Pursuing Immortality

Chapter 361: Weilu night talk (1)

"Good evening, young man!"

The shadows in the corners fluctuated like a layer of water ripples, followed by a white old man with a beard full of faces, just the one he encountered during the day.

He speaks pure Gaul, first greets Gu Yan, and smiles at Andrea: "You are so good, beautiful little girl."

"Hello, Master!"

Andrea also speaks fluent Gaul, and waves with others.

"Sorry, can you think about it here?" Gu You helplessly said.

"Ha ha……"

The beard smiled, turned into a staff, spoke a spell, and pointed at him.


Gu Yan felt a strange and non-destructive wave coming, his thoughts turned slightly, and he didn't move. As the staff became a little bit more effective, I immediately felt that I had a more subtle connection with the other party.

"I want to say sorry first, yes, I am indeed following you, and you have brought me a great surprise."


The old Gu was interested, but the other person spoke Gaul, but he could understand the meaning, as if the language was changed automatically, and could not help asking: "What kind of spell is this?"

"A little communication skill is not worth mentioning."

The old man touched his beard and smiled. "Introduce me, my name is Enes Maximilian."

He spit out a long list of names. Of course Gu Gu hadn't heard it, but Andrea was surprised and said with excitement, "Oh my God, you are Master Enes? I can't believe it, oh my name is Andrey Ya, a member of the Wika Wizarding Group. "

"Wicca? Well, not bad."

The old man nodded politely, apparently did not put her in his eyes, and said: "Young man, no secret, I have a private party tonight, I was considering whether to invite you ... But after watching the battle just now, haha , You are qualified. "

whispering sound!

Gu Yan secretly poked his mouth, this kind of condescending sense of charity was too funny. He is now infinitely close to the immortal, and his breath is freely releasable. If it is not in the same state, he cannot see his own details.

He deliberately hid, and wanted to make inquiries, and said, "Can I ask what kind of party is this?"

"Just rest assured, it's just a few of our old guys, purely academic exchanges."

"Oh, that's good, respect is worse than obeying."

He saw Andrea eager to try, and laughed: "I'm a friend of this lady. Since I met them, can I go there?"

"Hehe, let's come together." Enes glanced at the little girl and gave him a face.

As a result, the old man led the way first, the three left the alley, took another short distance, and stopped at a street corner. He held his staff, knocked three times at the lamp post, and read a bunch of weird phrases.

After a while, I heard the sound of "Da Da Da", and a very vintage medieval carriage ran out of the night. Two black horses were pulling the cart, tall and strong, with beautiful lines, but their eyes were dull and stagnant, unlike living creatures.

"Magic, please get in the car."

Enes explained briefly, the three of them got on the car, the horseshoes rang again, and went straight to a village in the suburbs.

Gu Zheng came out of the hotel, but within two hours, he saw many strange and mysterious forces. He became more and more curious. The western world was more heterogeneous, scattered, and more factional than the East, but the overall inheritance system seemed to be more complete than Xia Guo.

As the three had to go, the three chatted casually, and he also figured out the approximate identity of the two.

Let's talk about Andrea first.

Founded three hundred years ago, Wika religion, based on the ancient Qi Zhu's "qi" and primitive witchcraft, has produced a unique practice method to expand the physical and consciousness.

It is popular in Sam's country and is an officially recognized legal denomination. The organizational structure is that the highest leader is the priestess, and then the senior, third, second, and first wizards.

At the level of a senior wizard, you can go out and create your own wizarding organization. The proper name for this organization is Coven, and the popular translation is called the group.

The Vika doctrine is very positive, centered on the eight virtues of cheerfulness, respect, honor, humility, strength, beauty, power, and enthusiasm, as long as it doesn't hurt others, do whatever you want.

So they are very tolerant, for example, they support homosexuality (anti-harmonious) love.

The wizarding group that Andrea belongs to is called Dawn by the Lake. There are 13 people and the leader is a senior witch. She was sent by her to come to Berne to hear the news and to develop her followers by the way.

