Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 712 Fairy Grass

Because these white flowers are really fairy grass, they will wither immediately and completely lose their spirituality and medicinal power if they lose the growth conditions.

So these white flowers are real fairy grass.

This certainly made him very happy, because he had captured thousands of fairy grasses in the purple tripod space. Although some of them withered, they were basically still alive. They were planted in his own purple tripod space and did not continue to wither, but they were still alive. Whether they can survive depends on the follow-up situation.

The point is that this is a real fairy grass. If it can be successfully planted in his own purple tripod space, the breath that can be provided to the purple tripod will also be amazing.

What made him helpless was that he was a little slow to do it himself and only picked thousands of fairy grasses.

In the travel notes and autobiographies of the immortal cultivators he had read, it was mentioned that fairy grass is extremely rare and can only grow in places where the spiritual energy of heaven and earth is very pure and there is no interference from demonic energy and evil spirits.

Moreover, the growth rate is extremely slow and the conditions are also very harsh. It is one of the three legendary fairy grasses.

The most important thing is the effect. It is said that it can help cultivators break through the bottleneck of cultivation. It is also one of the main ingredients for refining Yuanying stage pills. It can also increase the cultivation of spiritual consciousness, etc. Ye Han does not know exactly how much it can do.

Each plant is worth tens of millions of spirit stones.

It can be said that after getting this batch of fairy grass, all the losses consumed by Ye Han since entering the inheritance tower have multiplied by dozens of times.

Of course, if you lose your life in the process, it will be a false joy.

The most important thing is that Ye Han also found that after the purple tripod absorbed the coffin, the space of his purple tripod continued to grow by almost three times, and the spiritual energy of the world inside also changed...

The breath of colorful spiritual light began to appear. This breath of colorful spiritual light made Ye Han feel very obvious. It was the breath of the so-called inheritance tree...

There was also the breath of this place when he entered this place.

He saw that the fairy grass that was a little withered and withered could barely survive and began to absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth...

He didn't sense it clearly before, and the purple tripod sucked the coffin in.

Now it seems that the coffin is the function of the fairy grass.

What kind of treasure is that coffin?

The key point is that there is a woman lying in the coffin, and he didn't see what she looked like...

From the tone of this woman, she actually recognized the purple tripod.

This put Ye Han under a lot of pressure. He was able to have today's cultivation, and most of it was due to this mysterious and strange purple tripod.

Now this woman suddenly appeared, recognized his purple tripod, and her tone was very strange.

So, Ye Han tried to control his consciousness to communicate with the mysterious coffin in the purple tripod...

Who knew that Ye Han's consciousness was blocked outside by an invisible force before it reached the coffin, and it couldn't reach the coffin at all.

Tsk! Does this thing still think it is the owner inside? It doesn't let itself speak.

Damn! Sooner or later, I will kick you out.

Ye Han's face looked a little ugly. He didn't mind the coffin. What he minded was that the woman was actually in his purple tripod with the coffin, and he couldn't do anything about her. Of course, he was in a bad mood.

However, he also knew that his cultivation might be too low, just like the Fantian Pagoda that the purple tripod had put in. So far, he had no way to take out this treasure and play its due role.

Forget it, let's see if there are any other gains!

Thinking of this, Ye Han's spiritual sense swept out in all directions...

He found that the spiritual energy of the heaven and earth here was constantly drying up, and the withered fairy grass on the ground had long disappeared. How much breath...

The surrounding area was empty, and there was nothing.

Ye Han's face was indescribably strange. This was strange. How could he get out?

As soon as he had this thought, the whole space suddenly began to twist and tremble, and a trace of air ripples rose in the air, and a piece of rune spiritual light trembled...

Kakaka! ! A burst of cracking sound came out in the air, and countless cracks began to appear in the space...

Not good! This space is about to collapse.

Ye Han felt this scene and quickly released the Fortune Heavenly Fang. The sixth level of Blood Refining Technique was running to the extreme, and he released four defensive treasures to protect his body.

At this time, the space was distorted more and more, impacting Ye Han's body. His defensive treasures continued to shock the distorted spiritual light, and the Fortune Heavenly Fang began to distort...

He felt that his whole body and mind were about to be twisted and shattered!

Boom! ! The cracks in the space continued to collapse and distort, and a brilliant distorted light exploded...

Ye Han's body was spinning and rolling in the air, and he had entered the distorted space...

Under the inheritance tree!

Crack! ! The huge inheritance tree was actually shaking and twisting constantly, the leaves were constantly withering, the entire trunk began to wilt constantly, and the fruits on it were constantly falling...

What is going on?

What did that kid do?

How could the Tree of Death collapse?

Fox Old watched in amazement as the Tree of Inheritance continued to shatter, and the colorful spiritual light began to disappear...

When Ye Han was sucked into the purple rune vortex, he felt that something was wrong.

His own calculations were completely in vain, and he thought that he had worked in vain this time, and his body would never come back...

Unexpectedly, not long after Ye Han entered, the fruit that trapped his body broke and fell off.

This was a pleasant surprise. After having a body, Fox Old Man had recovered his cultivation strength.

Moreover, he felt that his physical strength had increased a lot, and he had reached the peak of the fourth level of the middle stage of the Golden Core, and his storage bag was still on him.

Unexpectedly, his body came back after a mistake.

But the current situation was beyond his expectation. This huge tree of death had actually begun to wither, and its aura had become very weak. The spiritual energy of the entire world was also becoming very weak...

Suddenly, Fox Old's face changed, and he looked into the distance, only to see two figures standing dozens of feet away, emitting an amazing aura of demon kings and staring at Fox Old...

Feeling the aura of the two demon kings, Fox Old's face changed, and he looked at the two demon kings coldly: "I didn't expect you to be alive?"

The two demon kings, one had green skin all over his body, all covered with business cards, and his head looked like a wolf's head...

The other was burly, with a belly as big as a bucket, and his head looked like a wild boar...

The two demon kings looked at each other and were about to speak...

Snap! A figure rushed out from the trunk of the tree, and Ye Han fell to the ground...

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