Pursuing Immortality

Chapter 419: What about the killer (2)

() The old acquaintance is still above, Wang Qi.

Speaking of which, this person has also participated in a lot of major events, such as the negotiation of ebony city, the development of Tianzhu Mountain, the trip to Bonn, etc., mainly responsible for communicating with the practice community.

The place of negotiation is in the Taoist Academy. Wang Qi brought several experts, all of whom are sociology, psychology, and law scholars. The government, on its own, and tacitly allowed the Daoyuan to participate independently, plus Phoenix Mountain, the three parties discussed.

At the moment in the lobby, everyone was seated, and the experts were still a little nervous. Wang Qi took the position of host and said: "Mr. Gu, you invited us over, we have arrived, and you mean new legislation, I think Hear why. "

"If you block Phoenix Mountain and simply deal with Tang Bole's murder case, what will you do?" Gu Yan did not answer, but asked a question instead.


Legal experts glanced at Wang Qi and said, "According to the information we have, he should have been manslaughter and sentenced to three to seven years in prison."

"More than three years, less than seven years ..."

Gu Yan nodded and said, "Okay, you can take people away, but do you dare to go to prison?"

"This one……"

Wang Qi paused and admitted very reluctantly, "I really don't dare."

You think, a proper monk is held in prison! Even if he was handcuffed and talked, and stuffed into a small black room alone, he couldn't guarantee that he couldn't do things.

Because the monks' methods were too secretive and diversified, maybe they got up the next day and their heads flew. You have to say beating the disability first, then being put in prison, please, isn't that a face of fairness and equality?

"You dare not take it, you can only talk to us and re-formulate the rules. This is the reason."

"That's right. When the current laws cannot meet the needs of social development, new laws must be enacted."

Experts agree, adding: "However, this requires long-term research, first understanding the target group and major contradictions, and then ..."

"You wait!"

Gu Min waved and interrupted, "It's too tedious, and it can be simplified. The target group is two parties, and the monks are to ordinary people."

"No, there are monks to monks, this is also very important." The expert busy.

"No need."

Lu Yuanqing interjected suddenly, saying: "The monks are fighting, the strength is respect, and the life and death are regardless!"


The professor was like a duck pinched off his neck, his face turned red, and he remembered the identity of the gang, so he was as quiet as a chicken.

Wang Qi's expression remained unchanged, but his tone was very strange. He asked, "Lord Dao, do you mean that we can just let the monks fight freely and sit back and watch?"

"Huh, that's nice, you can't control it!"

Wu Shan, who has been silent, behaved like a wine glass, also said, "Being in my way, the world is different from ordinary people. Practice the law, seek eternal life, the sun and the moon, and the universe. Use your words. , Life level and end point are different, how do you manage ???


Wang Qi has participated in countless negotiation meetings, and for the first time he was beaten to death, and it cannot be refuted yet-because Wu Shan's role is too important.

"Okay, we won't mention this for a while, you continue to talk." No way, he found himself a step down.

"The group is both parties, and the content is very simple. What behaviors are we forbidden?" Gu Mindao said.

"No killings!" A professor said.

"You mustn't practice evil skills privately, pass through the enemy and treason!" Another said.

"You can't hit ordinary people!"

Let's talk about normal law, with detailed entries and a wide range. Just the bad behavior of people, there are insults, slanders, obscenities, forced insertions, alternate applause, and so on.

Even if it is a beating, it is divided into minor injuries and minor and severe injuries.

Because they are human, their social relations are too complicated and their emotions are too complicated. But the monks are different, and they have different perspectives on ordinary people. There is basically no such thing as slander and extortion.

Generally disdain shot, but shot or die! So, those who locked the scope to death were extremely severe.


Gu Yan frowned, and said, "Simple is not equal to rough. Everyone is an expert in the industry, so you can refine the trouble."

As a result, everyone discussed together, and ranked the first according to the seriousness of the consequences.

"Under any circumstances, you must not kill innocent people! Practising evil skills, sacrificing blood and giving birth to souls, and treating human lives as children, you have no forgiveness!"

"Yes!" Gu Yan said.

"Yes!" Lu Yuanqing said.

"Yes!" Wang Qi said.

"Article 2 must not be linked to overseas forces, betray information or Taoism, and harm Xia's interests."

"Also!" The three said.

"Article 3 prohibits fighting in public places and prevents manslaughter and manslaughter."

This is related to Tang Bole's case, Gu Yan said: "Yeah!"

"Article 4 must not hurt people at will, use spells to confuse, humiliate, deceive money, etc."


After talking about four articles and making detailed comments, the scope is actually very small. After spending more than half a day, this part is basically done.

Then comes the core punishment. Several professors were self-aware and unclear about the path of spiritual practice, so they sat and watched.