As for voodoo, also known as voodoo, it originated from West Africa and is a primitive religion combining ancestor worship, animism, psychicism, and so on, similar to shamanism.

In the 16th century, a large number of African slaves were trafficked to Haiti, which also brought the original religion to the past, and later took root and mutated in Haiti to form the current voodoo.

The most famous of them is the return of dead souls, which refers to a kind of living dead in a critical state of life and death. That dwarf is one of them, and is fighting Wika in America.

Then Enes.

This old man looks kind, but in fact is as fine as a monkey. He confided very little, only knowing that he was one of the leaders of a magic society in Gaul, who had a high status and was responsible for security at this meeting.

The party tonight was also organized by a few of their friends. There were not many people, just four old guys.


"Da da da!"

The carriage went for about half an hour, turned into a small village, and stopped in front of a wooden house. When the three got out of the car, Enes patted the horse's head, turned around, and disappeared into the night with a rhythm.

"It won't be lost, will it?" Andrea said.

"Oh, young man, do you know why you chose the place in Bonn? Because there is an old guy living here, he has set a lot of magic points in the city, the effect is beyond your imagination ... let's go, I will bring Go and meet him. "

Then, Enes knocked on the door with his wand, and squeaked, and the door opened by itself.

Gu Yan came into the room and looked simple. There were many things in it, much like the salon party popular in Europe more than 100 years ago, leaning on the warm fireplace and a few soft lounge chairs.

The two men and one woman were already sitting on chairs. They were all very old, led by the white-bearded old man on the left. With a blanket on his leg, he greeted, "Enes, you are late!"

"Sorry, I'm just going to pick up two children."

Enes took off his coat and introduced it to both parties, saying: "This is Erhard, this is Marianne, and this is Cohen."


The eyes of the three people skipped Andrea directly and stayed on Gu Yan. For a moment, the old man with white beard, also known as Erhard, nodded softly: "Welcome to our party, I hope some of our old guys will not Will disappoint you. "

"I'm also very lucky. I'm glad to meet you." Gu Yan arched his hand.

In fact, he recognized it as soon as he entered the door. Ahmad was the main guardian of the German politician of the host, and the lady Marianne was the main guardian of the Nordic Vikings. I did not expect that they were friends-that Cohen did not. Have seen.

The conversation between the two people surprised everyone.

Especially Enes, he can only feel that the other party is extraordinary, but there is no more impression. Ahad's strength is recognized in Europe. With such an attitude of respect for equality, wouldn't he say ...


He trembled in his heart.

After a short while, the six sat down, each holding a cup of fragrant, hot drink made of some materials.

Ahmad said: "I have new friends today, and I will repeat it again. Although we belong to different countries, here we have no political stance and only academic exchanges. We used to discuss it in the past. It is inevitable that we are a little bored. You From the East, I would love to hear from you. "


Gu Yan figured it out, these people knew before the rejuvenation, and they did not change after the resuscitation, and often met.

Of course, this time is definitely different. It more or less represents the attitude of the country. Except for Cohen, at least Germany, Gaul and Viking have reached a friendly agreement in advance.

Enes suddenly invited herself, fearing that it would also be a preliminary test of the Xia Kingdom government / cultivation circles by the three countries.

Exactly, he was holding his belly in doubt, thinking for a moment, saying, "I do n’t dare to say anything when we first arrived. We may not know each other well in the East and West. I am a monk, and I start with this word. .

We in the Xia Kingdom often say that the Tao has one life, two life, two life three, and three life.

So what exactly is it? According to our understanding, it is the existence and running track of everything. Simply put, the word natural.

Just like the sun and the moon rise from the east to the west, the beasts multiply by themselves, the wind is automatic without a human fan, the water is driven by no one, the vegetation is self-generating without human races, self-breathing without breathing, heartbeat without heartbeat, and so on.

All these are following their own trajectories, immortality, invisible, no beginning, no end, all-inclusive ... This is the Tao.

