Pursuing Immortality

Chapter 231: Mr. Gu

Clear skies and no clouds.

A SUV with a flamboyant SUV driving on a straight, seemingly endless road, seems to be the only bright color in the world under the shadow of the wilderness on both sides.


Yang Di stepped on the accelerator and went straight to 140 miles. The performance of this car is good, stable and stable, without any drift. He is very strong, but he can still walk at this speed, and sometimes he looks at the side, or looks at the cute girl in the rearview mirror.

Gu Xun was too lazy, and Long Qiu was very annoyed. When he peeked for the eighth time, he couldn't help but ask, "What do you always watch me do?"

"Who makes you look good ... Ah, my mouth is cheap, my mouth is cheap, I smoke myself!"

His dog couldn't change his **** and wanted to make fun of it. As a result, the girl frowned, reacted instantly, and slapped her two slaps. The goods were so thick-skinned, totally ignorant of what shame was, and asked like no one else, "Well, brother, who are you?"

"Let's be the inspection team," Gu Yan said.

"You hit me again. Can the inspection team play ten of them?"

Yang Di paused, and suddenly lowered his voice. God mysteriously said, "Actually, if you don't say it, I can guess, you are the powerists, right?"


Gu Yan blinked and asked, "Where did you come to the conclusion?"

"Well, it's all secretly spread! I have a friend who has a relationship with the army. They said that the migrants in Huozhou were not building bases at all. It seems that something is radiating and energy is generated. I don't understand. A group of abilities to solve. Hehe, look at your style, it must be! But you should not have compiled, it is estimated that they are folk masters. "


He listened, and wondered, "If there are really powers, why aren't you surprised?"

"What am I surprised? I have always believed that there are superpowers in this world, but I haven't made it public."

Yang Di relaxed a lot and laughed: "You think, there are tens of billions of people in the world. If there are not a few special ones, that would be very boring! Now, maybe the environment is changing and some new problems have occurred. The country is temporarily Concealed, but it will be public in the future. So I must seize the opportunity and don't fall behind, just like that community, aren't you trying to explore the road? "


Gu Yan really glanced up, don't be stupid, this is better than many people.

Although it was a bit embarrassing and a little turbulent, it was not a bad guy, so he reminded one or two: "The organization you join is not a good thing. Being able to get out as soon as possible is not something you can afford.

"Yes, brother is right."

Yang Di answered, but didn't take it for granted.

He continued to drive, raising his eyes inadvertently, and stretched his neck to look forward, saying, "Well, what's that?"

Gu Yan and Long Qiu also looked down, and saw a black shadow dive down from the sky at a very fast speed, and the target pointed directly at the sizzling car.

The two had excellent eyesight and instantly recognized that it turned out to be a weird big bird.

Just a few breaths, the big bird was already approaching, his wings fluttered, his long pointed beak straightened, and he pecked hard at the windshield.

"Crouch! What!"

Yang Di is a standard old driver, panic-free and holding the steering wheel to the left. The harsh noise of the tires and the ground made it hard to escape.


The big bird screamed, and his body turned abnormally flexibly.

At this moment, the co-pilot's window lowered, a large hand was extended from inside, and his neck was pinched.

"Ga ..."

The big bird struggled fiercely, and its wings fanned wildly, but it could not escape. Immediately, it felt that the force between his neck increased, a choking slammed, and he dared not move.

Gu Yan tilted his head and looked carefully:

It is more than one meter high, and the wings are very large. The width can reach about three meters. The fire-red feathers are bright and dazzling, except that the chest is black-purple. Each claw has five pointed toes, the barb-shaped toe blade is like a machete, the beak is long, and the front end is slightly curved.

He hasn't seen such a big bird in Longxi and Bayin, but there are ...

"Is there any wetland or ecological zone nearby?" He asked.

"Eh, there seems to be a bird nature reserve." Yang Di thought about it.

"That's right."

Gu Yan turned his head and asked, "How are you feeling?"

"The golden silkworm smelled bloody, and it ate meat." Long Qiu looked displeased.

What can the meat of the golden silkworm mean, of course, human flesh!


Gu Ye was also a bit sick. As soon as he pressed **** his hand, he heard a sound of Gaba, and his slender neck was pinched.

Immediately after that, he stretched his left hand, a medium-sized gourd appeared in his palm, and then took a chance. The bird's blood was like a red fountain, spurting from the fracture, and pouring into the mouth of the gourd.

A few seconds later, the bird had dried up significantly. He threw it back at will, and the corpse of the bird was still standing in the air, and then disappeared out of thin air, but was stung by the golden silkworm.

"Big, big brother ..."

Yang Di had been trembling in his teeth for a long time. Fear was mixed with excitement, and his throat broke sharply: "You guys, you really are powers!"

The power is a puppet!

Gu Yan fanned his back, training: "Drive well!"


A town on the western edge of the West Sea is called Huagou Town, next to Huozhou.

The disaster expansion of Huozhou swallowed up a lot of land, so that neighboring cities had to be re-divided. The most unfortunate bayan has shrunk by 2,000 square kilometers.

Fortunately, Huagou Town just cut off some wild grasslands and did not involve residential areas.

The town has a population of 30,000. Some people are afraid. They moved early. Some people don't care. They still live in ease. With the presence of nearby troops, the government simply waved its hands and turned the town into a half army and half civilian.

After driving for several hours, Yang Di finally entered the area of ​​Huagou Town. There is a big warning sign at the intersection, which says: there is a sentry post in front, go slowly and cooperate with the inspection.

