Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 796 Three Giant Boats

As the disciple exclaimed, everyone looked towards the horizon...


Three huge flying boats appeared outside the forbidden light shield in the distance. Each of these flying boats was a hundred feet long and more than ten feet wide. They were as black as ink, with a rune of sea waves on it. Each of them had twelve huge wings, which fluttered to create circles of storms.

On these huge flying boats, there were three black and white flags of the Black Water Sect with water flows.

These three huge flying boats didn't seem to be moving fast, but they flew thousands of feet away from Tianchong City in a blink of an eye.

On this huge deck stood a group of Black Water Sect disciples with powerful auras. There were hundreds of Black Water Sect disciples on each of them.

Seeing this scene, the patrolling disciples of Tianchong City were horrified. These three huge flying boats were actually the mobile battle camps of the Black Water Sect, which were originally parked thousands of miles away...

Now the three huge flying boats have actually been dispatched, and they are so close to Tianchong City.

It was obvious that the Black Water Sect was preparing to launch a large-scale attack on Tianchong City.

No matter how shocked the disciples of the Qingxuan Sect were.

In the huge tree trunk tower of Tianchong City, a cultivator wearing gray and white clothes, with a white face like jade and gray hair, flew out from the tree trunk...

This person could stay in the air without controlling the flying treasure. Naturally, he was the second elder of the Qingxuan Sect who was responsible for all matters in Tianchong City.

When the Qingxuan Sect declared war, several elders in the sect came out of the Jindan stage to go to the three major defense lines to preside over the overall situation.

The second elder was responsible for sitting in Tianchong City and responsible for all matters of Tianchong City.

He looked at the three huge flying boats of the Black Water Sect that appeared in the distance, and his face was black.

Damn it! Tianchong City just had a shortage of supplies, and the damn Black Water Sect came to attack on a large scale.

Tianchong City is full of spies of the damn Black Water Sect!

Thinking of this, the Second Elder had a headache. It had only been two months since the war began, and the defense line of Tianchong City, which he was responsible for, had already fallen into a very troublesome situation...

There were many families in Tianchong City, each with their own thoughts, and some families had even secretly surrendered to the enemy. He had already eliminated two families with solid evidence of secretly surrendering to the enemy.

But there were still a few families that were suspected, but there was no evidence, and there were high-level cultivators behind them...

Under internal and external troubles, the Second Elder was exhausted and fell into great trouble.

During this period, the forbidden defense of Tianchong City was short of spiritual stones...

He said that he mobilized several families to help fill the gap, and only then did he gather the spiritual stones and resist the enemy's attack...

And obviously, the Black Water Sect, Qianshan Sect, and Bishan Sect had already agreed that the three sects would attack one line of defense of Qingxuan Sect respectively, but Tianchong City happened to face the most powerful Black Water Sect...

It is said that the Tianyuan defense line has the participation of the true disciple Han Yuwan, and has won several victories recently...

The Jitian Mountain Range is even luckier. The famous Zhang Qingshan is the main general there, charging and killing the enemy. No one under the foundation building of Qianshan Sect can be his opponent...

It is said that Qianshan Sect sent Jindan stage to encircle Zhang Qingshan, but he did not gain any advantage. He ran away every time. If he came out to fight again, another Jindan stage was almost killed by him...

Some people even think that Zhang Qingshan is already the first person in Tianlan to build a foundation.

After all, his body-refining method was so amazing that he could fight against many enemies alone without losing...

Damn it! I am the most unlucky!

The second elder thought of this and looked grimly at the flying boat of the Black Water Sect outside the restriction...

He shouted loudly: "Enemy attack! All family cultivators are ready to meet the enemy!"

As he spoke, he flew up to the sky above the restriction. With his cultivation and spiritual awareness, the area within a radius of more than ten miles was within his observation range...

Following his command,

The immortal cultivators in Tianchong City all took action. The immortal cultivators in the foundation building stage all controlled the flying treasures to approach the second elder...

The immortal cultivators in the Qi refining stage below the foundation building stage rushed to some high platforms at the foot of the mountain at a high speed...

In such a sect war, the immortal cultivators in the foundation building stage are the main fighting force, and the disciples in the Qi refining stage are mainly used for fortification defense, operating spirit cannons, adding defensive spirit stones to the forbidden defense light shield, replenishing spirit stones, etc...

As the immortal cultivators in the foundation building stage flew up one by one, there were already hundreds of immortal cultivators in the foundation building stage around the second elder...

But this is almost all the immortal cultivators in the foundation building stage in the main city of Tianchong City.

And the other side actually went all out, with more than 300 immortal cultivators in the foundation building stage coming at once...


On each of the three huge flying boats, there was a immortal cultivator in the Jindan stage. Obviously, this time the Black Water Sect intends to break through the defense line of the Tianchong Mountains in one fell swoop?

If it was before, the other party's foundation-building and golden elixir-stage cultivators were far superior to Qingxuan Sect, and the second elder was still confident that they could stop them.

After all, they had the defensive forbidden formation of Tianchong City, which could at least stop enemies that were several times their number.

But this time, Tianchong City was short of supplies, and the defensive formation that was always activated consumed too many spirit stones. This was because there was a place where spiritual energy leaked, so that the spirit stones of Tianchong City's defensive formation were almost unable to be replenished...

He had already sent a request to the sect for the transportation of supplies, but before the supplies were delivered, the damn Black Water Sect had already launched a large-scale attack.

Obviously, the leakage of spiritual energy from the forbidden formation of Tianchong City is closely related to the Black Water Sect...

And there must be a family from the Qingxuan Sect who defected to the Black Water Sect and acted as an insider...

Although two families have been killed, there is no guarantee that there are no other families who have betrayed...

Unfortunately, the other party did not give him enough time to find out which family betrayed, and they had already launched a large-scale attack.

At this time.

The three huge black flying boats suspended thousands of feet away began to vibrate...

Ka-ka-ka! The Black Water Sect disciples on the deck of the flying boat pushed out a series of black spiritual cannons...

The ka-ka-ka mechanism on the top of the flying boat vibrated, opening a hole of more than ten feet in size, and a spiritual cannon several feet in size, covered with mysterious runes, was slowly pushed out...

Buzz! ! ! A piece of spiritual light runes trembled, and these spiritual cannons were stuffed with cannonballs wrapped in mysterious runes...

Boom! ! A huge gray light beam of dozens of feet blasted out from the main gun of the flying boat!

This gray light beam of dozens of feet blasted the air so hard that it exploded and rolled up into a storm, bombarding the defense barrier of Tianchong City...

Boom! ! ! ! A blast that shook the earth, boundless ripples of light, and the forbidden light shield vibrated into circles of water ripples and light explosions...

The forbidden defense of Tianchong City was constantly trembling at this moment, and the several formation pillars in front were actually trembling slightly...

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