How did the other party avoid the spiritual search of Uncle Ningyu?

This is a bit strange.

Why is Ye Han so sure?

That is because the transportation of supplies is originally related to the safety of Tianchong City. Once this line of defense is lost, even if the other two lines of defense are fine, but a gap is opened, the other party's army of cultivators can march straight in and attack the major cities and key points of Qingxuanmen at will.

As long as the supply of Qingxuanmen is cut off, the major cities and Qingxuanmen can only defend the Qingxuan Mountain. Without sufficient backup resources, destruction is only a matter of time.

The transportation of supplies is the top priority, and it is absolutely impossible to let disciples with low cultivation and low loyalty to carry out it.

Ye Han can see that Wang Chunyang and the other four have cultivation levels above the middle stage of foundation building, and it seems that there is no problem.

This is the biggest problem. The other party knows their exact location and route.

That means there might be an enemy spy among them, who informed the enemy in some unknown way...

Thinking of this, Ye Han's face became solemn. He had to find a way to get this guy out...

So, Ye Han suddenly pointed his finger at the formation of the flying boat. The huge wings of the flying boat trembled, slightly adjusted the direction, and flew forward...

Seeing this, Wang Chunyang couldn't help but say to Ye Han: "Brother Ye, why did you change direction?"

Ye Han said lightly: "We encountered an attack on the way forward. Maybe the enemy has seen through our route. It should be much safer for us to go around."

As he said, Ye Han looked Wang Chunyang up and down, and did not find anything unusual about him...

Then he used the puppet god technique and the Qingxin Gong to raise his spiritual consciousness to the extreme and protect the entire flying boat.

No one felt Ye Han's little move. After all, their spiritual consciousness cultivation was not as good as Ye Han's.

After hearing Ye Han's words, everyone looked at each other and said nothing. Only the thin male disciple at the back showed a strange look, hesitant to speak, and said nothing.

Ye Han drove the flying boat to continue to accelerate forward...

Wherever he passed, he could see that some mortal cities were also starting wars. The world was in chaos, and there were natural disasters and man-made disasters everywhere, which were very tragic...

There was nothing he could do about it. After all, the immortal cultivators were the top of this world. The turmoil that happened above would also affect the mortal world and cause turmoil...

This was a disaster for any living being...

As Ye Han drove the flying boat rapidly forward...


Ye Han felt the situation, and suddenly moved his body. He instantly appeared beside the thin male disciple, stretched out his hand and grabbed a terrifying spiritual light hand, and crushed the other party...

The male disciple cried out in horror: "Brother Ye, what are you doing?"

While speaking, he retreated and wanted to jump out of the flying boat...


Ye Han's eyes trembled!

"Eh?!" The male disciple's body was like being hit by a heavy hammer, and his body trembled, and his movements slowed down a little...

Ye Han's spiritual hand pressed down on him, and the male disciple was caught by Ye Han's spiritual hand in an instant.

The other disciples and Wang Chunyang looked at this scene in horror, and couldn't help but say: "Senior Brother Ye, what are you doing?"

Wang Chunyang almost couldn't help but take action, his arm trembled with golden light, and shouted: "Senior Brother Ye, Junior Brother Zhang, what offended you?"

Ye Han waved his hand and said coldly: "Don't be impatient!"

There was an unquestionable confidence in his tone, and the breath he emitted made everyone's heart tremble and take a breath of cold air.

This Senior Brother Ye's breath is really too terrifying, it is definitely not the breath of an ordinary foundation-building cultivator.

Let everyone think of it. Not long ago, he killed the enemy alone. With so many cultivators, the few of them combined could not be his opponent.

But why did he attack this Junior Brother Zhang?

Is there something wrong with this Junior Brother Zhang?

Wang Chunyang swallowed his saliva and asked: "Junior Brother Ye! Junior Brother Zhang, is there anything wrong?"

Another disciple couldn't help but said: "Did he betray the sect?"

Junior Brother Zhang also cried out with a look of injustice: "Senior Brother Ye, I am loyal to Qingxuan Sect and will not betray...!"

"Shut up!" Ye Han shouted coldly, interrupting him.

Buzz! He pressed his body with his big hand, his eyes showed a hint of coldness, and said coldly: "That's right! You didn't betray the sect! But you should have had contact with outsiders, right?"

As he said, Ye Han muttered something in his mouth, and the purple-gold arc of the other hand trembled, pressing towards Junior Brother Zhang's head...

Zizizizi! The purple-gold arc drilled into the body of this Junior Brother...

Ah! Junior Brother Zhang screamed, and purple-gold runes began to swirl all over his body. Then he opened his mouth wide, and circles of black blood light spurted out from his throat. A very hideous blood-red insect came out, emitting a terrible blood light...

The insect actually flapped its wings and prepared to fly away...

But Ye Han pointed his finger, and a purple-gold rune swirled around the hideous blood-red insect, and instantly collected it into the purple cauldron space.

At this time, Junior Brother Zhang's meridians suddenly expanded, and he breathed heavily, looking at Ye Han with a confused face: "What...what is this?"

Ye Han casually retracted the purple-gold electric arc, and also retracted the spiritual hand that grabbed his body. The breath of Junior Brother Zhang suddenly weakened a lot, which seemed to be closely related to the strange bug.

In fact, he only guessed that the problem might be with this disciple, but he didn't expect that there was such a bug on him, which looked very scary...

The bug was now in his purple tripod space, rushing around wantonly, but it was trapped by a circle of purple-gold runes and could no longer move around...

Wang Chunyang and others were also stunned. They didn't expect that Junior Brother Zhang would have such a terrifying thing on him. They were all immortal cultivators who had practiced for many years.

Of course, they also understood why Ye Han attacked Junior Brother Zhang. It turned out to be because of the bug on his body?

Could this bug be the key for the enemy to know their location?

In this case, wouldn't they be in great danger?

You know, the task of transporting supplies was arranged at the beginning, but Ye Han was not leading them. If they transported them, they would definitely be intercepted by the enemy, and the consequences can be imagined...

If it weren't for Ye Han, the true disciple, who saw through the enemy's conspiracy with his keen eyes, it might be difficult to predict whether he would live or die.

At this time.

Ye Han drove the flying boat again, slightly turned the direction, and flew towards Tian Chongcheng...

Wang Chunyang looked at Junior Brother Zhang with a strange expression. What should Junior Brother Zhang do?

Junior Brother Zhang looked at everyone with a face of defeat, his body trembling...

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