After another ten minutes, I saw the outline of the sentry, but it was not the same as imagined.



Several rounds of bullets passed over the side of a large bird, only a few feathers were struck off. The big bird screamed a few times, seeming to taunt his opponent, fluttered his wings, and left the range far away.

"Squad, there aren't many bullets!"

When the machine gunner saw that the attack was invalid, he was anxious and angry, and shouted with his throat.

"I know! I know! Don't be provoked!" The squad leader roared.

"Where did these herds come from?"

Another soldier dropped the helmet directly, but within half a second, he picked it up again and again. His left arm was tied with a bandage, but he was caught accidentally just after the crossfire, and a piece of meat was ripped off alive.

They were in a sentry. This sentry is two stories high and has a certain defensive function, just for a squad of soldiers to hide.

Their opponents are fifty or sixty strange birds, they are extremely fast, and they have considerable IQ and know how to cooperate with the battle.

At the beginning, several were killed fiercely with firepower, but soon, the guys developed tactics. Constantly dive, rise, and use his flexible advantages to consume soldiers' ammunition.

The supporting troops have not yet arrived. Once the bombs are exhausted, the entire squad will have to pounce on the street. They have seen the hardness and power of the bird's paw.



After so much stalemate, the flock of birds found that the firepower of the other party had weakened, and could not help yelling. A small team of seven or eight strange birds couldn't wait to dive immediately.


The gunfire suddenly became fierce, and the firelight spewed out from the firing mouth, which was as dense as rain. Those strange birds were less able to dodge, splashing blood in the air, and falling to the ground all at once.

"It's beautiful!"

"Ha ha ha, in the end is a flat-haired beast, dare to fight with Lao Tzu!"

"Stabilize, stabilize, seduce a few more!"

The soldiers wanted to repeat the tricks. Whoever thought that these heavy casualties directly stimulated the birds.


Under the command of one of the largest monsters, the remaining forty monsters flapped their wings and launched a collective charge. In a flash, the fiery red feathers were connected into one piece, and a cloud of fire seemed to form, and the enemy was to be burned.



The flocks of birds fought desperately at the top of the post and the firing mouth, and their sharp claw blades digged into the stone bricks, causing the rocks to fall apart, and they seemed to be crumbling.

The soldiers were trapped inside, only to cover the sky, and filled with all kinds of weird cries, as if the end of time was coming.

"Squad leader, what should I do?"

"Spell it!"


The squad leader suddenly yelled, rushed to the window with injuries, and raised his hand to three shots. His marksmanship was the first in the company, killing three in an instant, and the momentum of the bird flees.

It is a pity that, before this short encouragement comes into effect, he suddenly felt desperate again, because in the sky over there, there was another fiery red.

"They have support!"


"Oh, I'm really here today!"

"Don't say such frustrated words, hold on for a while, our troops will also ... no, look!"

The squad leader widened his eyes and trembled his fingers to point to the sky. A group of soldiers looked at each other in a row, only to see the redness in front of them, as if the curtain of clouds was opened, the sun was rising and the light was shining.


Where is what reinforcements? The fire dragon that flew in came directly to the leading bird with unparalleled fierce power.


The big bird was completely free of the arrogance just now. The whole body seemed to be filled with high-concentration gasoline, and then it bounced into a match lightly, and when it was stunned, it was burned into a flame and then hit the ground fiercely.

Immediately afterwards, the fire dragon circled in the air, killing the Quartet.

There were screams from the birds, the red feathers were colorful, and they fled, but they escaped everywhere, just like the dumplings ...

It's like dreaming.

A minute ago, the soldiers thought they were going to die; a minute later, the magical place was born.

When the surroundings calmed down, the squad leader ventured out of the window, and Rao was accustomed to the blood and rain, and couldn't help trembling. The sentry was hundreds of meters wide and covered with burnt-out bird corpses.

One was shaped like black charcoal, and some even turned into ash, leaving only a pile of powder left there.

"Hey, someone's here!"

The sharp eye of the machine gunner saw a person coming down from the car from a distance, walking slowly towards this side, followed by a man and a woman.


He even felt a little familiar, looked carefully, and immediately shouted, "Mr. Gu, it's Mr. Gu!"

"Really Mr. Gu! Why is he here?"

"Pig, definitely go to Huozhou!"

"That's right, just go to Huozhou! One of my former comrades-in-arms also told me, saying that Mr. Gu had gone to Longxi earlier, just passing through their posts ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Damn, hahaha!"

The atmosphere was instantly boiling and rejoicing.

These fighters have basically taken classes and know the general situation, especially several important people, who can't be familiar with them.

In fact, it's amazing that the government's attitude towards Phoenix Mountain is both cooperative and precautionary. The high level of the government is divided into two factions, one of which is mainly the old man, who believes that Phoenix Mountain has good attributes and can go deeper to maintain stability. The other group is dominated by certain people, who feel that the other party's ambitions will sooner or later.

But, in the middle and lower levels, especially among the military groups who have contacted him, wow, I'm really impressed!

Powerful, mysterious, and several key shots.

In Tianzhu Mountain, in Huozhou ... without his investigation and inference, and then affecting the government's decision, how many brothers' lives will be lost directly or indirectly?

The soldiers attach great importance to these. They are not politicians. Although it is natural to obey orders, they have their own judgment in their hearts.

Mr. Gu, this is it!

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