in a circle were rotating...

If the sense is clear, instead of considering the numbers on one plane, it is still necessary to consider and analyze the numbers on six planes at once, and use the shortest time to rotate more numbers to the desired position, then wouldn’t the efficiency be greatly improved?

However, it is easy to say, but it is very difficult to do.

This huge metal block has 999 faces on one side, and the six numbers on it are all scrambled. When he rotates it, he must consider all the numbers inside, which places great demands on the spiritual memory and calculation ability of the cultivator.

After thinking about this situation clearly, Ye Han took a breath of cold air. This thing is really not so easy to deal with...

Fox Lao did not tell him that there is such a metal block layer with spiritual consciousness, memory, and calculation ability.

But since he was unlucky and encountered it, he had to bite the bullet.

Thinking this way, Ye Han used his spiritual sense to push the huge metal block again...

This time, he observed the numbers on the six sides of the block and started to rotate it.

Sure enough, after rotating it a few times, he kept thinking about the rotation of several sides. In this way, the efficiency seemed to be improved a lot...

However, this consumed a lot of his mind.

Ye Han only used his spiritual sense to rotate it dozens of times, and each side corresponded to a number. After dozens of times, there were already more than a hundred sides on the same corresponding side...

However, it only lasted for half an hour, and Ye Han had to stop.

Why did he stop?

Because he felt that his spiritual sense had been consumed to the extreme, and he felt dizzy and couldn't hold on.

Tsk! No way, he had to recover his spiritual sense first.

Ye Han stopped, drove the Piercing Cloud Boat to the ground, and sat cross-legged.

In fact, he stopped consciously, and gritted his teeth to hold on for another quarter of an hour, and rotated a few times. He felt that he could still hold on.

He also had to consider a question, whether the rotation of this metal block would automatically rotate and re-disorder in three hours.

Moreover, he felt that although it was smoother this time, it was still not enough time to complete the rotation and arrangement of the small plane of six numbers within three hours.

He had to speed up and think more carefully.

So, he simply gave up this rotation, and after recovering his consciousness, he tried again in one breath...

Ye Han took out a bottle of top-grade divine spirit pills, poured out one, and stuffed it into his mouth. A cold breath spread in his abdomen, and the driver automatically absorbed this breath, and then fed back the breath of the purple tripod to restore his consciousness...

Yes, since the last time he got the purple tripod replica in Baoshan Pagoda and merged it, the purple tripod can also absorb the divine spirit pills such as the divine spirit pills that can restore the cultivation of consciousness, and can quickly restore the consciousness...

It's a pity that Ye Han has been using the divine spirit pills and other elixirs to restore the cultivation of consciousness for cultivation in recent years. Now he has only this bottle of top-grade divine consciousness pills left to restore the cultivation of consciousness.

Of course, if Ye Han had not been cultivating his consciousness all these years, his consciousness would not be so strong now. With the help of Qingxin Gong and Guishenshu, he could barely reach the spiritual consciousness of a Jindan-stage cultivator.

Without the current spiritual consciousness, it would be impossible for him to push the surface of this huge metal block with his consciousness.

Although Ye Han's consciousness was restored by more than half after using a top-grade divine pill, he still needed to use Qingxin Gong to fully recover.

When Ye Han was meditating and using Qingxin Gong to restore his consciousness, he was surprised to find that his consciousness, which had reached a bottleneck, had actually broken through the upper limit and increased a little bit...

This discovery made Ye Han very surprised. Although his spiritual consciousness was only improved a little bit, what did it mean? He had broken the bottleneck of the spiritual consciousness realm and could actually go further.

When a foundation-building cultivator really had the spiritual consciousness of a Jindan-stage cultivator, it would be very easy for him to avoid Jindan-stage cultivators in the future.

Why did my spiritual consciousness suddenly break through the upper limit bottleneck?

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