Pursuing Immortality

Chapter 292: Zheng Kaixin

Jurong, Maoshan.

At the junction of Jurong and Jintan, Maoshan belongs to the former in terms of administrative division. It is said that during the Western Han Dynasty, the three brothers of the Mao family gathered medicines and remedies to save the people and the world, and founded Taoism.

When he arrived at Qiliang, Tao Hongjing, the master of the Qing dynasty, lived in Maoshan again, and received a large number of disciples. Due to the respect of the sages, the three brothers of the Mao family were respected as ancestors.

At the peak of Maoshan, there were as many as 257 palace views, but by the end of the Qing Dynasty, there were only three temples and five views. The Third Palace is Chongxi Wanshou Palace, Jiuxiao Wanfu Palace, and Yuanfu Wanning Palace; the Five Views are Deyou View, Renyou View, Yuchen View, Baiyun View, and Qianyuan View.

Later, the Japanese-Ghost War broke out, and the humanitarian torrents were almost destroyed. Until the 1980s, the government allocated funds to repair the Jiuxiao Wanfu Palace and Yuanfu Wanning Palace, collectively known as Maoshan Taoist Temple, belonging to the same school.

There is another Kun Daoyuan named Qianyuan Temple, which belongs to Quanzhen Longmen.

There is a small town called Maoshan Town at the northern foot of this mountain. The town is 10 kilometers long from north to south, and 5 kilometers wide from east to west, with a very small area and a population of just over 30,000.

In the early morning of this day, many people were still asleep, but the well-known wealthy household in the town, Zheng's family, opened its doors wide and noisy, and there were many cars parked at the door.

"Chen Daochang, this time I'm bothering you again, you have to worry a lot."

"You're welcome, you should do it."

During the talk, I saw several people coming out of the house with a Taoist leader, a middle-aged man accompanying the good words, and by the way stuffed a thick red envelope.

The long man took it, and once he used his sleeve to cover it, he disappeared, and then he found a paper bag, and said, "This is the time I calculated. You must do as I tell you. Tonight it must be fine. . But I said ugly that at the beginning, the deceased died before the Chinese New Year Festival, which is not a good sign. You'd better do a ritual to eliminate the disaster. "

"Sure, we can trust you!"

"Let's leave then!"

Several people sent the mayor away, walked back to the house, and quickly put on clothes and filial piety. It's not the kind of formal filial piety. Just put a **** your head or waist.

After that, dozens of people were crowded into the room, and a small boy was pushed to the front. He was at the age of seven or eight years old, with thick brows and eyes, with a bit of drowsiness, still holding a round porcelain altar in his arms.


For a moment, everyone was silent, and the middle-aged whispered: "Happy, how to teach you yesterday, just do it."


The young man nodded, raised the porcelain altar above his head, and said in his mouth, "Grandpa, since you are gone, don't think about it again ... the children and grandchildren will send you the final memorial service, and you will also protect the children and grandchildren in peace, health and prosperity. "

After that, he struck hard with his strength.


The porcelain altar smashed on the concrete surface, and it was suddenly torn apart and shattered at the door. Then, a woman brought a bowl of boiling water and said, "Happy, drink this soon."

The young man was filled with breath, and the talents went out one by one and got on the bus.

This middle-aged man is called Zheng Cheng, and the boy is his youngest son, Zheng Kaixin. A few days ago, the oldest grandfather in the clan died, and the funeral was under way.

As the saying goes: Five miles are different, and three miles change rules, not to mention the difference between North and South?

For example, in the north, on the sixth day of the night, "Shangwang" is to burn some paper money at the door of the house, set up some dishes, gather friends and relatives, the host mumbles, and sprinkle some paper ashes near the chimney.

Because according to the North, the deceased did not know that he had died in the first six days. You have to tell him on the sixth day: Ah, you are already dead. Come on!

Then the soul of the deceased walked down the chimney.

But in the south, especially in the south of the Yangtze River, there seems to be no custom of going up. Only in the first seven mornings, the child fell to the altar at the door and drank a bowl of sugar water, which meant peace.

Of course, it was necessary to suspend the spirit for seven days before, but now it doesn't work, it usually cremates for three days.

After a short while, the convoy arrived at the funeral home, and a group of people were busy sacrificing again.

Zheng Kaixin didn't understand. Let the paper burn, burn the paper, and let the **** hoe ... Although the child didn't cry, it was actually very sad. This age already has the concept of "death".

Grandpa treats himself well, but never sees him again.


In the funeral tradition of Xia Kingdom, the first seven is probably the most important day.

