Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 737: Late Stage of Foundation Building

In the secret room.

Ye Han sat cross-legged on a cushion, with circles of mana aura surging and the astonishing mana flame trembling around him...


Buzz! Ye Han's body shook, and the astonishing mana wave rolled and vibrated on his body...

An extremely powerful seventh-level aura of the foundation-building period surged and burst out on Ye Han's body...

Feeling this extremely powerful aura of mana, Ye Han couldn't help but reveal a hint of surprise at the corner of his mouth. He didn't expect that he would break through to the late stage of the foundation-building period so quickly.

In his cultivation career, he was able to cultivate to the late stage of the foundation-building period. He would be a man who defied the heavens no matter where he was placed.

However, the reason why he was able to cultivate to the late stage of the foundation-building period so quickly was that Han Yuwan succeeded...

Thinking of that day, Ye Han was a little distracted.

At this time.

Han Yuwan's voice rang out from outside: "Junior brother! Have you achieved a breakthrough?"

Ye Han replied: "Yes! Senior sister!"

Han Yuwan said: "Then Senior sister, come in and see you!"

The ban in the secret room was opened, and Han Yuwan walked in, looking up and down at Ye Han with her beautiful eyes and said: "Junior brother! Congratulations! You have reached the late stage of foundation building so quickly."

Ye Han said unnaturally: "Yes...!"

Han Yuwan suddenly sat beside him and said: "Junior brother! Senior sister's injury has not healed yet!"

"Then let me help Senior sister!"



Han Yuwan snuggled in Ye Han's arms and whispered: "Junior brother! You won't look down on Senior sister, right?"

Ye Han said seriously: "Senior sister! Do you think I'm a stone lump? Even if I am a stone, I can't stand the test of Senior sister!"

Han Yuwan rolled her eyes at Ye Han: "You are good at talking! Why didn't I notice it before?"

Ye Han smiled and said: "Because I didn't notice it before, the benefits of practicing like this Ah."

"I think you are taking advantage of me and still acting cute!"

"Let's be honest, Senior Sister! Didn't you take advantage of me the most?"

"No way! !"

After a few jokes, Han Yuwan suddenly looked at Ye Han's eyes seriously and said affectionately: "Junior brother! I thought I would be trapped in this ghost place until my injuries broke out and I died here, never seeing the outside world again, never seeing you again!"

Speaking of this, she said with a firm look in her eyes: "It is my luck to meet you again, Junior Brother. I must cherish this moment. No matter how you think of me, we cultivators are in danger everywhere. Maybe this time we meet, we will never see you again next time. We are cultivators, why should we be bound by the secular world?"

Listening to Han Yuwan's affectionate words, this is not like a cultivator at all. He can feel Han Yuwan's affection for him by saying it...

Wait a minute...

How old was he when he first met Han Yuwan.


No matter what, as Han Yuwan said, although the life span of immortal cultivators is long, they encounter too many dangers. If it weren't for this time, I entered the Tianji Palace and went through so many dangers, and I was able to meet Han Yuwan, it would really be a fate destined by God.

In fact, Ye Han couldn't be sure of his feelings for Han Yuwan, but with his magical powers and firm heart, it was really impossible for Han Yuwan to take the initiative...

It shows that in his heart, he still couldn't refuse Han Yuwan's friendship.

He entered the Tianji Palace, and part of him really wanted to save Han Yuwan...

Forget it, there is no need to care about these. They are immortal cultivators, why should they treat themselves as mortals?

Perhaps cherishing the present is their best choice.

Besides, although Han Yuwan used her injury as a small excuse, in fact, when the two of them were together, Ye Han finally knew why Ziding reacted to Han Yuwan.

Just because Han Yuwan should have received a great opportunity, in her sea of ​​consciousness, there is also a heaven-defying treasure that can assist in cultivation...

When the two of them were practicing dual cultivation, the treasure could actually enhance the aura of the purple cauldron, and it was released, and a purple-gold rune made his purple cauldron space expand by three points.

It was a hundred feet in radius before, and now it is more than a hundred and thirty feet in size.

Moreover, during the dual cultivation, his cultivation progressed very quickly. In less than three months, he broke through the late foundation-building stage.

You know, even in Qingxuan Sect, there are only one-tenth of the more than five hundred disciples in the late foundation-building stage who can cultivate to the late foundation-building stage, that is, more than fifty disciples in the late foundation-building stage.

It can be seen how difficult it is to break through the bottleneck of the late foundation-building stage?

It can be said that this is the result of Ye Han and Han Yuwan's dual cultivation for more than a month...

After more than a month of seclusion, Ye Han broke through the bottleneck of cultivation and became a late foundation-building cultivator...

As for Han Yuwan, the benefit is not small. In order to resist the pursuit of the fourth elder, she was indeed hit by a secret method. If it is not removed, she will definitely be killed by this secret method within a hundred years...

Unless a solution is found, Ye Han is a virgin, and his cultivation is not much weaker than hers, so he can just break her secret method.

In fact, this is also where Han Yuwan is lucky, because most male immortal cultivators are no longer virgins before the foundation-building stage.

On the one hand, Ye Han did not open his mind and did not know the secret. On the other hand, it was because his cultivation speed was too fast. In fact, his real cultivation career and age were only in his twenties.

If Ye Han had had a relationship with other female cultivators in his early years, it would not have made much difference even if he met Han Yuwan now.

So, after all, Han Yuwan was extremely lucky.

Moreover, Han Yuwan should have felt that the purple tripod in Ye Han's body gave her a special aura, helping her open the special mark of the treasure in her sea of ​​consciousness...

It can be said that both parties benefited greatly.

However, Ye Han did not expect that Han Yuwan would be so affectionate to him, which reminded him of the flying treasure that Han Yuwan gave him when he just entered the foundation-building stage...

So, Ye Han looked at Han Yuwan deeply and said: "Senior sister! I know your affection for me!"

Han Yuwan nodded and said: "Junior brother! Let's not talk about this. We have been trapped here for too long! I feel that your magical power should be no worse than mine. The two of us should be able to defeat that bastard together!"

In the past three months, Han Yuwan has told Ye Han that the reason why she was trapped here was, on the one hand, because of her injuries, and on the other hand, because she could not break through the obstruction of a cultivator with her ability.

That is the existence of Qin Shanzun, this Jindan-stage human cultivator, who is also in this level and has also obtained an opportunity to hunt Han Yuwan for a while. Now he is guarding the road that the two must take to get out...

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