Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 727 Irresistible temptation

The Wolf Howl King concealed his aura, without emitting any breath, and quietly lurked in the direction where Ye Han hid his body in the formation...

This guy must not be an ordinary cultivator, otherwise how could he kill the Mountain Spirit King and escape from the old fox?

I must be careful, otherwise I will suffer the loss!

But the human cultivators are so cunning! Could it be a trap?

The Wolf Howl King thought half-heartedly, and his speed slowed down again, hesitating.

Yes, human cultivators are all careful, otherwise they will suffer a big loss.

I have suffered this kind of loss many times. If it weren't for my good luck, I'm afraid I would have become the material for the cultivators to refine weapons and treasures.

But this guy really looks injured, otherwise, how could he set up a formation and set up so many defenses?

If he knew I was here, he shouldn't be able to meditate, let alone be so cautious, right?

Thinking of this, Wolf Howl King hesitated again. It didn't look like he was deliberately leading him there.

Humph! He was a demon king. He was outside the forbidden light shield before because of the five elements imprisonment formation, which made him unable to use his demonic energy and magic power, which allowed this kid to take advantage.

However, Wolf Howl King still approached cautiously. He had already gone down the giant mountain and suddenly smelled a breath that made him intoxicated...

Hmm? ! How could the breath on this kid be so pure?

Good guy, such a pure physical blood breath is definitely not that of an ordinary foundation-building cultivator!

Even a cultivator in the Golden Core Stage does not have such a pure breath.

Of course, he is still much worse in terms of cultivation, but these are two aspects. The purity of the physical body shows that this cultivator has not practiced any evil magic skills, and has cultivated his cultivation purely by absorbing the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, or elixirs.

And the elixir on his body has almost no residual breath, no! Not almost! But not at all.

How is this possible? Why is the body of a cultivator so pure?

The aura of Ye Han in front of him made him feel that this guy was not a cultivator at all, but a natural treasure that grew up in a pure place.

Yes, Ye Han's current body is just like the extremely pure natural treasure, extremely pure, and contains the ultimate spiritual energy of heaven and earth.

In fact, this is also true. Ye Han's cultivation is not actually cultivated by sitting in meditation, refining qi, taking pills or any natural treasures.

Although he also needs enough natural treasures and pills to be able to cultivate and improve...

Basically, he relies on the strange and strange purple cauldron to absorb natural treasures and pills, and after converting them into the aura of the purple cauldron, let the aura of the purple cauldron be fed back to Ye Han to absorb and cultivate.

The aura produced by the purple cauldron absorbing pills is already extremely pure, allowing Ye Han to cultivate mana and the aura of Ye Han's physical body to cultivate is also very pure...

It can be said that the current Ye Han's physical body is undoubtedly the ultimate tonic for monsters and monster cultivators. After eating it, it can be converted into cultivation without even refining it.

It is equivalent to an extremely pure place, where natural treasures have grown for ten thousand years.

This is really great! If I can eat this guy, I will definitely be able to break through the bottleneck of cultivation...

After smelling this breath, Wolf Howl King's eyes were full of excitement, eager to try, and he really couldn't bear this temptation.

Damn, no wonder this guy is so powerful in the foundation building period, there must be some heaven-defying treasure or opportunity.

I must kill this guy, and the opportunity will definitely be mine!

Wolf Howl King thought so, his eyes were full of greed, and he really couldn't bear this temptation, so he accelerated towards Ye Han's direction...

Ye Han sat cross-legged in the Great Dragon Trapping Formation, and his amazing blood and qi surged in all directions...

Of course, he deliberately released his blood and qi in this way. Originally, he would not leak blood and qi when he practiced the exercises.

The reason for this is that he also knows that his physical blood and qi are not comparable to ordinary cultivators.

He summed up that the reason why he encountered many monsters before, or why the Blue Lake Demon King later chased him, was because he was attracted by the extraordinary blood and qi of his body.

Because his cultivation method is different from that of 99% of immortal cultivators. He relies on the strange purple cauldron to cultivate, which means that his mana aura and the absorbed medicinal aura have been filtered by the purple cauldron, and his mana aura and body are extremely pure.

It can be said that he is a natural tonic for monsters.

Even more extreme immortal cultivators, those who cultivate magic and evil methods, can improve their own cultivation by devouring his cultivation.

This is Ye Han’s current situation...

So he has been deliberately concealing his aura, and the reason why the Seventh Elder cares so much about his aura is the same.

Therefore, when Ye Han knew that the Wolf Howl King was peeping at him, he could only enter but not leave this place, so he deliberately emitted his blood and qi to lure the Wolf Howl King to come...

He has prepared enough killing moves for the Wolf Howl King!

As long as this guy dares to rush up, there is only one way to die!

Now it depends on who is more patient. Wolf Howl King can't resist this temptation...

Although Wolf Howl King came very slowly and his breath was hidden, Ye Han still noticed that Wolf Howl King was approaching him...

The Wolf Howl King slowly approached the area where Ye Han was, his eyes full of greed...

However, he still had some concerns. Would this kid lure him into a trap?

But this blood and qi aura really attracted him more than any natural treasures.

This reminded the Wolf Howl King that the most crucial battle for him to become the demon king was to risk defeating and devouring a wounded human Jindan-stage cultivator...

Yes! This guy is definitely injured! Even though he has great magical powers and amazing treasures, he is after all a foundation-building cultivator. Killing the Mountain Spirit King and dealing with the old fox will definitely consume a lot of energy, and it is very likely that he was seriously injured.

Even if he was not seriously injured, the consumption was also great. If he didn't deal with this kid now, he would be in trouble when he recovered.

After all, the forbidden light shield of this place can enter but not exit...

The Wolf Howl King convinced himself so much that he had lurked a hundred feet in front of Ye Han...

The first to strike is the strongest, and the last to strike will suffer.

The Wolf King's fierce look was exposed. He could no longer bear this temptation. Suddenly, a shocking demonic aura burst out. A gray light rune trembled around his body. He opened his mouth and spit out a gray light long sword in front of him...

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