Pursuing Immortality

Chapter 412: Cultivation of 24 filial piety husband (2)

() "Tang Bole, three roots!"

"Zeng Ke, two blood!"

"Lei Xiao, one blood!"

"Yu Yu, one blood!"

Outside the service hall, a line of people handed in tasks, ranging from as few as one to three or four. There was a special person to accept them. Soon, a pile of things like tree roots piled up in the hall.

As mentioned before, bloodworms penetrate into the plant and turn into vampire grass. After the vampire grass dies, it will leave a wood-like stone secretion.

This stuff contains a lot of blood, and a little refining is a supplementary medicine.

Although there are few vampires, it is not difficult to find them. More than a thousand people spread the net and searched the blood roots near Baicheng. They have also been in for half a month, getting used to in the first week and learning formally in the second week.

Fenghuang Mountain teaches the basic method of nourishing qi, which will produce a sense of post-weather. There is no fixed rule for this, the faster the qualification, the slower it is. If you haven't seen a big gap before, then use this as a boundary, and you will know immediately.

Take Tang Bole, 3p group as the representative, about seventeen or eight people, already running in the first echelon.

"It's easy to find a piece of exhausted life, and I don't know how many points I can remember?" When he finished the task, he was in a mood.

"This thing is so disgusting, I'm like being shot by Slime!" The other man was so curious, rubbing his **** clothes.

"I heard that Qiu Xianzi and his ancestors also went to find it. What exactly is it for?"

"So anxious, there must be a lot of use ... lie down, sir are back!"

The crowd was discussing, and suddenly someone shouted at a golden light in the sky, and saw that the golden light flew from the mountain, fell straight into the inner mountain, and disappeared.

Although everyone hasn't seen Gu Yan, this kind of wind-drawn transportation mode is not strange. After all, this family has no semicolon.

"Brother, you are back!"

However, he said that the golden light fell into the valley, and Long Qiu and Xiao Xiong rushed to meet him, eliminating the shackles. Gu Yan raised his eyes and saw the blood roots all over the place. This was collected by the two men who ran far away.

"Yes, there are a lot of disciples, do you see enough?" Long Qiudao.

Gu Yan said nothing, first reached out and grabbed the pile in the service hall, and then looked around roughly, about two tons.

"Slightly less, let me try it first, you back off."

After all, he stroked his hands empty, and under the impetus of his energy, the blood on the ground murmured together and quickly formed a hill. With both palms slightly stretched, he moved towards the center.


The powerful force is like a high-powered machine, squeezing all the blood roots into a ball, like a huge red ball rolling fast in the air.

As the rolling speed gets faster and faster, the **** become smaller and denser. It was originally bright red, but later became dark red, and at the end it was almost black-violet ... The nature also changed from thick to solid until the moisture was completely absorbed.

At half a moment, Gu Yan stopped and spread his palms. The two tons of blood roots condensed into a black-purple object, like an old dried tofu.

"He is so strong!"

Xiao Jing blinked and stepped forward, picking up tofu and drying it up, and asked, "Isn't that enough? The one who was sick was not afraid of hemorrhoids."

"What he wanted was Poison Dragon Ball. This is an ancient fairy grass. One plant can live a hundred lives. How strong is it, you say?"

Gu Min was also not in the heart, sighing: "The time of the mutation is too short. Although some strange flowers and weeds have been produced, the effectiveness is far from enough. I can only use the quantity to make up."

He put away the dried tofu, and said, "I also found one over the Daoyuan, but the other one didn't go well. I want to go over to help you. Take care of the house."

"I don't, I'm going to Zuohai!" Xiao Jing shouted.

"Uh-huh, we want to go to the left sea!" Long Qiu also said.

"Funny, you're useless if you go, so don't make any more mess." Gu Yixun said.

"Why not? In case my sister really has three strengths and two weaknesses, at least we are with you ..."

As soon as Xiao Jing heard it, she said, "You're her boyfriend, but I'm still her sister. Why can't you let it go?"

Lao Gu was strangled to death with a word. Judging from his blood relationship, he really wasn't close to them.

He thought about it, but in fact he could go, then he said, "Well, you can do it yourself, and connect with Mu Kun over there, I'll go first."

This man had just returned, didn't stay for two hours, and left again.

Although it is faster to fly, it takes time to dispatch and get to and from the airport, not to mention that not all places are accessible by air, and some have to change trains.

Gu Gu soared all the way, from the left sea to Jinling, from Jinling to Fenghuang Mountain, and from Fenghuang Mountain to 800 miles of Qinchuan land.

One word, tired into a dog!

He was looking for materials and Xiaozhai. There seems to be no direct connection between the two, but if you think about it, it is Wu Shan that supports the Grand Court. The Grand Court is not sinking. Xiao Zhai has an extra vitality.

Inside and out, it's still an exchange.

Of course, the Taoist temple is very simple, just to ask the ancient fairy to come out, and then, with the official, gently cut the leek.


Hanzhong, Mizukayama.

