Pursuing Immortality

Chapter 386: The most important thing is to mix names

Tao family in southern Yunnan.

Early in the morning, the Tao family of six was standing in the yard, dressed formally and with a humble attitude, as if they were waiting for some great person to come.

Uncle is the most serious, not only because the other party is his own salvation benefactor, but also the psychological changes of the three views. After he was cured, he became crazy obsessed with metaphysics, admiring the true monk even more.

"Brother Yu, who is coming today?"

After waiting for a while, Tao Tong, 12, could not help asking.

"There is an ancestor-level figure over there, anyway, very powerful."

Tao Yu's expression was subtle. When he contacted, there was obviously a kind of forced depression on the phone, eh, smirk?

Oh no, you must have heard it wrong!

"Old man? Then he must be very old, shall we call Grandpa in a while?" Tao Yi, thirteen, was also curious.

"Of course he is called the ancestor first. If he is gentle, then we will be the grandfather." Tao Tong answered with some cleverness than his sister.

"Natural temperament is impossible, monks are different from mortals. Regardless of the other party, we must respect and avoid unnecessary trouble." Uncle immediately instructed.

"Oh, I see!" The two children stared at each other, skating at each other.


After a while, a car finally came from a distance and stopped slowly in the courtyard. The six were immediately solemn, finishing their clothes and greeting the guests.

And as the door opened and snapped, a beautiful red high heel stepped on the ground. Then the toes were lightly crushed, like a fiery flame, and the call flew off the car.

"Yo! What are you doing at Qi Liu Station?

Welcome to the elders ...

Tao Yu rushed to his mouth, swallowed back again, and swallowed the feces with chocolate, twisting his features. Uncle and aunt were also very surprised, with various constipation feelings.


The two children didn't think too much, they opened their mouths and yelled, "Sister Xiaojing, it's you! We thought it was an old grandpa, how did you become an ancestor?"

"Haha, people are floating in rivers and lakes, the name is the most important, is this awesome?"

He also lost the face of Xiao Jinghua, who had gone into the ground early. She struck one with one hand, nodded at the four, and entered the house with a big swing.

At the beginning, she came to the Tao family with her brother-in-law and knew each other.

Soon, several people took their seats in the living room. Tao Yu took out the spirit tea he had given, carefully brewed a cup, and looked at it secretly. Compared with the last time, Miss Vigor's temperament has obviously improved a lot, that is, the feeling of "wow is so great".

Her Jin Lei had no leaks, and the mines were already small. She was keeping up with her sister's pace, and she was quite bluffing under normal conditions.

What does this girl say? In fact, it is a neurosis. If you want to guess her thoughts and actions, it is harder than Lao Gu becoming a male.

At this moment, she took a sip of tea and said solemnly: "Say, what's going on at the mine?"

"That's it. After the disaster in several provinces in the southwest, Yunnan is similar to Guizhou, but also has forest expansion and poisonous clusters. However, Dian was originally on the border.

Ruili is the largest inland port in the southwest. It has reached an agreement with Myanmar to maintain the tranquility of the city, the main urban area and neighboring towns and towns, and has not suffered any losses. "

Tao Yu organized the language and explained: "Of course, there are still many places in the province that were affected by the disaster, especially the Ailao Mountain, which has completely become a no-man's land. Not long ago, I found a rough stone in the trading market and felt that Very weird. The man is from Xinping County, and said he brought it with him when he fled, and thought he could sell some money. Oh, this is it ... "

With that said, he took out a dozen pounds of raw ore, which had been cut open, exposing the off-white jade material inside.

Xiao Jingxi took her hand and looked into the interior to look at it. Then, a black-purple thunderlight appeared on the palm of her hand, and the ore was wrapped in a thin silk net.

The mines were like small tentacles with peeling skin. Crushed stone powder kept falling. In a blink of an eye, the shell was peeled off, showing a complete, irregular piece of jade.

"Nuanyu? Sure enough it's warm jade!"

Tao Yu was surprised and said, "There are very few warm jade mines in southern Yunnan. They have been hollowed out. Most of them are jadeite jade. I couldn't believe it before I cut it."

Jade is divided into warm and cold, mainly seen as color texture.

Nuanyu is smooth and delicate, soft and lustrous. It is cool and warm after being put in your hands, and it has a very comfortable feeling. Cold jade usually refers to jadeite, and its tone is cold and hard.

And Xiao Xiong playing with jade materials, ten white tender long fingers gently rubbing on the foreskin, the more you touch the warmer, the more you touch the hotter, and finally it becomes oily, as if it is going to leak oil.


After playing for a while, a glimmer of joy burst into her eyes, and said, "This is not ordinary warm jade. It should have the effect of meditation and contemplation. Wearing it is good for spiritual practice."

"That's great, we have one more treasure." Tao Yu has a strong sense of substitution for Phoenix Mountain.