It is generally believed that the soul of the deceased will return home on the seventh day, and the family will prepare a meal and must avoid it afterwards. If souls are allowed to see their families, they will be concerned, and they will not be at peace with each other.

Maoshan Town is next to Maoshan, and it is naturally more important than other places.

In the evening, Zheng's house.

The distant relatives and neighbors have all disappeared, leaving the most immediate group sitting in the living room. I saw Zheng Cheng felt the paper bag, carefully opened it, and pulled out a piece of yellow paper with a few words on it:

Two hours in the hour.

This is the time for the dead to return to their souls.

"Is it nine o'clock to eleven o'clock? What time is it two o'clock?" Zheng Cheng was distressed.

"It doesn't matter, it's two hours."

Grandma was more blunt, and she told her grandson to tell him, "Happy, remember! Don't come out for a while, just stay in the bed!"

"Uh-huh, I won't come out!" The child said.

"That's it, almost ready." Grandma said.

Immediately, a group of people were busy.

According to that long command, first arrange the incense candle, drink and food, and then spread a layer of grass and wood ash, take a bamboo pole, a sticker every one foot of money, and stand on the steps at the door-it is said that the ghost will enter the bamboo The door.

After that, boil an egg and put it in the corner of the room in a clay pot to bribe the God of God (commonly known as the chicken foot god) in order to let the ghost stay a little longer. At the same time, a string of firecrackers must be prepared and thrown into the house after the time of the horror.

After getting it done, my grandmother let a group of people go back to the house and never allowed to come out.

To be honest, they do not know whether the Taoist is telling the truth or not, and whether there are any ghosts in this world. They only knew that this was passed down from generation to generation, just like the Lantern Festival, the Dragon Boat Festival, and the Spring Festival. It became a deep-rooted thing for the locals.

The Zheng family's yard is very large. On the second floor, the grandmother, the uncle's family, the aunt's family, the eldest son and daughter-in-law, and the Zheng Cheng husband and wife are happy with Zheng.

The child was lying in bed, sandwiched between parents, excited and curious, and asked, "Mom, will grandpa come back?"

"Don't ask blindly, hurry up!"

"But I can't sleep."

"Just hold on!"

Zheng Ma's attitude is very vague. The answer is yes, she is not convinced; the answer is not, and she is not very reliable. She patted the child and asked, "Hey, what time is it?"

"At eight fifty."

Dad Zheng was playing with a mobile phone and he didn't care. His father died seven days and the sad period has passed. His wife valued him more and said, "Let's turn off the lights. Mom should tell you in a while. Don't play."

"Well, shut it down!"

He had no choice but to put down his phone and let his wife turn off the lights.

In an instant, the courtyard was dark and weird and quiet. The people in each room didn't know what they were doing, and there was no sound at all. Mother Zheng was holding her son and wondering in her heart, should it be nine o'clock?

She listened slightly nervously, silently, and nothing happened.

After a short while, she thought again, should it be 9:15?


"Crack ... creak ..."

There was some movement this time, but it was the son's slight snoring sound, and his husband turned boringly.

In this way, the three lay for a long time, except for the occasional dog barking at the neighbor's house, and passing vehicles outside, there was no abnormality. She couldn't help being funny, she was superstitious!


Lying for another quarter of an hour, Zheng Kaixin suddenly moved his body and woke up, "Mom, I want to pee."

"Be patient."



"Mom, I can't hold it anymore, I'm going to pee out!" He held up all kinds of urination, a small one, sharp and hard in his underwear.

"Go!" Dad Zheng said impatiently.

"Time has not passed yet!" His wife refused.

"Have you ever been there? Don't wet your bed!"

My husband didn't care, Mother Zheng thought about it, it seemed like nothing was happening, and said: "Go, come back after using the toilet."


Zheng jumped out of bed happily, pulled his shoes, ran out of the bedroom, and went to the bathroom. After swiftly waving, he walked back and forth.

When he came to the aisle, he glanced at the bladder with a strange look: the aisle leads to the living room, the living room leads to the door, the door leads to the courtyard ... This straight line is dark and dim.

The food and drink remained unchanged, the plants and ash were intact, and the earthen pots in the corner of the house were well placed.

He shook his head and sneaked back to the bedroom. Physiological problems were solved. Parents guarded him. Children felt warm and stable, and soon fell asleep again.


"Well, why is it so bright?"

I don't know how long he slept, Zheng Huan muttered suddenly, only felt a bright light in front of his eyes. At the same time, the body was light and soft, as if soaked in water, pushed up a little by buoyancy.

This state is wonderful, he doesn't know if he is dreaming or awake, eyes open or eyes closed.

Strangely, I saw the light slowly dimming, and a black figure appeared. This figure is getting closer and closer, his face is clear, and he is his grandpa.


