Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 798 The Three Black Water Devils

The second elder's face was very solemn. The opponent was coming fiercely and was determined to win. There must be other conspiracies and tricks. After all, there were many families in Tianchong City, and their relationships were very complicated. Under the mixed situation, Tianchong City's formation prohibited the leakage of spiritual energy. The Black Water Sect You should have known this a long time ago.

In fact, this matter was probably planned by the Black Water Sect and the spies from Tianchong City in collusion with each other internally and externally.

Naturally, the Blackwater Sect must know that there are not enough spiritual stones and reserves stored in Tianchong City.

That's why they took advantage of this opportunity to attack Tianchong City before the supplies of spiritual stones were delivered.

Although the second elder had already gathered a batch of spiritual stone reserves with the monk families in Tianchong City, the Blackwater Sect suddenly arrived with three flying boats, and they seemed determined to win.

The second elder also had to be cautious.

So, he said in a deep voice: "Give me the order to strengthen patrols and vigilance in the city, and be careful of the enemies lurking inside us!"

"Yes!" A disciple immediately agreed and quickly prepared to pass on the order.

The second elder followed the order and said: "Let the Tianchongcheng family's reserve team prepare! Be ready to assist in other directions at any time! There is a possibility that the damn Blackwater Sect will make a sneak attack in other directions!"

Yes, with the cruelty of the sect war, any conspiracy and conspiracy can happen. In the history of immortal cultivators, the strongest city defense lines all start from the internal disintegration.

In the past few months, the Qingxuanmen gate was almost attacked by both internal and external forces of the Blackwater Sect, and the gate was almost broken...

There is a mixture of fish and dragons in Tianchong City today, so we need to be more vigilant.

Another disciple immediately went to deliver the order quickly...

The second elder also began to feel anxious. The lack of supplies in Tianchong City could not be hidden from the Blackwater Sect...

Relatively speaking, it is certainly natural for Qingxuanmen to send out a team to transport supplies.

If I were to stand in the black water, I would definitely send out a team to stop the delivery of supplies...

Now Qingxuan Sect's Golden Core Stage cultivators are completely insufficient, and the other party will definitely send out Golden Core Stage Immortal Cultivators to take action.

As a result, the team transporting supplies may be in trouble.

But there is no way to do this. After all, Qingxuanmen is now one against three. It would be good if it can be defended. Where can it be shot? Are the golden elixir monks here to deliver supplies?

hateful! After all, Qingxuan Sect was bullied by dogs. If Qingxuan Sect was powerful back then, how could these three sects have their place?

Pooh! How can these three sects be considered major sects?

It’s just that in Hedong and Hexi in thirty years, Qingxuanmen was so weak. It was also because of the invasion of foreign enemies and had to go all out for the territory...

It’s a pity that no family or sect in the earth realm remembers Qingxuanmen’s achievements...

The second elder's face looked a little solemn...

On the Blackwater Sect's flying boat.

Sha Tianzun stood on the mast, watching the fierce battle, glanced at the Red Dragon Girl in the distance, and said: "Red Dragon Girl, is it almost time?"

The Red Dragon Girl looked at the time and said in a deep voice: "The senior hasn't sent the message yet, please wait a little longer."

After hearing this, Yin Mo said: "We can't wait any longer. If this continues, we will consume a lot of money."

The red dragon girl frowned and said, "Logically speaking, they should have intercepted the transportation team from Qingxuanmen. There may be something unexpected if there is no news."

A strange look flashed in Yin Mo's eyes and he said: "The other party must have known that we would take action. It is also possible that they used other means or took a detour. I don't think there is any need to wait for news from over there. We quickly broke this Tianchong City's defense restrictions, even if they send spirit stones, what's the use? "

Sha Tianzun's eyes moved, but he agreed with his opinion and said: "Yes! Red Dragon Girl, our plan was originally like this, but there were some changes because of the joining of the senior."

After a pause, he continued: "The situation may have changed now, but we should remain unchanged to cope with the changes. Our preparations are sufficient. As long as the people inside cooperate with us, we will definitely be able to defeat this damn Tianchong City in one fell swoop. of."

Speaking of this, Sha Tianzun looked at the second elder of Qingxuanmen in Tianchong City in the distance and said: "The second elder of Qingxuanmen, we must kill him today."

As he said that, his eyes showed a look of resentment, and it was obvious that he might have suffered a loss at the hands of the second elder before...

Yin Mo also echoed at this time and said: "That's right! If we really fail to intercept in time and allow the opponent to break through the defense and successfully transport the spirit stones in, then our long-standing plan will be in vain. We want to break through in the future. This Tianchong City will take more effort.”

After hearing the opinions of the two, the red dragon girl's face showed emotion. She thought for a moment and said in a deep voice: "The two junior brothers are so confident, then of course I have to cooperate with the two junior brothers. Indeed, if I continue to wait, Instead, there may be variables.”

At this point, she seemed to have made up her mind and said in a deep voice: "Then start taking action! I don't believe this bastard can stop us!!"

As she said that, the red dragon girl slapped the storage bag, and three blood-red talismans flew out. As she chanted the spell, a piece of rune swirled out from the talisman...


Whoops! Three blood-red runes flew into the sky, one flew towards the right, the other flew towards the sky towards the city, and the last one flew towards the rear...

Then, the red dragon girl shouted in a deep voice: "You two, I have given the order, retreat a thousand feet!"

After saying that, she shouted to Feizhou again: "Step back a thousand feet!"

Following her order, Sha Tianzun and Yin Mo also gave orders, and the huge flying boat retreated a thousand feet...

With a rumbling sound, the giant flying boat began to vibrate and emit a storm of spiritual light, and slowly retreated...

However, the spiritual cannon attack on the flying boat did not stop, and it continued to attack with terrible beams of light...

In Tianchong City, many disciples saw that the giant flying boat of the Black Water Sect began to retreat, and a trace of relief appeared on their faces. The opponent retreated, it seemed that the consumption of resisting the attack of Tianchong City was too great, and they had to retreat?

In this case, Tianchong City can be regarded as blocking the first wave of attacks, right?

Indeed, the super flying boat is so huge that it consumes countless spiritual stones just to float and fly. In addition, it also consumes more spiritual stones than the defense of Tianchong City to resist these attacks and launch the super spiritual cannon beam...

Just at this time...

Boom! A thunderous roar shook the earth from one corner of Tianchong City, and a terrifying storm column rose into the sky...

Even from dozens of miles away, one could feel the shocking shock.

The second elder's face suddenly changed, and he shouted, "What happened?"

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