This mountain is not very famous in the famous mountains and rivers of the Xia Kingdom. It is more widely spread in folklore as the governing body of western ghost emperors. After the world changed, it seems that Mt. Tezukayama is in line with the Haunted Haunted Mansion's statement, and it is horrifying year after year.

At this moment, Gu Ye pressed the cloud head and landed at the foot of the mountain. He looked up: I saw the mountains magnificent, rolling, and quite like a dragon, but the mountains were dark and heavy, like a cloudy wind, and the light did not enter. The dark clouds covered the sky, completely opposite to the sunshine elsewhere.

Naturally, he didn't believe in any ghost house, and Haozukayama had been explored. It was a strange grass called Zhirong growing in the mountain. The grass is huge and reproduces very fast. The rhizomes, leaves, and flowers are black and contain yin.

The grass gathers into a cloud, so it forms an overcast cloud, which stays all year round. Because of this, Mizukayama is now one of the few areas where Xia Kingdom is concentrated.

It is said that they are looking for two pieces of material each, but they ca n’t really look for two different things, and find more suitable ones for selection, and the Daoyuan now collects them elsewhere.


Gu Xun looked at Xun Tzu Shan, turned into nothingness, and went straight to the place with the strongest Yin.



A blackbird crow flew from this tree to another, making an extremely unpleasant sound. The crow's eyes were blood red, and his body was like ink, revealing a strange spirituality and greed.

He tilted his head, his eyes were empty, wondering what he was thinking, suddenly his head was straight, and he stared at an open space.

"It's a very depressing place. Now ordinary people can barely get in. In a few years, this place will really become a ghost forest and a forbidden area where souls gather."

Gu Yan showed his figure and looked around, sighing.

Deep in the mountains, no matter birds, beasts, reptiles, flowers and trees, the colors are dark and dark, and the surrounding area is shrouded with a very uncomfortable atmosphere, with decay and erosion.

He couldn't care much, and after walking a short distance, he reached the densest place of Pirong.

I saw a large black weird grass covering the middle of the mountain, looking like a bellflower, two feet tall, thick rhizomes, five or seven petals with thick flowers, and slender tentacle-like stamens.


Gu Yan was slightly surprised. He clearly saw a black bug lying on some flowers. Like bees, these bugs are covered with pollen, and then crawl down, as if to turn elsewhere.


At this moment, a cricket-like polypod suddenly emerged from the ground, swallowing several small worms in one bite. The two should be natural enemies, the swarms of flocks smashed, fled on all sides, and the polypods chased after them.


Immediately after that, the crow suddenly flew down, pecked the polypods and swallowed the belly, and flung back to the branches, killing them with a few blows, and the morals of smashing away.

What a terrible nature!

No matter what the environment, nature can quickly produce a complete set of biological chains for different species to survive. The bugs are pollinating. Although the crows are preying on polypods, they are more like protecting the bugs, which is a little strange ...

Gu Yan shook his head, walked to the hibiscus bush, made it according to law, and picked up a small handling technique.


The strong wind blew, the grass was rustling, and the lotus roots were uprooted one by one, gathered in the air, and then turned wildly.

One side is compressing the essence of Yin Qi, and the other side is constantly flying up to fill it, and the grass covered with mid-levels disappears quickly by a third.


Just then, there was a strange sound in his ear, "What is it?"

Gu Yi suddenly heard the baby crying.



The cry cried, getting closer and closer, and saw the grass rustle and tremble, suddenly separated, oh! A billowing thing rushed over.

He raised his hand at will, and squeezed it like a pinch in his hand. At a glance, he was disgusting.

It turned out to be a black fruit, with an unusually strong yin, far superior to Cistanche. It stands to reason that a round sphere does not have several sides, and it is all positive. But this fruit is very strange, it is obviously round, but it looks like a box, and can clearly distinguish the front, back, left and right.

And on these four faces, there are some weird white lines on each of them, condensing into four grimace faces, one crying, one laughing, one sad, one angry. The four faces blended with each other, their expressions were haggard, and they felt uncomfortable, as if they were holding a ball of rotten meat ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ What the **** is it the fruit of Pirong? Wrong, the app says, Cistanche only blooms, but it doesn't bear fruit, can it further alienate? what……"

With a movement in his heart, he looked up at the crow on the tree branch. Sure enough, the bird saw that it had collected the fruit, and a little anger and hatred appeared in his red eyes.

"It turns out that you protect the worms because you want the Cistanche to bloom a lot and produce fruit ... oh, forget it."

Gu Yan was about to kill with a wave of his hand, but thought about dropping it again, but he was curious in his heart and wanted to see what it would look like in the future.

After some minor accidents, he continued to move, harvesting Rongrong clean, and finally condensed into a thick sticky black ball.

"Things with strong blood are here. Things with yin and solid soul are here. Things with yin and yang reconciliation are there. Things with yang sheng cultivating essence are also there. If I find it, I do n’t know how it works. There is no way, the quality is not enough. ”

He sighed, stowed his stuff and headed for Zuo Hai.

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