Pursuing Immortality

Chapter 193: Baby's heart

Flame Mountain, Grape Valley.

The grapevine is the largest gorge under the mountain. It is long and narrow, with cliffs on both sides facing each other. The streams in the ditch are surrounded by greenery. It has a resident population of about 9,000 and is named after the grapes.

This will be the off-season, because the grapes are already ripe for picking, and the farmhouse next to each other is deserted.

Gu Yan arrived here early in the morning, from the mouth of the ditch to the east two miles, the foot of the Flame Mountain, where the terrain is gentle, is the best choice for hiking up the mountain-thanks again to the outdoor group!

He carried a bag, besides the basic tools, a lot of drinking water. As mentioned earlier, there are six or seven guys who are stalking him, and I don't know where they are.

He didn't care, he just picked one, and when he asked for it, he was ready for forty minutes, and he didn't want to return. In popular words in Beijing's power circle, this is called: get a good destiny.

Before Gu Yan set out, Zai carefully made a circle in the ditch, where the signs of erosion by fire aura were more obvious. The grapevines all over the canyon and the surrounding poplar forest are already weak.

The red cloud over the sky is still entangled, just wait for it to accumulate and solidify, and after it has accumulated to a certain degree, it will pounce down in minutes. At that time, I do n’t know what the peach blossoms under the Flame Mountain will look like.

Gu Ye felt very sorry, except for the perverts, people always held a kind of tolerance and kindness for the disappearance of beauty.




Gu Yan jumped up, stepped on the mountain walls on both sides, and walked for several meters in the air. At last, he lifted his breath and skipped the sharp stone road and landed steadily.


He exhaled, balancing the moisture and energy in his body, so as not to evaporate too quickly.

The length of the Flame Mountain is one hundred kilometers. He only walked ten kilometers, and it was uncomfortable. Feeling okay outside, as soon as I entered the mountain, it was different instantly. The existence of the sun has never been so strong, as if there is only one round of red sun in the world, and the heart is dissipated with heat.

What's more serious is that the fire aura is getting stronger and stronger, and his aggression is becoming more acute. He has to slow down the aura's operation to avoid being provoked.

There was only one reason for Zhang Wei's group of people to find Gu Ye's help, that is, what they were looking for, and they could only be found when they felt the aura. They may have a circuit diagram in their hands, but Gu Yan has no heads and flies, of course, he does not have much hope.

After walking for more than half an hour, he entered a passage.

The passage is zigzag, like a trench in wartime, wide to walk, and the walls of the trench on both sides are mottled, leading directly to the hinterland of the mountain.

And before long, the low mountain wall suddenly became like an axe and a knife. The passageway is also getting narrower and narrower, and only one person is allowed to pass.

Gu Ye looked around, except for the ray of sky above him, surrounded by red mountains, such as a brick kiln that was soaked in the fire, and his eyes were all fire.

"Snoring ... snoring ..."

With his physical ability, he was a little rough. He paused, drank a large bottle of water, and estimated the distance back and forth.

Find another hour, and return immediately if you can't!

Moving on in this way, the road became more difficult, and the gap between the mountains was not allowed to pass flat. At the narrowest place, you can only take off your backpack and lift your arms sideways.

After walking a few more miles, Gu Yan suddenly gave a meal, and found that there was a large shadow under his feet, and it was no longer boring russet sandstone. He looked up, but there was a huge rock hanging between the two walls. The sunlight penetrated through the stone gap and cast the shadow of the huge rock on the bottom of the valley, which looked slightly strange.


Gu Min blinked, a little surprised, not because of the boulder, but because he felt a little coolness just now. He came in an instant. This mountain of grass is dead, birds and beasts are extinct, and dry heat is like death. Where does the coolness come from?

Immediately, he searched around and found a half-meter-high gap under the mountain wall on the left, shrouded in shadow.

It was dark inside with a certain odor. He hesitated for a moment, still carrying a backpack and crawling into it.


