Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 789 Three major lines of defense

Ye Han opened the cave ban and saw a beautiful fairy in front of him, as gentle as jade and with a fairy-like temperament.

Ye Han's eyes lit up and he said with a smile: "Isn't this Master Ningyu? I haven't seen you for so long, and Master is still as beautiful as a fairy!"

Yes, it was Uncle Ningyu who came. For immortal cultivators, especially female immortal cultivators, the biggest motivation for their cultivation is that as their cultivation level improves, the better they can maintain their youthful appearance. . Which female immortal cultivator wouldn’t be tempted by the idea of ​​staying young and beautiful forever?

Therefore, basically all the female immortal cultivators you see will deliberately cultivate their appearance, and there will not be any female immortal cultivators who are too ugly.

Uncle Ningyu is a famous and beautiful fairy from Qingxuan Sect. After hearing what Ye Han said, he smiled and said, "Okay! Stop flattering me, kid. I have something to do with you."

With that said, Ningyu walked into Ye Han's cave and saw that the elaborate layout of Ye Han's cave was much better than the last time he came here.

Then, Ningyu's eyes lit up, and she said with a half-smile: "That's good! Boy! After we have a partner, the decoration of the cave is better."

Ye Han was stunned after hearing this. After he returned to the sect, the cave was decorated like this, but he remembered that it was Bai Xue who arranged it.

I didn't realize that Bai Xue, who talks like a big man, still has such abilities.

So, Ye Han said: "Yes, yes, yes! Master! My cave is so beautifully decorated. Would you like to come over and stay for a few days?"

These words sounded a bit like Meng Lang, but Ningyu said nonchalantly: "You dare to do this, I'm afraid Miss Han won't be happy."

Ye Han patted his chest and said, "We honor our uncle in an upright manner, what's the point of not being happy about it?"

However, Ye Han immediately changed his words and said, "Uncle! I'm just joking with you. Please don't pay attention, uncle. I'm here at my humble residence. What's the matter?"

Yes, Ye Han did test out a few words after seeing Ningyu, but Ningyu was still quite good to him. She gave him a lot of help, and his Wanxiang mask was a gift from her...

It helped him a lot in many cases.

A strange look flashed in Ningyu's eyes, and she hesitated to speak. This boy is really pushing the envelope, but it's not easy for him to speak up about this matter.

I am this boy's uncle, it won't sound good if word spreads...

But no matter what, everyone has his or her own destiny, or his or her career in cultivating immortals is the end of it.

I'm always a little reluctant.

So, Ningyu smiled and said: "I came to you to ask you to contribute more to Qixuan Peak! If your senior brother Zhang Qingshan hadn't supported us, our Qixuan Peak would have been embarrassed!"

After hearing this, Ye Han looked at Ningyu strangely, what is our Qixuan Peak? Isn't Master Ningyu from Bai Yufeng?

Looking at Ye Han's face, Ningyu said, "Don't think too much. Your master, the Seventh Elder, is in retreat to prepare for the Nascent Soul stage, but now is the time when Qingxuan Sect is going to war with the three sects, and they need a golden elixir." I am a cultivator of Qixuan Peak, so the headmaster and Uncle Qingxuan recommended me to come."

After hearing this, Ye Han understood. It turns out that Ningyu is now the acting peak master of Qixuan Peak...

Indeed, now is the time to start a war with the three major sects. If a mountain peak does not have a Jindan period to take charge of the overall situation, problems may indeed arise.

But Ye Han didn't expect that it was Master Ningyu who came over.

So, Ye Han replied: "Uncle! If you can help us at Qixuan Peak, that would be the best. If uncle has any tasks for the disciples to do, the disciples will never refuse."

Yes, Ningyu definitely didn't come to chat with him. Maybe there was something important for him to do.

Ningyu nodded and said, "Just understand. Although there is a lot of reward for you outside, you have to go out. This will have a big impact on the morale of our Qingxuan Sect!"

After a pause, she continued: "So I have arranged a task for you. You must also contribute to this sect war!"

Ye Han immediately nodded and said, "Uncle, tell me!"

He no longer has to worry about whether it is dangerous for him to go out. He now has many magical powers and the heaven-defying Purple Cauldron. Now as long as he does not face the cultivators of the late Golden Core or Nascent Soul stages, he still has his own abilities. Guaranteed ability.

And he also knows that the puppets he controls, as well as sword formations, insect repelling techniques, etc., go down the mountain to participate in the sect war, and the effect they have is comparable to the combat effectiveness of two or three golden elixir stages...

Of course, the dangers he faces are not small, but Ye Han is no longer in the past when his cultivation level was low, and any immortal cultivator with a higher level of cultivation than him could chase him away...

Ningyu clapped his hands and said in a deep voice: "Now, Qingxuan Sect is facing the siege of the three major sects. We have established three lines of defense in Tianlan for the foundation-building immortal cultivators, which means we have opened up three battlefields to resist the three major sects. Gate attack."

"These three lines of defense are very important to our Qingxuan Sect. As long as these three lines of defense are not broken, the three major sects will not be able to attack our Qingxuan Sect's restoration."

"These three lines of defense are the Tianshan Mountain Range Defense Line, the Tianchong City Defense Line, and the Tianyuan Defense Line. This Tianshan Mountain Mountain Range Defense Line is the most stable now, because your senior brother Zhang Qingshan is the commander-in-chief, and the defense established there will be the main attack. The Qianshan sect cultivators on one side did not take any advantage."

Hearing this, Ye Han's expression turned calm. Senior Brother Zhang Qingshan's cultivation level is not generally terrifying, and he has the ability to seek good fortune and avoid evil. There are not many foundation-building immortal cultivators who can defeat him...

And why did Master Ningyu say that he was building a defense line in the foundation stage? Because the destructive power of high-level immortal cultivators is so astonishing, if Nascent Soul takes action against these foundation-building immortal cultivators, no matter how many foundation-building stages they have, they will be destined to die...

In a war in the world of immortality, even if it is a war between races, high-level immortality cultivators will deal with high-level immortality cultivators in a targeted manner...

Instead of growing up carelessly, which may cause great divine punishment, and is simply fatal to high-level immortal cultivators.

Therefore, high-level immortal cultivators will not kill low-level immortal cultivators on a large scale until the most dangerous time.

Ningyu continued: "And another true disciple, Han Yuwan, has already gone to the Tianyuan defense line to support, so I plan to let you go to the Tianchong City defense line to support!"

Speaking of this, Ningyu said in a deep voice: "You are the true disciple of our sect. After you go to Tianchong City, you should be in charge of all matters. However, the situation in Tianchong City is very bad now. It seems like There are monsters sneaking in, you must get rid of those monsters and defend Tianchong City!"

Then, her face became serious and she said: "In addition! There is another thing for you to do!"

Ye Han's expression changed and he asked, "What's the matter?"

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