Zheng Kaixin wanted to yell, and he did scream, but didn't make any noise. The grandpa came to him, his face was kind and he didn't speak.

Grandpa paused, and then stretched out his hand, as if touching his grandson's head, then turned and disappeared.

"Happy! Happy, what's wrong with you?"

"Happy, don't scare mom ... wow ..."

Just say that Zheng's house is messy at this time!

Zheng Huan fell asleep and fell asleep, suddenly yelling, waving his hands, and then crying again and again, "turn on the lights! Turn on the lights!"

My parents were startled, shaking and shaking, but couldn't wake up. Those grandma were shocked and ran downstairs in a panic, and for a time, all kinds of noises were lumped together.

"Turn on the lights! Turn on the lights!"

"Happy ... oh ... happy ..."

Mother Zheng also cried, and Father Zheng was anxious to stand on the wall. Only grandma was stunned and suddenly cursed: "Dead old man, nothing to do with the child! You have nothing to do with the child!"

"Mom, do you say Dad is back?"

When Zheng Ma heard it, she suddenly raised her head and stared at her mother-in-law, which was extremely frightening. Grandma suffocated, and quickly comforted: "No, no, I'm talking nonsense! Rest assured, the child is sleep sickness, just a moment, just a moment!"

In this way, everyone was at a loss, some said to be sent to the hospital, some said to find the chief, and some went to boil sugar. Finally, even the neighbors came over, but unfortunately there was no egg.

Fortunately, about five minutes later, Zheng Kaixin gradually stopped crying and became awake. It didn't seem to change much, just as the two eyes were swollen like peach, and he said aggressively, "Mom, what's wrong with me?"

"Woohoo ... nothing, just fine!"

Mother Zheng couldn't explain it, hugging her son and crying again.


"Ah! I won't go in, I won't go in!"

Zheng Huanran ran out of the house with a crawl, and his mother chased out, angrily, "What are you doing? Come with me."

"I won't go in! I've died there, I won't go in!"

The child was holding the iron gate, his face was pale, and his body was shaking.

"Don't talk nonsense!"

Mother's face was also white, and she raised her hand and slapped her, yelling, "What do you little cub know? You didn't look at anything!"

"Yes, really dead, mom, mom ..." The child was already crying.

Mother Zheng wanted to curse again, but she saw her cousin pull out, leaning against the door frame and said, "Oh, I said happy, I usually treat you well, right? Why curse us?"

"Nothing, sister, kid!" She explained quickly.

"Fun? Huh, that kid was touched by the old man, and all this is known. Maybe he opened some yin and yang eyes, alas, I can't afford such a nephew, so I'll come back later ... boom!"

The cousin closed the door.


Mother Zheng pursed her lips, took the child's hand, and led them home one by one.

It was noon, and the family had just prepared lunch. Grandma saw them coming back and greeted them, and went to the dining room.

Throughout the process, the family atmosphere was heavy and no one was silent. Zheng Kaixin was even more depressed, almost burying his head in the bowl, afraid to look at his loved ones.

After the first seven days, he became weird. Everywhere I go, it means that this is dead, or that it is unlucky, or that I scream madly ... who loves to deal with it?

In just a few days, half of Maoshan Town spread, saying that the Zheng family boy was touched by ghosts and was nervous.

This is how people are, in the face of strong pressure, even if they are flesh and blood, sometimes they can easily give up.

"I've discussed it with my mother and I'll send my happiness up the mountain tomorrow."

Zheng Da chewed with rice in his mouth.

"Sent up the mountain? What do you mean?" Zheng Ma frowned.

"I passed with Chen Daochanggou. He said that the child's anger was in his body, and his long residence at home was not good for mortals. He was very interested in accepting an apprenticeship and honouring some fruits every year."

"Zheng Cheng! Do you have a little conscience?"

Zheng Ma immediately turned over ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ and said: "That's your own son! Will you be willing to send it to be a monk?"

"Don't quarrel with me. What can we do if he is so crazy? Even if we don't hate him, what will he do when he grows up? Go to school, fall in love, find a job, get married, who will look after him? Instead, Might as well let the Taoist Discipline discipline, maybe just fine. "


Mother Zheng's eyes were red and she turned to grandma. "Mom, what do you mean?"

"The Taoist man on the mountain has higher magical powers. He has more power than us. After healed, we can pick it up again, isn't it the same?" Grandma said.

"OK, OK ..."

Mother Zheng seemed to be crying, but she held back and laughed: "Happy is my son, and he is my son in all kinds! You don't want him, I want!"

(Is there any teacher, Happy Teacher's Day!)

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