Gu Zheng first said: "Articles 1 and 2 first look at the court. If it ’s a disciple of each faction, that faction is responsible for cleaning up the portal. If the faction is sheltered, it is equivalent to a crime. Any other party signed today can kill it! If there is no gate No faction, monk in the world, you can kill it! "


Feeling so powerful, Lu Yuanqing and Wang Qi were slightly surprised, and carefully considered, "Yes!"

"Articles 3 and 4 are more complicated. I recommend that they be amended by reference to existing laws."

"How to change the law?" Wang Qi asked.

The meat is finally here. Tang Bole committed the third one and killed by mistake. Suddenly, everyone's eyes were focused on Gu Xi, seeing the righteousness in front of him, whether it was his own doorkeeper, whether they would be covered.

"Tang Bole missed the killing. You might as well judge it on the spot. How should you punish him?" Gu Yan said.

"This one……"

A few experts stunned, then reacted and discussed on the spot.

"If there is no objection to the fact, Tang Bole had foreseen the consequences of his actions that could cause the death of the victim, but he believed that it could be avoided, which was an overconfident manslaughter.

His original motive was to see the injustice and save people by righteousness. After the incident, he took the initiative to cooperate. The plot was lighter and he should be sentenced to three years in prison. "

"Three years ..."

Gu Xun nodded and said, "My suggestion is to choose two paths. Let them choose. One is to abolish them and go to jail for three years. The other is exile in the Jedi. The life and death within three years are determined by heaven.


Everyone was shocked. The thing he thought was really different. Wang Qi unconsciously used an honorific again: "Sir, what do you mean by exile in the Jedi?"

"The snow field outside the customs, the climate is extremely cold and vast. The Northwest Huozhou, barren red ground, scorching winds. Dead sea in the southeast, the closed sea area, water monsters raging. Southwestern barren, poisonous crickets, countless insects. objection?"

"No objection!" Everyone gathered.

"In these four places, the environment is harsh and the detection is difficult, but do n’t forget that extreme environments can create high-quality resources. If they voluntarily exile, go in to explore the terrain, search for materials, and redeem as much as possible. Even if there is no credit, as long as they live You can also be freed after your time in prison. "


The audience fell silent, always feeling a little whimsical, but inexplicable. Only Wu Shan muttered a few words, seeming to be coquettish in modern people, which is also a punishment for Yunyun.

"Sir, what if they run away?" Wang Qi asked again.

"You can check regularly and contact them. If they can't bear this bitterness and want to escape ... then it will be regarded as a repeat offense, or it will be abolished, or killed!"


After a whole day like this, at night the next day, Wang Qi left with someone. Taken together, there are four general rules, 28 detailed rules, and 20 penalties.

Signatories of the three parties: Fenghuang Mountain, Qiyun Road Academy, and the official.

Not surprisingly, this new regulation will be announced soon, and Tang Bole will become the first precise user. Of course, these are temporary considerations, and will continue to be improved as the situation becomes more complex in the future.

After Wang Qi leaves, Gu Yan will return to the mountain.

Lu Yuanqing led the public to give away. At the foot of Zhu Ling, he didn't say anything, but the empty map was very emotional. Barbara kept saying: "Well, you are really good to those people. You are more than just punishment, I am afraid it is not Discipling your disciples? I hope that Tang Bole is a little bit prosperous and can come out alive, but don't let down your hard work ... "

"Just you talk!"

Gu Yan gave him a blank look, turned into a golden flame, and left.


Ten days later, Bingcheng.

Bingcheng is the capital of Heishui Province, more than 500 kilometers from Xidu, and more than 1,000 kilometers from Shengtian. It's a thousand miles apart, but the three places are totally different.

Bingcheng has already become a real name, completely covered by heavy snow, and looking at the vast sky. Joy is neither hot nor cold, but warm as spring; the sky is still in the last summer, and it is still like a stove.

At this moment, several people appeared in the periphery of the ice-free city.

A total of seven people started with Xiao Jing and Tang Bole, followed by government personnel responsible for supervision and communication ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Seven people got out of the car and walked a while to reach the exile area.

"Miss Jing, you can't go anymore," someone reminded.

"Yep, got it!"

Xiao Jing waved her hand, stopped her foot, and said to Tang Bole: "There is meat and grass in it, and you are absolutely hungry. You are already angry in your body. You meditate when it is cold, and it is basically not frozen."

Her comfort was still so fresh and refined, and she found a standard short sword and handed it over, saying, "You are not stupid, you should understand what your brother-in-law means, and work hard to live!"


Tang Bole took the dagger, and pursed his lips tightly. He seemed to have become a person in a few days, no longer flirting casually in the past, and said, "I must survive, when will Shanmen want me?"


"Then I go!"

(It's not easy to write too deeply, it's more sensitive. This chapter is for Wulong Tieguanyin Meng ... Oh yes, I forgot to wish you a Happy New Year, ε?

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