Purple Cauldron Immortal Fate

Chapter 958 Mortal Change

Ye Hanfei was flying in the air and saw a village in the distance, which looked quite prosperous...

Seeing this scene, he couldn't help showing a trace of emotion. Unexpectedly, he thought that Qingniu Village was destroyed by the anger of the five elders because of the ancient teleportation array and Wang Fa...

After all, for a great monk like the Fifth Elder, he had plenty of means to destroy a village of mortals.

But I didn't expect that Qingniu Village is still there, and it is more prosperous than before. The population has increased several times, the houses are much stronger and taller, and the roads leading to the town are also much wider...

Of course, for a cultivator like Ye Han, a hundred years is just a matter of practicing in seclusion a few times or going through a few experiences.

For mortals, it has been several generations.

There was no one he knew in the entire Qingniu Village.

Ye Han discovered that the Wang Laocai family back then was still quite good. Although it was no longer the richest family in Qingniu Village, it seemed that they had become the village chief...

It can be seen that Qingniu Village is still intact, and Ye Han has nothing to interfere with the lives of mortals.

He glanced around casually, and there happened to be a family in the village who was getting married. It was very lively, and the whole village was having a banquet...

Ye Han understood clearly that the fifth elder might have wanted to kill the mortal to vent his anger, but he might have kept the mortal to see if he could wait for him to come back...

He went to the location of the ancient teleportation array in the back mountain, and was surprised to find that this ancient teleportation array actually had a forbidden formation, which was shrouded in clouds and mist all year round...

More than an hour later.

Ye Hanfei escaped in the air, heading towards the direction of Qingxuan Gate...

He was playing with a green phoenix jade pendant in his hand, and his face became solemn: "Unexpectedly, this green phoenix fairy repaired the ancient teleportation array and went to the northern Luzhou continent...!"

Yes, he went to the ancient teleportation formation. According to when he teleported away, the fifth elder suddenly attacked and destroyed his teleportation. Judging from the impact he received in the teleportation channel, the fifth elder should have destroyed it at that time. Teleportation array.

But this time he returned to the ancient teleportation array and saw that the ancient teleportation array had been repaired, and restrictions were placed around it to prevent mortals from accidentally breaking in...

But of course Ye Han didn't know who was repairing and using the teleportation array.

However, at the ancient teleportation array, Ye Han found the cyan phoenix jade pendant in his hand. It was obviously a token of Fairy Qingfeng, and it was left here at the ancient teleportation array. This meant that Fairy Qingfeng might have expected that , Ye Han will come back here in the future...

This situation made Ye Han quite strange. What did Fairy Qingfeng want to do?

After all, he and Fairy Qingfeng discovered this ancient teleportation array. Although the Fifth Elder also knew about it, they obviously did not want to tell the Fifth Elder, but left him a token to inform him that she had gone to Northern Luzhou. mainland……

But why does she want to go to Northern Luzhou Continent? Are you looking for yourself? It’s better to find senior brother...

He felt that it was a bit strange that Fairy Qingfeng was much more eager to find his senior brother than his master, the Seventh Elder and Zhang Lingjun.

However, more than a hundred years have passed, and Fairy Qingfeng has not yet returned from the North Luzhou Continent. Maybe she really has not found a way to come back from the North Luzhou Continent...

Then senior brother Ye Tianyu couldn't come back for some reason?

Ye Han felt that the two of them could not come back for the same reason?

After all, the last time he used the ancient teleportation array, the ancient teleportation array did not teleport to the predetermined location due to the destruction of the fifth elder. Ye Tianyu and Fairy Qingfeng should have teleported to the predetermined location...

However, although Ye Han had the teleportation token and could activate the teleportation array to go to the North Luzhou Continent, he decided to shelve the idea of ​​going to the North Luzhou Continent for the time being.

Because now he is not particularly eager to see his senior brother. For him, many things have been relieved.

After all, he has experienced many things in the secret realm of Qiankun in Qingxuan Shrine, and he has experienced even more painful and uncomfortable things.

Because he felt that this matter was not as simple as he thought, no matter what Ye Tianyu was thinking...

To say that he had no grudges at all was actually not true. How much hardship did he endure in order to survive? How many grievances have you suffered? Before the truth was truly exposed, Ye Han still didn't want to think that Ye Tianyu had any real relationship with him...

What does it mean if you don’t raise or teach?

On the other hand, the reason why he did not plan to go to the North Luzhou Continent was because he was not injured yet. If he encountered any dangers when he went to the North Luzhou Continent, he could only rely on himself until his injuries were better.

And he probably found a way to heal his wounds, that is, he recently obtained two Tongtian Lingbao-level treasures, the Thousand Fantasy Celestial Bell and the Qingxuan Shrine.

This Thousand Fantasy Heavenly Bell is Mr. Lan Qing's reward for helping him go to Tianji Palace to retrieve his body.

Mr. Liu also gave him the real use method of Qingxuan Shrine. This Qingxuan Shrine is actually a spiritual treasure that reaches the sky. The secret realm of the universe of those pillars is actually one of the magical powers of Qingxuan Shrine.

However, these two treasures require Ye Han to spend a lot of time refining and understanding...

It is worth mentioning that both of these treasures are somewhat damaged. The Thousand Fantasy Celestial Bell needs to absorb various demon souls above the demon king level in order to exert a certain power.

In a sense, the Thousand Illusions Sky Bell and the Ghost Skull Treasure Mirror are almost the same type of treasures. The more demon king's spirits and souls they absorb, the more powerful they become.

What is different is that the Ghost Skull Treasure Mirror can absorb any soul, regardless of the level, whether it is from a cultivator or a monster, it just increases the power...

And the Thousand Illusion Sky Bell can only absorb souls and monsters above the level of the Monster King, and can only be from monsters...

This slight difference actually shows the attitude of the cultivators who practiced these two treasures. One has no bottom line, and the other is reserved...

The damage to the Qingxuan Palace is mainly the small hole blasted by the Creation Stone...

Because of this small hole, the real magical power of the Qingxuan Palace cannot be displayed...

The Qingxuan Palace is actually a treasure sealed by the universe, which is a bit similar to the purple tripod space that Ye Han is using now. It sucks in cultivators and controls the space to deal with the treasure concept of cultivators...

However, since the time he sucked in the runaway Juehan Divine Sword and almost destroyed his medicine garden and purple tripod space, Ye Han felt that he could not do this in the future.

At least before he controls the Qingxuan Palace, he can't do this.

Why do you say so? Because Ye Han intends to integrate the Qingxuan Palace into the Ziding space, the power of the magic is quite exciting...

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