Countless pieces of gravel crunched underneath him, and Ai's abdomen was painful. Gu Ai crawled for a while. The space seemed to be a little higher, and he changed to a half-knee. Then it turned into a cat's waist, and finally stood upright, but in an open cave.

The cave was dark and cold, and there was no light. He took out the flashlight and flickered it. It was about the size of a basketball court and was sealed on all sides.

Looking up again, as far as I can see, something seems to be shaking.

Gu Yan nailed the light together, take a closer look, hey! Grinning suddenly, she saw a puppet-like weight hanging from the top of the black cormorant, suspended by a wire, and still swaying slightly.

That light happened to be on the front of a puppet, shaking out a red pupil, a grimace with a **** mouth and a big mouth.


Gu Xun read aloud and listened only to "Xi". A blue light flashed over the top of the cave, and the iron cable was severely cut. He caught the puppet and dropped it carefully on the ground.

The weight of this thing is quite light, and it is completely made according to the size of an ordinary baby. I do n’t know what materials, after thousands of years, it is relatively intact.

The surface is engraved with a lot of weird patterns, similar to the imprint on the woman's chest, and there are gaps on the side that seem to open.


Gu Yante was tangled, but he was either scared or a little sick, and the ghost knew what was in it!



At this moment, a small noise suddenly came from the darkness, as if in one place, and from all directions.

Gu Yan listened carefully, looked up violently, and saw a steady stream of monsters crawling from the broken iron cable. Each is about the size of a half fist, covered with a dark carapace, eight jagged long legs, a mouth-shaped lotus flower, and secretions of mucus.

These bugs seemed to come from the abyss of the nether world. They crackled and fell to the ground.


Gu Min stepped on the ground, his reiki turned violently, and hurled out.


The first few beetles felt a sudden surge of coercion and rushed. However, the thirst and nature of blood food instantly broke through the suppression and became even more crazy.

Good guy!

Gu Dibei did not hit, left the puppet, turned around and ran.

The worm swarmed more and more, chased after him, and the strange worm crawled on the puppet. After a meal, it stunned in a blink of an eye.


A weird baby corpse rolled out, with thick black juice.

The baby was about two years old, his hands and feet were broken, and there were obvious signs of burning. Unlike the carrion, unlike the dead body, I don't know how many years have been preserved. The flesh and blood are mixed with a weird oil.

Of course Gu Yan couldn't see it, he just ran to the entrance and scolded in his heart:

Damn hole!

No way, first the cat's waist, then half kneeling, and finally leaning forward. He also no longer kept it. After two Qingguang Temples, the chased beetles penetrated one after another.



Followed by, and drowned by the dense chewing and crawling sound, seems to be eating similar flesh and blood.

Gu Yan's spine was chilling, and he crawled forward. It was easy to see a bright light in front of him. He immediately accelerated his speed, leaped forward with his hands, and rolled on the spot.


As soon as he got out of the hole, there was a strange sound of "Lalala" in his ear.

When I got up, I turned around, but the following bugs were scorched by the scorching sun ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~, immediately turned into pus, and the stench was so foul. The latter beetle tried to use his tentacles to test, but it seemed that he couldn't move forward.

After tossing for a long time, finally retreating slowly and unwillingly, it was a dark silence.

Oh evil!

Gu Yan is afraid of all kinds of things, what is this special? What kind of ghosts are those beetles?

It is said that since he practiced, there were almost no rivals. However, he was beaten repeatedly in Huozhou for a few days, although they were all beaten by the masses. For a while, there was still a little grievance for the baby, the baby was sad, and the baby was bitter.

This escape, together with certainty: Zhang Wei must be related to the mysterious place in the cave. Maybe it is the inheritance of future generations. What they are looking for is also the ancestral remains.


Gu Yan looked at the front, still the vast red mountain, could not see his head. He had an intuition that this was not the final destination, but a place halfway through, and the real secret was still deep in the mountains.

However, he did not dare to act lightly.

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