For our people and society, its manifestation is even more obvious. For example, the way of being a man, the way of doing business, the way of monarchs and ministers, the way of learning, the way of husband and wife harmony, etc. These are also called the Tao.

According to Western religions, it was God who created the world; scientists also said that it was the Big Bang that formed the universe. I do n’t know much about this.

We believe that Tao created the universe, and the composition of the universe was qi.

Qi is the origin of the world. Each of them is different. There are the heavens and the earth's yellow air, the yin and yang two airs, the five elements air, the earth's evil air, and the dry sky air. These airs constitute everything in the world, and what we need It is exactly these qi. "

"Like what?" Marian asked suddenly.

"such as……"

Gu Yan spread his palms and let out a spirit, standing vertically in the palm. Reiki is invisible and formless. He controls it and constantly vibrates at a high speed.

As a result, the air on his palm began to distort, the space was deformed, and there was a circle of energy induction.

"OH, there are no elements! What a clear wave!" Marianne whispered.

"Similar to some practice methods of ancient Tianzhu, but more pure." Enes reached out a pipe and patted it.

"I have read an ancient book before, which recorded a method of meditation, and it was this kind of qi that was absorbed, but it was very, very difficult," Cohen said.

"Oh, I really want to experiment with it, maybe it can be transformed into something more interesting!"

Just like Gu Yan saw magic for the first time, those present were quite curious and talked about this strange energy.

After talking for a while, Ahmad said, "Okay, please continue."

"it is good!"

Gu Yan withdrew his hand with a smile, and said: "Heaven and earth are transformed by qi, including human beings. When we cultivate, we return to the original, and return to the origin. Popularly speaking, if you let people become qi again, they can grow old with the sky and grow old Save.

This is the conviction of our monk Xia Guo, and it is also the way we go. From ancient times to the present, for thousands of years, countless people have gone forward and succeeded, struggling to overcome the thorns, in order to seek that line of vitality. "

He paused for a moment and then said, "So, I dare to ask, we practice detachedly, live with the Tao, and watch the universe live and die. Then what are you doing for spiritual practice? Is it for longevity?"


As soon as this statement was made, all present were silent.

Because of that language interoperability, he said that although it was a bit verbose, everyone could understand it. Andrea was the most timid in the audience, knowing that she was sent for a fee, it was rare to converge, and quiet as a chicken.

And after a while, Enes suddenly knocked on the pipe and said, "If you asked me ten years ago, I would definitely tell you ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ I long for the knowledge and power of magic. But now, I find that in pursuit of this, I have given the most precious things. "

"Time?" Gu Yan asked.

"Yes! Looking at Europe as a whole, in terms of magic theory, I consider myself to be at the forefront. But the more knowledge I have accumulated, the more I feel frightened." Enes sighed.

"Oh, I do the same. Do you know what the first reaction was after I learned that the elements were reappearing?"

Marian asked, "I went to Framer's cemetery first, to find the Sage's Stone."

"Hahaha, I really can't imagine that you, such a calm guy like iceberg, would do such a thing!" Cohen couldn't help laughing.

"I checked the information left by the teacher the other day. The sage's stone should be refined, but there is no old medicine. And for some reason, Flamer lost the stone and his whereabouts are unknown."

Ahard's heritage seems to be awesome. When it comes to the teacher, the other three show respect.

Then he laughed again: "The new kid asked a very simple question, but we all deliberately avoided it. We practiced initially, perhaps for wisdom, strength, wealth or power, but in the end it became One is called longevity, and we are called eternal life. "

Gu Yan also laughed. Sure enough, monks in the world were generally persuaded that they were afraid of death!

"Now that's it, I'll show you something."

"Are your studies fruitful?" Eneschi said.

"It's not about the results, it's only a preliminary recovery."

Ahmad was very generous, stood up slowly, and brought the five into the back room.

(Let ’s just say, because the crabs from the East are too powerful, so and so and so on teach me to try to avoid it, there is no way, I hope everyone understands.)

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