Pursuing Immortality

Chapter 403: 1008 Vegetable Chicken (2)

"are you done?"

"All right!"

"Then I'm on fire!"

At night, in a mountain forest in Hongqi Village, Baoshan Town, You Yu directed the whole scene. When they saw that everyone was ready, he poured a small barrel of gasoline on a large pile of firewood, and threw the hay.


The flames sprang up in an instant, and soon the smoke billowed, pouring down into the depths along the wind.

This is an open space, and a high protective layer is erected with wet river mud to ensure that the fire will not get out of control. In addition, there are several high-wattage searchlights, all of which are turned on and shot in all directions, and the black forest is shaking like daylight.

"Let's go!"

"Go and catch the birds!"

There were twelve guards in total, leaving four guards, the remaining eight scattered to the forest, holding wooden sticks and bamboo poles, and beating from the periphery to the center, and there were still unknown noises in the mouth.



The already sleeping creatures were suddenly awakened, both scared and scared. The forest was not large, and it was easy to see the light in the open space.

It was dark at night, where it was as eye-catching as most lighthouses, and most of the animals had phototaxis, so the headless hula ran all over there.

"I'm coming!"

You Yu fetched a simple bird-catching net, greeted three companions, and said, "Don't be nervous, watch it before you wave!"

"Uh-huh!" The three nodded again and again, eyes full of excitement.

Flutter! Flutter!

The birds that flew in first were big and small, red and green, and different species. They hovered over the flat ground and kept tweeting.

"No, not yet, don't move!"

You Yu shouted aloud to keep his companion steady, and after a few minutes, his eyes suddenly turned on, and he saw two little red chicks with bright red feathers in their beaks.

"Two! Look, I catch the one on the left!"

You Yu took a few steps to the left, his hands were extremely stable, first tilted the catch net, rushed forward, and waited for the birds to fly near, swiping sharply.


A green feathered red-billed bird just caught the net and was stuck by the glue-coated mesh, unable to struggle. The other three were more nervous and waved wildly. Fortunately, the bird was even more chaotic and he didn't choose the way.

"Hahaha! Caught! Caught!"

"Not wasted two days!"

At this time, the eight people also rushed over, and all were happy when they saw it. Zhou Zhiming first tied his claws with a string, then carefully lifted one, and put it on the big tree.

After a small wave they could not feel, they saw that the green feather red beak began to change color slowly, from green red to gray brown, and finally it was natural, and the bird body and trunk could not be distinguished.

"That's right, it's the green feathered red-billed sparrow, and one catch is two!"

Zhou Zhiming was very excited and said, "I didn't see it. Xiaoyu has two sons, thanks to you this time!"

"It's all thanks to everyone. I've seen bird catchers in Yushan before, so I know a little."

You Yu's expression was faint. Originally, it was only that time when he followed the cousin to catch birds and saw the deaths of dozens of folks with his own eyes. It was not a good memory.

"Hee hee, Brother Yu don't be humble, we all look at it!" An Susu laughed.

"That's right, you guys aren't showing your face. Just a steady comparison, unlike our uncle, our hands are shaking." One buddy praised, others also echoed.

Everyone is at the chicken stage. It is the truth to work together, and when there are interests involved, naturally it will not be so harmonious.

Say they received two tasks, the introduction was very simple. The approximate locations are marked first, one in Hongqi Village and one in Yushu Village.

Then there are some characteristics of the target: green feathered red-billed bird, good discoloration camouflage; vampire grass, good remote attack.

Then, it's gone!

God pit! This group of people ran to Hongqi Village and found no trace of fart for a long time. It was easy to find the trace. As soon as the blink of an eye, the bird disappeared.

Youyu then took the initiative to make a sound and adopted the method of capturing with light at night, and it took another half a day to prepare the tools, but fortunately it was successful.

"Okay, it's not time to blow each other, let's take a night off and go to Yushu Village tomorrow." Zhou Zhiming saw everyone talking more and more happily, and quickly interrupted, so everyone returned.

He leaned back slightly, staring at the back of Yu Yu in front of him, his eyes suddenly changed, how can there be any social slickness, full of toughness.

Twelve people in two dormitories, regardless of their physical fitness or mental state, were mostly mediocre. Only An Susu was slightly agile.

Unexpectedly, Yu Yu, the young man was taciturn and easy-going. But after two days of contact, he completely overturned his previous impression.

This can be very useful!

In many company teams, there are such personalities, usually low-key, but when things really happen, they often burst into a powerful energy.


Zhou Zhiming put out a strange smile, and returned to that slick look.

Phoenix Mountain accepts its apprentices openly, and the forces of all parties don't want to find a way to mix in, that's why the brain is convulsed!


Elm Village, Crested Mountain.

Jiguan Mountain is not the forest of Hongqi Village, it belongs to the remaining veins of Fenghuang Mountain and it is a hundred-mile mountain that is right in front of you. At this time, the sky was bright, and the mountain was full of aura, which more or less dispelled some summer heat.

This is probably the only thing worth comforting.

"I couldn't find the mountain. Where is the vampire?"

"If you can't find it, you can only go back, this task will not be completed ... Hey Susu, don't run around!"

"It's okay, I'll look over there!"

The conversation was one man and two women, the man was Guo Xu, the woman was Wang Rong, plus An Susu. They were divided into four groups, and they searched like a plow, but found nothing.

"Well, it doesn't seem to be here, look at that tree."

An Susu pointed to an old tree with a crooked neck and said: "Such a funny tree, if we have seen it, we will definitely remember ... brother and sister, we will look here, maybe we will have it."

She was the youngest and persuaded the adults instead. The two goods were also embarrassed and continued to search.

Wang Rong's temper seemed to be slightly worse, and he began to complain while walking: "Are there any vampires? There is no information on the APP, how do you know on the mountain?"

"Maybe you accidentally discovered it, but you haven't had time to study the habit ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Isn't that bird also without information?" Guo Xu said.

"Vampires, vampires ... any casual name! Well, I don't know if this thing can be prevented?"

Wang Rong untied a thin rope around his neck, and a tortoiseshell hung on the rope, dangling to watch, "It is said to be disposable, even if it can be prevented, it is useless."

"Don't worry, we still have this."

Guo Xu took out a short sword, made of stainless steel, and mixed with a little blue.

This is forged using modern techniques, but with some jadeite in the material. There is no way, spiritual mines are limited and can't be squandered for the time being. This method was the earliest developed by the government, mixing modern materials with modern materials and tinkering with a lot of equipment.

"I used to collect cold weapons and played in a circle. To be honest, I have never seen such a sharp one."

Guo Xu's family is good, his temperament is slightly indignant, he swipes away, a bunch of weeds cut off the waist, and the incision is smooth and neat.

"You save effort!"

Wang Rong couldn't get used to each other, and always loved to say a few words, "Don't wait to see the true chapter, you'll be soft on your legs ... hey!"

She talked, not paying attention to her feet, and Leng Buding stumbled, her hands suddenly loosened, and the tortoise shell fell to the ground.

"Hurry away!"

An Susu screamed suddenly, her black bright eyes were frightened, and when the grass rustled, there seemed to be a snake gliding inside, moving away from a few meters, and approaching immediately.

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