Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 804 The restriction is broken?

More foundation-building disciples began to release treasures and control flying treasures to the weak gap.

Once the forbidden defense formation was broken, a fierce hand-to-hand fight would follow...

The second elder looked at this scene with an ugly face. Although Ye Han said that he could repair the formation pillars, the opponent had already started to attack. Could he repair it in such a short time?

He believed that Ye Han had a certain degree of confidence, otherwise he would not have told him that he could repair the formation at this critical moment.

But was it in time?

And this was just the attack of one of the huge main spirit cannons in the Black Water Sect's super flying boat.

The Red Dragon Girl looked at the dim forbidden light shield and ordered in a deep voice: "Number one, number three! Attack at the same time!"

Following the Red Dragon Girl's order, the mechanisms of the other two flying boats turned, and the immortal disciples inside began to frantically throw in bags full of blood-colored runes, which were full of spirit stones and specially refined blood and qi...

As these blood-red runes were continuously thrown into the array plate of the spirit cannon.

Buzz buzz buzz buzz! ! ! The violent rune spiritual light vibrated and surged on the spiritual cannon...

Seeing this, Sha Tianzun and Yin Mo's faces became solemn, and they felt a little painful...

You know, although the power of this super spiritual cannon is extremely terrifying, each shot costs millions of spiritual stones.

Even the Black Water Sect does not dare to attack this super spiritual cannon continuously...

On the other hand, it is also because the power generated by this super spiritual cannon is too great after it is launched once. The spiritual cannon and the flying boat formation mechanism will suffer a certain impact and backlash, and it takes a quarter of an hour to cool down before the second shot can be fired...

This sect war is fought for cultivation resources and spiritual stones, which makes sense.

However, in this area of ​​Tianchong City, the forbidden defense can no longer replenish mana and spiritual energy...

These two attacks will definitely break through this forbidden light shield.

Red Dragon Girl ordered and shouted: "Foundation Building Team! Prepare for a surprise attack!"

Yes, as long as the defense ban of Tianchong City is broken, the Foundation Building Immortal Cultivators of their three flying boats will all attack and engage in hand-to-hand combat with the other side...

The other side has only more than a hundred Foundation Building cultivators...

With more than 300 of them attacking, Tianchong City will definitely not be able to resist for long.

Following the order of Red Dragon Girl, the Foundation Building disciples of Black Water Sect on the deck released flying treasures and defensive treasures one by one, preparing for a surprise attack...



Two earth-shaking roars, the gray light exploded and exploded, and the two huge flying boats were violently shaken and exploded into a storm, retreating hundreds of feet...

The spiritual cannons on it simultaneously blasted out two gray light beams of dozens of feet in size, which impacted out an extremely violent storm and rushed out a thousand feet away...

Bang!!! Bang!!!

The extremely violent and terrifying storm exploded in an instant...

The entire Tianchong City's forbidden light shield shook violently in an instant...

The center of the forbidden defense light shield that was hit trembled violently and twisted to an extreme...


Clang! ! ! A piece of shattered spiritual light rune light burst, bursting in an instant...

A huge hole of tens of feet in size was blasted out of the forbidden light shield of Tianchong City...

The gray light beam of the spiritual cannon rushed in and hit a mountain peak. The mountain peak exploded violently, and rocks and trees continued to fall down...

Fortunately, the power of the gray light beam was already at its end, and it was not very powerful.


The forbidden light shield of Tianchong City was broken? !

The disciples of Qingxuan Sect all looked extremely ugly, watching this scene in disbelief...

The second elder also looked pale, this time he was doomed...

He couldn't help but look in the direction of Ye Han. Damn it, didn't Ye Han say that he could repair the formation pillars? There was no movement at all!

What is this kid doing?

I saw that in the huge pit, a huge stone tablet was erected at some point...

Ye Han stood on the giant thick earth and iron mountain, and also saw that the formation was broken and a huge pit appeared...

He pointed his finger and slapped the storage bag...

Huhuhuhuhu! ! Metallic spiritual light surged out of his storage bag like a tide...

Metallic puppets appeared one after another on the Thick Earth and Iron Mountain. He released hundreds of metal puppets at once, standing densely on the Thick Earth and Iron Mountain...

Wang Chunyang and others saw that Ye Han released so many puppets at once, and each one was made of metal, which was very extraordinary...

Could it be that Ye Han wanted to control more than a hundred puppets to block this big hole?

That's unlikely, right?

The other party has three Jindan-stage great cultivators outside. If the three of them rush in, no matter how many puppets there are, they can't stop them, right?

And at this time...

On the giant flying boat of the Black Water Sect, the Red Dragon Girl loudly ordered: "The forbidden defense is open! Raid!"

Following her order.

Swish, swish, swish! ! Rays of light flew out from the deck of the flying boat, forming a dense mass of light, rushing towards the broken barrier of Tianchong City...

Once they enter the formation, Tianchong City will be theirs!

The second elder's face turned pale when he saw this scene. For the sake of Qingxuan Sect, he had no choice but to fight to the death...

So, he shouted loudly: "Prepare for battle!"

damn! This Ye Han is really unreliable. He said nicely that he could repair the formation, but in the end he couldn't react in time at all. It was useless to release those puppets. Can this stop so many foundation-building immortal cultivators from the Black Water Sect?

After all, in the eyes of the second elder, although the puppets released by Ye Han look quite powerful, one puppet is equivalent to a disciple in the Qi refining stage...

That's when.

Ye Han quickly chanted the incantation, driving the puppet magic to the extreme!

The runes on each of those metal puppets trembled, and they began to gather together quickly...

An amazing scene appeared!

Click, click, click!

These metal puppets are like a stack of Arhats, constantly surrounding and stacking up, forming a formation pillar composed of a hundred-foot-large metal puppets!

As Ye Han's puppet magic continued to be driven, the runes on these metal puppets began to flow continuously, forming a piece of rune aura that constantly swayed on the surface...

The formation pillar composed of this huge metal puppet began to emit runes of spiritual light, surging towards the formation pillars on both sides...

In an instant, the entire formation pillar emits spiritual light runes and the formation pillars of the large forbidden formation on both sides fit together perfectly, and a burst of rune arrogance surges out...

This... puppet can actually be driven into a formation pillar?

What kind of formation ability is this?

An even more amazing scene appeared!

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