Pursuing Immortality

Chapter 149: Official thug

Gu Yan was a little surprised. The visitor turned out to be the young Taoist Li Suchun from Xia Maoshan.

At first, he and Xiaozhai took the mad zombies into the lake, patted them on the buttocks and left, leaving Li Suchun and Wang Ruoxu. There was a half-year gap between the two. At first sight today, the other party seemed to be mature. Although the temperament was still cold, the overall state was quite stable.

He wanted to know with his knee that the two would definitely be taken over by the government and carefully cultivated. Look at this, Li Suchun should be returned to the operation office of the Special General Administration.

"It's just here. The defense staff is very scarce now. I have already reserved a barracks for you."

"Yes, follow everything!"

The leader of the operation department and the captain of the security department bumped their heads, called the priest, and introduced: "This is Li Suchun, a new comrade."

"Oh, hello, hello!"

The captain apparently heard of it, and showed enthusiasm and curiosity. He stretched out his hand and smiled, "You can rest assured that you are here, and I will take care of your safety work here."


Li Suchun uncommonly communicated etiquette, like squeezing a word from the gap between his teeth, cold and hard, he could hear the sound when he fell to the ground.

Huh! Is this Nima a human hand?

The captain held the hand, only felt a cool air through the flesh, and drilled directly into the bone, almost shaking Lingling with a chill. Of course he didn't show up, and his attitude remained very good.

Honestly, they have a very complicated mentality about this kind of special act (da) of extra-legal grace. Both rely on, and take precautions, envy the other party's ability, and taunt.

Especially Li Suchun, what fun zombie? Alas, so disgusting!

After the two sides had a chill, the newcomers settled in, and the kitchen set fire to eat, planning to have a simple feast.

Gu Yi played soy sauce all the way, without mixing it, it was slightly strange. Because when the gang left, Li Suchun stared at himself for a long time with strange eyes.

Please, we're not familiar!

He wasn't attentive, and after dinner he returned to the house, ready to talk to Xiao Zhai.

There are no communication signals in the mountains. Obviously, it was too late to build a tower, and the team built a lot of devices. They could barely make phone calls and surf the Internet, and they were not very stable.

Let's say that many encounters in the world are doomed.

Just like a white skirt meets a white shirt, salmon meets Vasami, and sponge body meets sphincter. Once met, it is Jinfeng Yulu, dry firewood, Gudao hot intestines.

But the two were very bubbling. After the relationship was established that night, nothing changed. Mu Yu slept on a quilt, Mu clapped for a second time, and even his daily physical contact increased, so that Long Qiu didn't notice it.

Because of their temperament, they can't get tired of it.

Of course, there are still misses. The two made an appointment, contacted regularly, and reported each other's situation-no way, Xiaozhai couldn't make a call.

"Hey, hey ..."

There was a lot of noise in Zi Zi La La, and it became clearer after a while.

"Hey, what are you doing?" He asked.

"I'm drinking."

"What is Xiaoqiu doing?"

"She's choking."

"Uh, are you in Baicheng?" He blinked.

"No, we are in Wulongbei. I will go to the hot spring in a while. I booked a hot spring hotel."

Drink, skewer, hot spring hotel ...

Gu stunned the shabby house, and the unreasonable eggs hurt: "That, sister, do I have any misunderstanding about mutual affection?"

"No, you didn't understand it wrong. I just ran out to play with you by telling you my affection."

Got it!

Might as well not ask, this routine makes people speechless.

Gu Ye was brewing his lines, trying to fight back, and suddenly heard the knock of "咚咚咚" from the door.

"Someone is here, so be it, everything is fine on my side!"

He hung up the phone in a hurry, and when he looked at it, it was Li Suchun who poked at the door. He was dressed in black and cut very tightly.

"Is there something wrong?" Gu Minqi said.


The little priest pursed his lips without saying a word. I wonder if he didn't want to answer, or didn't think about how to answer. And his expression was also very strange, with a little tangled, dazed, and period wings, and these emotions tried to hide under the white skin.

"Oh, come in and sit."

Gu Yan smiled, gave way, and asked, "You know it is me?"

"I've seen your picture."

Li Suchun stepped into the house, her voice was low and mute.

"Oh, no wonder."

Gu Tie was wearing a mask when he was in Tieshan. The other party hadn't seen Zhenrong, so he mentioned it. When the two were seated, he poured a glass of boiling water and asked, "What about your zombie?"

"In the woods, I'm afraid of scaring people."

"Is that the previous one, or the new one?"



Gu Yan instantly became interested. He didn't understand corpse surgery, but he could also guess that zombies were not so easy to make.

If you want to make a corpse, you must first find a corpse whose life is Yin, and died when it was Yin. If stored for several days without decay, it is eligible.

Li Suchun was able to run into Granny Ge. That was a shit, but the probability is very small. In order to train him, the authorities put a lot of effort into it.

Gu Ye's feeling for him is that a young man who has been tricked by his fate is now recruited by the government. That's all, what to say, like, good impression, or other careful thinking is purely bullshit.

Still the words, not familiar!

Li Suchun was different. Although he had only seen one side, the glimpse of Jinghong that day was too shocking. Something happened, the kind of dare to walk away.

Later, he was in a special office and heard some news one after another, especially the negotiation between the two sides, this man digged a Phoenix Mountain out of nowhere!


This is a bit admirable.

It's just that his personality has changed a lot and he has been in contact with zombies for a long time.

The two talked a little embarrassingly, Gu's G point is not on the other side at all ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Can't help but said, "If you don't mind, can I look at the zombies?"


Li Suchun's eyes flickered with a hint of complexity.

Immediately, the two got up and went out, bypassed a shack, and walked into the woods in the distance.

You know, the trees and weeds on both sides of the river have been cleaned up, the area they have been stationed in has expanded, and the building has become more complete. Even public baths are ready for construction.

The forest is on the periphery of the perimeter, not far away. Li Suchun led the way in front of him, Gu Yan followed it, and felt stranger as he walked.

This piece belongs to the edge of the camp. There are patrol sentry posts day and night. At the moment, there is not even a ghost.

It's like deliberately emptying the place.


Gu Min turned his head, sorted it out in minutes, and when he looked at the thin back, he suddenly felt uncomfortable.

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