Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 76 Return to Qingxuanmen

Ye Han looked at the magical weapon that Zhang Qingshan took out. It was the magical dagger used by Zhang Sanlei and the others.

He took it and saw that the dagger looked quite simple in shape, with many scales in the middle, like the scales of a monster. There was a formation rune in the handle, which looked quite extraordinary.

Zhang Qingshan continued: "This magical weapon should be a flying scale dagger made of sharp gold! Although it is a middle-grade magical weapon, this thing is not cheap, one is worth more than a hundred spirit stones!"

Then he thought for a moment, and the other two flying scale daggers also appeared in his hands. He handed them to Ye Han and said, "These three flying scale daggers should be refined in one furnace. In the future, if you find one, you can cast three spells." The flying sword spell of the weapon, these three flying scale daggers will be of great help to you! Just keep them."

The voice paused and warned again: "However, you can only refine a handful now, don't be greedy for more! It's not easy to control it with your spiritual consciousness and cultivation!"

Ye Han took it and nodded: "Okay! Thank you, Senior Brother Zhang!"

Zhang Qingshan followed and said: "Also! These three flying scale daggers belong to Zhang Sanlei and the others. Although I don't know where they got them, when you use them, try not to leak them!"

Ye Han's heart moved and he nodded, suddenly feeling that Senior Brother Zhang Qingshan was actually not as scheming as he appeared on the surface, or that his honesty and kindness were only aimed at some people.

Really, he has a different attitude towards some people he doesn't know or outsiders.

Zhang Qingshan took another look at the situation inside the cave and found that the water pool was indeed dry, and the spiritual energy of heaven and earth was far different than when they first came.

There’s no water dripping on it either…

It seems that just as Ye Han said, what really makes this cave have such a strong spiritual energy of heaven and earth, and brew such a powerful monster like the water dragon beast, all depends on this amazing spiritual energy of heaven and earth.

The reason why the water dragon beast occupies this place is also for this reason.

Zhang Qingshan checked and didn't see anything else.

He said to Ye Han: "Let's go! Junior Brother Ye! We are going back!"

After saying that, he turned around and left, followed by Ye Han. With a flash of inspiration, a light driven by a spirit stone appeared in his hand and he walked forward.

Zhang Qingshan said to Ye Han as he walked: "Junior Brother Ye, we have gained a lot this time, but you shouldn't be able to handle these things. I will send you back to the door first, and then we will divide the other things that we can't use." I took the stuff to the black market for processing, do you have any other opinions?"

After hearing this, Ye Han shook his head and said: "I have no objection, and I don't understand these things. Brother Zhang, you can just handle these things by yourself."

But he also said a little doubtfully: "Senior Brother Zhang, don't we have a place to recycle these things? Why should we go to the black market to dispose of these things?"

Yes, when Ye Han was wandering around Qixuan Peak, he saw such a market where he could recycle all kinds of heavenly materials and earthly treasures, elixirs, magic weapons, books, etc...

The name black market doesn't sound very safe.

Zhang Qingshan said seriously: "Junior Brother Ye, you have to remember that not everyone in our Qingxuan Sect treats you as well as I do! The value of our things is too high, and some of them are from the same sect. There are also things from Qinshan’s two evil men!”

"If we take it back to the sect and recycle it, not to mention attracting attention, we may also be misunderstood that we have killed a fellow sect member! Moreover, the two murderers in Qinshan have a backer, otherwise it would be their turn to be arrogant? Our identities have been exposed. From now on, You might be targeted."

After listening to Zhang Qingshan's words, Ye Han nodded solemnly and replied: "I understand, Senior Brother Zhang! I will definitely pay attention!"

Zhang Qingshan's words were not lies. The last time Jin Feng came to trouble him, he knew that Zhang Qingshan was not in his cave. He also knew about Zhang Qingshan's movements and what tasks he was going to perform...

If someone hadn't leaked it, how did Jin Feng know?

Also, the last time Zhang Qingshan encountered danger, his arm was broken because Zhang Sanlei and others leaked his whereabouts to the casual cultivators...

Just these few simple things can prove that in Qingxuan Sect, even the disciples of the same sect are not monolithic. They have grudges and disputes with each other, even because of jealousy...

As the saying goes, you are not afraid of thieves stealing, but you are afraid of thieves thinking about you.

But after hearing Senior Brother Zhang Qingshan say this, Ye Han also understood that Senior Brother Zhang Qingshan might be nicer to him, but not necessarily to others.

Zhang Qingshan followed and said: "Okay, let me teach you how to refine the magic weapon! With your current cultivation level, you can refine it while walking! After refining the magic weapon, we should not be short of spiritual stones. Now, I will find you some magic formulas to use these magical weapons! You can maximize the power of these magical weapons."


As the two of them walked outside, Zhang Qingshan taught Ye Han, showing him how to refine the magic weapon and how to use the magic weapon to teach him his experience and skills...

Fortunately, Zhang Qingshan was leading the way. Although the clawed beast's lair had many forks and was quite complicated, Zhang Qingshan was confident, and it seemed that he had a way to distinguish these forks...

However, they went out much faster than when they came in. After all, when they came in, they didn't know what was inside or what dangers there were, so the two of them walked slower.

I walked very quickly out, and it took almost an hour to get out of the clawed beast's lair...

Zhang Qingshan took the lead and ran forward, followed by Ye Han, and continued to teach Ye Han how to use magic power to increase his running speed...

The two of them went out of the Black Demon Forest.

This area may be due to the existence of clawed beasts, so there are not many monsters around...

However, after running for seven or eight miles.

Zhang Qingshan's face suddenly changed, and he said to Ye Han in a low voice: "There are cultivators killing monsters ahead! Let's take a detour and ignore them."

After that, Zhang Qingshan took Ye Han around a road and ran away...


Two days later.

Qingxuan Gate!

Qixuan Peak!

The entrance of Ye Han's cave.

Zhang Qingshan said to Ye Han: "Junior Brother Ye! I will definitely be back within five days. You should practice well in the cave and wait for me to come back."

Ye Han immediately nodded and said: "Senior Brother Zhang, you must pay attention to safety on this trip. I will wait for you to come back."

Zhang Qingshan nodded and said: "Okay! Take a look at the things I left for you in the next few days. If you have time, go to the library and read more books there!"

"I know! Senior Brother Zhang!"

Ye Han looked at Zhang Qingshan's figure going down the cliff, with a trace of worry...

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