Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 74: Peak of the Seventh Level of Qi Refining

Ye Han, listening to Zhang Qingshan's question, was stunned, and immediately said: "Brother Zhang, I am Ye Han!"

Could it be that Brother Zhang Qingshan was unconscious for too long, or that the purple pill had other side effects, causing him to lose his memory?

Ye Han couldn't help but feel a little uneasy, and looked at Brother Zhang Qingshan deeply, but found that he was really much thinner, and the whole person was smaller, but the aura he emitted was indeed very strong.

Zhang Qingshan came back to his senses, looked at Ye Han carefully, and said in surprise: "It's really you! Ye Han! You have grown taller, I almost didn't recognize you."

Seeing that Zhang Qingshan recognized him, Ye Han was relieved. He thought that Zhang Qingshan really had other problems because of taking this purple pill.

If that's the case, it's also a troublesome thing.

But now that Brother Zhang Qingshan has woken up, it's naturally a good thing. In this way, it will be much safer to leave the Black Demon Forest.

Ye Han then said: "Brother Zhang! It's great that you can wake up!"

However, he suddenly felt that Zhang Qingshan's eyes were staring at him fiercely...

To be precise, he was staring at the thing in his hand, Zhang Qingshan's axe treasure. Looking at Zhang Qingshan's eyes, he really valued this axe.

Ye Han reacted, returned the axe to Zhang Qingshan and said: "Brother Zhang! I used it when you were unconscious!"

Zhang Qingshan looked at Ye Han deeply, his eyes flashed with a trace of hesitation, he was about to say something, but he still didn't say anything, took the axe, and with a flash of inspiration, put it into the storage bag.

It seemed that he did not want to mention what kind of treasure this axe was, but changed the subject and said to Ye Han: "Junior Brother Ye, how long have I been unconscious this time?"

Ye Han shook his head and said: "I don't know either!"

Suddenly, Zhang Qingshan finally felt the change in his cultivation, and said in surprise: "Great! My cultivation has actually broken through to the Great Perfection of the Qi Refining Stage! Junior Brother Ye... What happened after I fell into a coma?"

Yes, Zhang Qingshan finally remembered that after he fought desperately with the monster, he burned his cultivation and all his blood and blood, and then killed the water monster...

He also exhausted his cultivation and fell into a coma directly. He felt very clearly that his life was beginning to pass away before he fell into a coma, and he felt endless darkness.

But in the darkness, there was a strong breath that had been repairing his meridians and body...

Of course, he didn't know what the specific situation was.

Of course, Ye Han didn't dare to tell that he saved Zhang Qingshan with the purple pill of the purple tripod.

This purple tripod is the most important treasure of his cultivation, and no one can know it.

However, Ye Han's mind worked quickly, and he immediately said: "Brother Zhang, I don't know what happened. After you killed the water monster, I suddenly felt a strong force coming out of the pool, and a purple ball of light drilled into your body, and then you fell into a coma."

When Ye Han said this, he had already made up a set of rhetoric in his mind. In his mouth, Zhang Qingshan fell into a coma after the purple ball of light drilled into his body, but his breath was stable.

He didn't dare to walk around alone, so he moved Zhang Qingshan into the cave, took the pills himself, and absorbed the spirit stones to practice.

During this waiting period, he practiced while dealing with the body of the monster.

During this period, he used Zhang Qingshan's axe treasure.

He has used up all the pills and spirit stones these days, and his cultivation has improved a lot...

Speaking of this, Ye Han said helplessly: "Brother Zhang, since the purple light ball drilled into your body from the pool, the spiritual energy of the pool has been completely consumed. I really don't know what happened."

After listening to Ye Han, Zhang Qingshan scratched the back of his head, and was a little confused, but he recalled carefully and said: "Although my feeling is very vague, I do feel a ball of purple things swirling in my body? Is it really because good people are rewarded? I got another chance?"

After hearing this, the speaker was unintentional, but the listener was intentional. Ye Han's eyes moved slightly, and he seemed to know something.

Although Zhang Qingshan said a few words casually, what does it mean that good people are really rewarded?

And what is called I got a chance again?

What does it mean again?

What does this mean?

It means that Zhang Qingshan has not only got a chance once.

This guy must have a secret.

However, Ye Han did not ask any more questions, as the secret of the purple tripod on his body was also very important.

But what does this good man gets good rewards mean?

He always felt that it was amazing that Zhang Qingshan, with such a character, could live in the world of immortal cultivation for so long...

Although he made up the purple light ball, he did cover up the fact that the spiritual energy of the pool dried up and how Zhang Qingshan woke up.

As for whether Zhang Qingshan would be suspicious, he did not care about other things.

He felt that even if Zhang Qingshan had suspicions in his heart, he would not ask so many questions.

Ye Han could not tell whether Zhang Qingshan was really honest or pretending to be a pig to eat a tiger.

In short, he felt that he could also learn from Zhang Qingshan, pretending to be a pig to eat a tiger was the only way to live longer.

So Ye Han said: "Brother Zhang, good people get good rewards, and you are lucky! My cultivation has also increased a lot!"

After hearing this, Zhang Qingshan looked at Ye Han carefully and said in surprise: "Ah! Junior Brother Ye! You are really good! Your cultivation is actually the peak of the seventh level of Qi Refining Stage! It's really unexpected!"

Speaking of this, he said happily: "I was worried about what you would do when I went to the Immortal Ceremony! It seems that I don't have to worry about you too much."

Ye Han's heart moved. Senior Brother Zhang Qingshan really didn't ask much, but his cultivation was also confirmed. It turned out that he was at the peak of the seventh level of Qi Refining Stage. At least, the cultivation of the seventh level of Qi Refining Stage is not the bottom among the inner disciples.

And Ye Han has only been in Qingxuan Sect for a short time, and he has already reached the peak of the seventh level of Qi Refining Stage. What a genius.

Ye Han was surprised and asked, "Brother Zhang! Are you going to attend the Immortal Ascension Meeting? Will it be dangerous? But we don't know if the Immortal Ascension Meeting has started yet."

Zhang Qingshan slapped his head and said, "Really! Oh, by the way! How long have I been unconscious?"

Ye Han shook his head and said, "I don't know either. It should be two or three months, right?!"

Hearing this, Zhang Qingshan said anxiously, "That won't work. We have to go back to the sect right away to see if the Immortal Ascension Meeting has started. If we miss this time, we will have to wait for several more years!"

Ye Han stopped Zhang Qingshan and said, "Brother Zhang, there is something else I need you to do."

Zhang Qingshan looked at Ye Han strangely and said, "What is it?"

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