Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 685 Give him back his hand?

The Sha Yin Patriarch had never expected that after chasing Ye Han for a long time, he would chase him back to this huge mountain...

In fact, when he arranged the evil spirit on the entire third layer in order to catch Ye Han, he had already detected the terrain range of the entire third layer, which was about 500 miles in radius...

There were some peaks at the edge, and beyond that was an unshakable forbidden light shield...

Now the third layer was full of evil spirits. No matter how Ye Han escaped, he had been contaminated by it, and he could not escape his pursuit.

So he didn't need to use the teleportation magic power to consume too much of his mana, so as not to really capsize in the ditch.

However, this damn bastard boy actually flew back to this mountain in a series of escapes, and this place also made him feel dangerous.

And Ye Han had already dived down to the ground and drilled into the woods below...

Although the Sha Yin Patriarch could still lock the position of Ye Han, this dangerous breath made him calm down a little...

This kid is cunning, will he fall into a trap if he chases him? This guy has a formation!

Humph! What formation can stop him?

Ancestor Sha Yin thought of the strange purple tripod treasure that Ye Han had just released. That thing released an incomparable treasure aura...

It is definitely a super extraordinary treasure...

Damn it! This guy will never sit and wait for death. Even if there is danger, can a foundation-building cultivator have the means to kill him?


Ancestor Sha Yin's mind is completely on the purple tripod. He has never seen such a heaven-defying treasure in his life. If he can get this treasure, he may really be able to become a Yuanying cultivator...

After all, he has been practicing for thousands of years, and his life span is not much, and he is only in the middle stage of the golden elixir, not the late stage of the golden elixir, and his hand is broken!

Although the remaining life span seems to be quite a lot, there are still a few hundred years, but it is very normal that there is no progress in these hundreds of years.

He must get this treasure, even if there is danger ahead, it can't stop him!

I am a mid-stage Jindan cultivator, and I have many magical treasures hidden in my chest. Why should I be afraid of a kid who is only in the foundation-building stage?

Thinking of this, the evil spirit of the Sha Yin Patriarch burst out, and his figure quickly rushed down to the forest below!


The figure of the Sha Yin Patriarch had just rushed down a hundred feet...

Swish, swish, swish! ! A series of sharp and suffocating sword lights and sword beams gushed out from the woods like a storm, bombarding the Sha Yin Patriarch...

"Nothing more!" The Sha Yin Patriarch's eyes showed a trace of disdain, and he shouted coldly, and his backhand trembled. A gray light skull shield treasure appeared in his hand. As he pinched the formula and chanted the spell...


The Sha Yin Patriarch shouted angrily, pointed his finger, and the skull on the skull shield seemed to come alive, opened his mouth and sucked violently...

Huhuhuhu! ! A fierce gust of wind whistled, and the golden sword light that burst out madly was terrible in power, but it was indeed absorbed by the skull of the skull shield of the ancestor Sha Yin.

Most shield treasures are used to defend against the attacks of the opponent's magic treasures, but the shield treasure of the ancestor Sha Yin actually absorbed the opponent's attack...

This is not an ordinary treasure.

And the sword light released by Ye Hanshan below was also quite powerful, which surprised the ancestor Sha Yin. Is this kid really in the foundation-building period?

How can there be such a sharp sword technique?

So, the ancestor Sha Yin swept his consciousness and found the situation, and said in surprise: "Sword formation?"

Yes, he has discovered that there is actually an extremely powerful sword formation arranged below...

He remembered that when he felt Ye Han's breath before, there was no sword formation when he chased to this place...

How could there be a sword formation suddenly?

And judging from the power, it is not an ordinary sword formation?

Is this bastard kid trying to lure me to this sword formation to besiege and kill?

Is this his conspiracy?

Isn't this too much of an underestimation of the cultivation of a Jindan-stage cultivator?

Just at this moment.

"Hmm? My hand?!" The old ancestor Sha Yin suddenly felt the breath of his broken hand again...

Suddenly! He found that Ye Han was standing in the center of the next open space sword formation, and behind him was a wooden house...

Next to him, stood a metal puppet. This puppet obviously had an extraordinary aura, and the shape was also lifelike, just like a real person.

The old ancestor Sha Yin suddenly felt that the breath of his broken hand was emanating from the metal puppet, and it was on the hand of the metal puppet. It seemed that it had completely merged with the metal puppet...

Seeing this scene, the old ancestor Sha Yin was so angry that he cursed: "Damn it! I actually refined my hand on the puppet!"

Thinking of this, the old ancestor Sha Yin quickly pinched his fingers and chanted a spell. His hand trembled, and the black and red gourd magic weapon flew out. As he pinched his fingers and chanted a spell...

Buzz buzz buzz! Circles of terrifying evil spirits burst out from the black and red gourd magic weapon, forming a terrifying evil spirit black light that was dozens of feet wide...

"You're looking for death!" The old ancestor Sha Yin roared, pointing his finger at Ye Han's head and preparing to cast a spell...

Ye Han roared: "Old ancestor Sha Yin! Listen to me! If you dare to attack me, I will destroy your hand!"

As he spoke, he moved his consciousness and drove the Ice Lotus Puppet...

The Ice Lotus Puppet was spinning with cold sword lights, holding a long sword towards the broken hand of the Sha Yin Ancestor. As long as Ye Han gave an order, the broken hand would be cut off immediately and completely destroyed...

After hearing this, the Sha Yin Ancestor shouted coldly: "Do you think I'm afraid of you? I have plenty of ways to restore my hand!"

As he spoke, he pointed his finger, and the evil spirit of the black and red gourd magic weapon sprayed out evil spirit ghosts one by one, which merged and gathered crazily in the air and turned into a huge evil spirit ghost...

This evil spirit ghost was wearing a brutal armor, emitting boundless cold evil spirit, and the space within a radius of hundreds of feet was dark, covering the sky and the sun and crushing down towards the top of Ye Han's head...

Seeing this, Ye Han shouted coldly: "That means there is no negotiation! Forget it if you don't want it!"

As he spoke, his consciousness moved...

Buzz! The Ice Lotus Puppet really chopped off its own broken hand with a sword!


Sparks flew everywhere, and the broken hand of the Sha Yin Patriarch separated from the hand of the Ice Lotus Puppet...

An unexpected scene appeared for the Sha Yin Patriarch.

Ye Han roared: "You don't want it! I don't want it!"

Following his order, the Ice Lotus Puppet actually threw the broken hand of the Sha Yin Patriarch and smashed it towards him...

What...is going on? The Sha Yin Patriarch didn't believe this scene. Is this kid crazy? Isn't this giving his hand back to himself?

No! This kid must have a conspiracy...

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