Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 933 I Don’t Eat

As Ye Han yelled, Bai Xue was slightly stunned. The demon soul of the late demon king is a good thing, but Ye Han doesn't want it?

This is strange.

Although Bai Xue's reaction was strange, he reacted very quickly, opening his mouth and spitting out!

Buzz! ! A piece of demon elixir surrounded by bright gold and silver runes chased after the escaping demon soul of the Glacier King...

Glacier King's spirit demon soul burst out in circles of blood light, turned into a line of blood light, and flew thousands of feet away...


Whoops! ! A gold and silver rune trembled, Bai Xue's demon core trembled, and a space crack appeared in front of the Ice King's escaping demon soul...

Chirp! ! A loud bird song roared out from the top of the demon pill, forming the figure of a strange giant bird. The golden and silver runes trembled, and it swallowed the soul of the escaped Glacier King in one gulp...

"Wait! God, have mercy!" Glacier King shouted in horror...

But the giant bird with swirling gold and silver runes swallowed the Glacier King's demon soul in one bite and dragged it into the demon pill...

Buzz! ! ! A bloody rune surged out from the demon core.


Bai Xue's demon pill tore a space crack in the void and got in...

next moment.

Whoops! The demon pill appeared at Bai Xue's mouth. Bai Xue opened his mouth and sucked it in. With a grunt, the demon pill was swallowed into Bai Xue's belly.

Bai Xue said to herself with a contented look: "Master! You are so good to me! This is a great tonic!"

With that said, he flew towards Ye Han happily...

Ye Han looked at Bai Xue in surprise. He could use the demon pill to swallow the demon soul of the late-stage demon king. This Bai Xue is probably more terrifying than the legendary phoenix beast, right?

Of course, it's not that Ye Han is really so generous and doesn't need the ghost soul of the Glacier King. He has found enough evidence to show that the ghost skull mirror is not an ancient treasure at all, but an ancient treasure. A genuine spiritual treasure.

It is a treasure refined by a great monk named Ghost Skull Master. The power of the Ghost Skull Mirror at its peak is extremely terrifying, and it can be called a great killer weapon for souls.

This is Ye Han's realization in a secret realm of Qiankun in Qingxuan Shrine. He saw the real ghost skeleton and the ghost skeleton mirror he used.

But later I heard that the Ghost Skeleton Master had offended too many people. The Demon King led more than a dozen Demon Kings, and several Nascent Soul cultivators also participated in the siege...

Fallen, the ghost skeleton mirror disappeared in the secret realm of Qiankun...

But it is rumored that before the death of the real ghost skeleton, the ghost skeleton mirror burst out with terrifying power and killed many people who besieged it...

The real ghost skeleton was also killed, and the ghost skeleton mirror also disappeared.

Ye Han knew that when he got the Ghost Skull Mirror, the soul of the evil cultivator was definitely not the real Ghost Skull, but it was just that the Ghost Skull Mirror fell into his hands somehow...

As he has used the Ghost Skull Mirror over the years, it has continuously absorbed the souls of immortal cultivators and monsters. After refining and fusing it, the Ghost Skeleton Mirror has become very powerful, but it should be separated from the spirit of the Ghost Skull Mirror. The distance between treasure levels is still quite large.

If you want the Ghost Skeleton Mirror to continue to become more powerful, you have to absorb the souls of more powerful monster cultivators...

So when the body of Glacier King was beheaded and the soul of the soul wanted to escape, Ye Han immediately prepared to use the Ghost Skull Mirror to collect the soul of Glacier King.

After all, the Glacier King is the late-stage cultivation of the Demon King. He can be encountered but cannot be sought. How can he be killed so easily?

After the Ghost Skeleton Mirror absorbs the Glacier King's demon soul soul, there will definitely be a huge change...

However, when he wanted to use the Ghost Skull Mirror again, the Ziding in the sea of ​​consciousness suddenly reacted to the soul of the Glacier King...

But he remembered that the mysterious woman in the weird coffin in the purple cauldron had been absorbing his mana that was added to the elixir breath of the purple cauldron, and she sucked away two-thirds of the mana every time, making him miserable. Word……

It was not until he arrived at the Tianxue Mountains more than a hundred years ago that he returned to normal...

It's been a long time since Ziding behaved like this, and Ziding helped him enter Qingxuan Shrine...

He felt more relieved about Zi Ding, but he had not forgotten that Zi Ding helped the strange coffin steal the souls of the immortal cultivators he killed...

So Ye Han judged that the woman in the coffin had absorbed enough of the elixir, and now she just needed the soul to replenish it!

That's why he was attracted to the demon soul of Glacier King. How could Ye Han let that weird woman succeed?

Immediately and decisively, Bai Xue swallowed the Glacier King's soul and gave up using the Ghost Skeleton Mirror...

Sure enough, Bai Xue swallowed up the soul of the Glacier King.

Buzz! ! Ye Han felt the purple tripod in the sea of ​​consciousness trembling with dissatisfaction. To be precise, it was the mysterious woman in the coffin who was furious...

But Ye Han didn't care. Obviously this woman was too mysterious and knew the true origin of Ziding...

If this woman can really be resurrected, the explosion of cultivation may be beyond his ability to deal with. Not only may the treasure Ziding be snatched away, but he may also be killed and silenced...

Ye Han would naturally not do such a stupid thing and let others pick his peaches...

However, Bai Xue took advantage of it and happily flew towards Ye Han...

Ye Han was very surprised when he saw this guy's happy expression. Although he had seen many magical beasts' magical powers and secrets, someone like Bai Xue, who could swallow the souls of higher-level monsters than himself, was really rare……

What's even more rare is that this guy has been able to transform into a human form before reaching the level of fifth-level demon king...

This white snow is really full of mystery...

And the body of the Glacier King fell on the ice lake, emitting a arrogant evil spirit and arrogance...

This guy's body was hundreds of feet long.

Ye Han flew down, the sword light in his hand trembled, and he slashed out dozens of sword lights in succession, cutting the body of the Glacier King into seven or eight parts. Then with a finger, the demon pill and the beast crystal flew out and were put into the storage bag. Among...

Then he said to Bai Xue: "Do you want this guy's body?"

Bai Xue said arrogantly: "I will not eat the corpses of such low-level monsters!"

After hearing what this guy said, Ye Han frowned and said, "Okay! Then I'll take it away!"

As he spoke, Ye Han pointed his finger, and the treasure refining furnace began to spin, sucking in the body of the Glacier King...

After years of refining and use by Ye Han, this treasure refining furnace has reached its limit. It can absorb things as large as a thousand feet, which is larger than the space of his purple cauldron...

However, Ye Han's collection of the body of the Glacier King would also be of great use.

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