"Where is that mountain?" Xiao Jing asked.

"It's near Xinping County. No mines have been found before."

"I'll go check first. If there are more reserves, you will formally purchase mining rights."

"Will the officials agree?" Tao Yu worried.


Xiao Xiong smashed her mouth, an unethical morality, and said, "You say, you are from Phoenix Mountain, and you can't afford them a few tons every year."

"Oh, I understand!"

Tao Yu chuckled, there was no way, the traditional businessman's ideas could not be turned. They were talking, Tao Tong Tao Yi, two little guys were staring at each other, they actually felt that the younger sister was super handsome and super sensational.

You are from Phoenix Mountain!

Wow, maybe this is the big guy!


Ailao Mountain is in the central part of Yunnan Province, starting from Chuxiong in the north and reaching Green Spring in the south, with a total length of about 500 kilometers. The highest peak is the Damoyan Peak in Xinping County, with an altitude of 3166 meters.

Nowadays, with the Ailao Mountains as the axis, the radiation is hundreds of miles, and this large area of ​​villages is withering, with strange beasts and no people.

And in this vast and desolate wilderness, a convoy appeared on an empty road. There are jeep, heavy trucks, and various exploration equipment.

There were a lot of people on this trip, no matter whether they were driving or not, their eyes were all kinds of scratches, for fear of getting an alien beast out of them.

This place is recognized as a dead zone. If money is not available, they are guaranteed to be escorted by real people, and they will not come to die. Even so, most people are stunned because they don't know who is real.

Without a robe, and without a gray beard, there is a girl with a pretty thief ... Damn, no one looks like it!

It was said that the convoy was in a hurry and proceeded to Xinping County in an orderly manner. Xu was lucky and did not cause trouble all the way. But halfway through, I heard a cry from the sky.

Immediately after that, Hula Hula made a noise, like wings flapping, but two strange birds followed the team.

"Wind Warbler!"

Someone yelled, his face pale.

This bird has already been recorded in the Xin Shan Hai Jing. It is small and appears as a male and female. Like flashing boars, they also morph into a skill: they can take up several wind blades and attack from a distance.

Even the APP has live photos, a Wuling Hongguang was cut neatly.

So as soon as they appeared, the crowd was all tight. As a result, the next second, they felt the ground shaking, and dust and smoke were not far away, revealing five or six alienated iguanas.

He has black hair, thick limbs, and a huge body. He jumps while running and jumps all the way to the distance. He is approaching at a very fast speed.

"It's over!"

Everyone was as dead as a face, there were strange beasts in the sky and the ground, and they couldn't escape. The two birds groaned a few times, as if they were preying on the iguana. They rushed over the fleet in a blink of an eye. Just to launch the blade, just listen:



With two muffled sounds, wow! A large amount of blood spurted out from the neck of the bird, as if it was raining in the sky, and crackled on the roof window.


One man yelled madly, and after a few seconds he saw nothing moving, and looked boldly, but saw two headless bird corpses lying on the side of the road, as if garbage was randomly discarded.


Immediately afterwards, everyone in the team called out, and this person quickly drew his head out, stunned.

I saw a huge ancient Indian flying to the front ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ and smashed down, then turned up again, quickly zoomed out, and returned to a certain car. Look at the few iguanas, the flesh and blood are mud, and there is no residue left.

"Turn, ancestor!"

This person remembered the real name that was introduced before and couldn't help whispering to himself.


Night, Xinping.

This small county seat is empty, Xiaosuo desolate streets, and square fountains with water faintly record the trajectory of the crowd.

The county town is backed by mountains, and the trees in the mountains have expanded and invaded parts of the city. Even the buildings are sticking out a few branches. Everyone found a hotel, concentrated and stayed there. The previous panic completely dissipated, but turned into a great sense of excitement and excitement.

The entrance of this hotel has been blocked by a pillar of earth protruding from the ground, and there are branches outside the window, which is said to be called Five Elements. When safety is guaranteed, naturally there is a mood to chat, they are undoubtedly talking about that ancestor, oh no, fairy.

When everyone learned that the girl was a real person, the reaction was like this: (╯ ° Д °) ╯︵┻━┻ !!!

Well, this world of repairing immortals is okay! No clothes fluttering, wearing jeans, stepping out on sneakers. Although some peacekeeping, once I accept this setting, wow, is there any expectation that it is swollen?

They talked privately, and in the largest suite, Xiao Jing was asking Tao Yu.

Tao Yu seemed inexplicably nervous because someone's style of painting had changed, and it was completely different from the feeling at home.

"I said Lao Tao, do you know Ailao Mountain?"

"Uh, know more or less."

"Then I ask you something."

Xiao Xiong brushed her body forward, her eyes were black and bright, and she turned into a cheese cat expression pack.

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