Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 683 The Heaven-Defying Tripod

boom! boom! ! !

The evil energy of the evil ancestor of the evil ancestor shook out, and his figure teleported and trembled, appearing less than a hundred feet behind Ye Han...

While he was chatting with Ye Han, he had already caught up with Ye Han and was several thousand feet away. He calculated that although this bastard boy's flying boat was fast, it was not as fast as his teleportation magical power. He used it twice in a row. If you use teleportation magical power, you can catch up.

As the evil spirit surged, the figure of Sha Yin Ancestor appeared, and the terrifying evil spirit burst out instantly, and he reached out to grab it...

boom! ! A hundred-foot-long hand composed of gray evil energy crushed the air waves that shook the world, and grabbed the top of Ye Han's head with shocking evil energy.

This bastard boy is only at the foundation-building stage, how could he possibly be able to block his full blow?

However, Ye Han had already prepared for it. How could an old fox like Ancestor Shayin really be nagging him? I also expected that this guy would definitely attack me with teleportation powers...

The treasures and magical powers on his body cannot stop the attack of the evil ancestor...


Ye Han pointed his finger, and astonishing purple runes burst out, and a mysterious and mysterious treasure qi swirled out...

Buzz! A piece of purple-gold runes trembled!

Purple tripod!

Ye Han actually released the purple cauldron from the sea of ​​consciousness...

The purple cauldron grew into a size of tens of feet, and the primitive and boundless aura on it shocked a suffocating purple rune radiance. It was as if the heaven and earth stopped moving at this moment...

What treasure is that? ?

The ancestor of Shayin looked extremely horrified when he saw the purple tripod. This treasure gave off a treasure aura, which actually made him feel frightened and frightened...

He has been practicing for thousands of years, but has he ever encountered such a treasure that makes him feel frightened...

What level baby is this?

Without waiting for him to think too much.

boom! ! The evil hand that the evil ancestor grabbed out struck the purple cauldron...

The cultivators in the middle stage of the golden elixir stage bombarded it with all their strength, like a mud cow entering the sea. The boundless terrifying evil energy bombarded it, and in an instant, it was swallowed up by the purple cauldron...

The entire purple cauldron trembled, and circles of gray light and evil energy trembled...

damn it! What kind of treasure is this? He actually blocked the full force of his own claw from a middle-stage Jindan cultivator?

Before the evil ancestor was sufficiently frightened...

The weird and huge purple cauldron turned into a purple rune and penetrated into Ye Han...

at the same time.

boom! ! With a thunderous explosion of light, the cloud-piercing boat exploded in speed and flew a thousand feet away...

hateful! What kind of treasure did this bastard kid use? He was actually able to block a full blow from himself...

Ancestor Sha Yin had a look of horror on his face, his figure suddenly exploded with speed, and he chased Ye Han and Chuanyunzhou...

"You brat! Don't think you can hide from me just because you have a treasure!"

The ancestor of Shayin shouted angrily while doing this!

I really didn't expect that damn Ye Han still had such a treasure on him. If he had reacted just now, he should have snatched the tripod with the shocking aura...

From his point of view, that purple tripod is definitely a heaven-defying treasure. Even the Yinsha Divine Cauldron, the treasure of his Yinsha Sect, is not as good as the weird purple tripod that appeared just now...

It is very possible that this kid was able to hide here for more than a month because of the purple tripod...

Even if this kid can restore mana without limit, he is definitely that treasure.

We must get this heaven-defying purple cauldron.

Ancestor Shayin's eyes were red. Such a treasure actually fell into the hands of a foundation-building immortal cultivator...

And there is no way to escape on this third floor. I would really be sorry for myself if I didn't snatch this treasure.

Thinking like this, the eyes of the Shayin Patriarch were full of greed. With his thousand years of practice, he was absolutely right...

Full of confidence and greed, he accelerated like crazy and chased Ye Han, preparing to go up a little further and activate his teleportation power. This time, he must take advantage of the moment he released this treasure to rob this guy first. Ziding, deal with this bastard boy again...

Ye Han's face was solemn. Of course he deliberately released the purple cauldron to block the attack of the evil ancestor...

First of all, although he has many magical treasures with defensive power that far exceeds that of ordinary foundation-building immortal cultivators.

But the only way to block the powerful attack of the evil ancestor is to release the Five Elements Ancient Treasure Formation, or the Immortal Killing Yin and Yang Sword Formation, or a large formation composed of hundreds of puppets!

However, whether it is the Five Elements Ancient Treasure Formation, the Immortal Killing Yin-Yang Sword Formation, or the Puppet Formation, they must be arranged in advance and require time to input mana and sufficient preparation time before they can be activated.

The evil ancestor teleported to catch up and launched a sudden attack, which was actually what Ye Han had expected.

It is possible to release the purple cauldron and resist the old guy's full blow.

You know, when Ye Han encountered the bombardment of heavenly calamity before, he was able to block the terrible calamity...

The purple tripod withstood the catastrophic blow and remained intact.

Compared with the powerful attack of the evil ancestor, there is still a big gap between it and the Heavenly Tribulation.

The point is, the ancestor of Shayin did not expect that Ye Han would have such a terrifying treasure that could block a blow from him, a middle-stage golden elixir cultivator.

By the time he reacted, Ye Han had already taken back the purple tripod, and accelerated the cloud-piercing boat with all his strength to escape a thousand feet away...

Wait for the evil ancestor to continue to catch up...

Ye Han could feel the crazy, hot and greedy look in Patriarch Shayin's eyes when he saw Ziding...

Yes, he deliberately released the purple tripod, and there was another purpose, which was to make the old ancestor Sha Yin's greed explode and tempt him to chase him desperately.

He had thought it through very clearly. This level was the level where the inheritance tower deliberately teleported the two of them. Only by killing each other could they enter the next level.

It can be said that this was a fight of life and death. There was no solution except killing each other.

Exposing the purple tripod was no longer important. The current situation was that either he would be killed or he would kill the old ancestor Sha Yin...

If he was killed, the purple tripod would definitely fall into the hands of the old ancestor Sha Yin.

It would be better to use the purple tripod as a huge bait to tempt the old ancestor Sha Yin to chase him madly...

Let the old ancestor Sha Yin lose his past calmness and caution, because the old ancestor Sha Yin, who hunted immortal cultivators and wanted many more opportunities, would definitely not be able to suppress his greed when he saw such protection, which gave him an opportunity!

Everything was under his control...

Sure enough, the greed in the eyes of the old ancestor Sha Yin.

In an instant!

Boom! The body of the Sha Yin Patriarch burst out with terrible evil spirit runes, and his body instantly disappeared into the air...

This sinister Sha Yin Patriarch used the teleportation magic again!

This time he was ready. If this kid used the strange purple treasure tripod to block him again, he would accept this treasure without hesitation.

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