Pursuing Immortality

Chapter 431: 2 fires




The bell smashed the morning mist. When the first rays of sunlight passed through the forest and shone on the top of the single-glazed Wache Mountain, Qiyun Taoist Temple was already busy.

Today is the day Wushan worshiped and admitted to the hospital. If such ancestors were powerful, they would be cumbersome and complicated if they followed the formal etiquette. However, he is only in the form of a spirit and soul. He has no physical body, many procedures cannot be completed, and the two sides are simplified.

Therefore, the bronze bell struck one hundred and eight, and the following people from the Taoist court greeted him. Lu Yuanqing personally held the wine bottle and invited him into the hall.

Daoyuan is not a palace view, but an assembly of many schools, so it does not worship any gods. The space in the hall is wide, simple and majestic. Lu Yuanqing put the wine bottle on the case, stood by himself, and the remaining 35 people saluted.

"Seen the old practice!"

"Meet you friends!"

Wu Shan showed a red ghost and bowed slightly.

It is said in this position that he is an ancient Xiu of the Ming Dynasty. His status is only under the abbot, and he has no authority or authority.

When all the processes are completed and everyone is seated, all look happy.

Wu Shan's value is not in his strength, but in his knowledge. The government also sent people to watch the ceremony today, poking very sidelined, because when he joined the academy, it was tantamount to standing by the team.

"I was a running dog under the Laoshan Gate. I was trapped at the bottom of the river for more than 500 years. With the help of everyone, I was able to see the sun again.

In the vicissitudes of the sea, the world is changing, and I have lived here for several months. Compared with the past and the present, I always boast. Here, regardless of the martial arts, they are all the same. Although I intend to revive the Sheshan Menyu, it is not a special case. In fact, if you think about it carefully, the current situation is really not suitable for martial arts alone. Since I joined the Taoist Academy, I have to abide by the rules of the Taoist Academy ... "

Wu Shan said clearly and clearly: "My Laoshan law must be passed down."

"I don't know what you want to pass?" Lu Yuanqing asked.

"Nature is the method of breathing."


This sentence detonated like a bomb in the hall. Everybody shivered, some were shocked, some were annoyed, some didn't matter, but no matter what, they finally looked at Zhang Shouyang, Wu Kongtu and Zhong Lingyu.

So far, there is an article on breathing method in Fenghuang Mountain. The advantages of gas-breathing method have been known, fast speed, great potential, and can be repaired to Dixian. And most of the Taoist schools converted to the Dan method, and it was effective, but at this time, the second article of the Qi-breathing method came out.

What does it mean? Maybe so.

They practiced since childhood, and their hearts are far superior to ordinary people, and they sigh for a while. It's all the way you choose, just go on.

Lu Yuanqing looked at Wu Shan, and raised his lips slightly. As I said before, for a few months here, we are observing each other and then verifying each other-you and I can work together.

Wu Shan wanted to reinvigorate Laoshan, but the government did not allow him to set up another hill, so he could only commit to the Taoist Academy. Lu Yuanqing wanted to get the Tao Yuan out of control and slowly become independent. The ultimate goal is different, but during the period, he can join hands, so he hit it off.

Why don't you say he didn't look for Phoenix Mountain to cooperate? Come on, the two adults together, the government is crazy!

"Those who want to practice qi, come to me at night."

On the other side, Wu Shan continued: "Now the Taoism is dying, many inheritances have been lost, and I have some things in my hand, and take them out for your reference."

Then the words flashed, and a jade slip was added to the table case.


Lu Yuanqing picked it up and looked at it. He couldn't help but stunned: "This is the recipe of Liuyi Mu?"



The hall is boiling again!

Liuyi mud is the core material for smelting Dan furnace. Needless to say, the importance of Dan furnace. With the increase in the number of monks and the higher and higher realms, elixir will gradually become a must-have for everyone.

At present, only Tianshi Mansion has a red furnace, which is borrowed alternately by Fenghuang Mountain and Daoyuan, which is also shabby.

As the saying goes, the new officer took office with three fires. Wu Shan only burned two, and he had stunned everyone.

"Don't be too happy, refining the Dan furnace, at least it requires people to repair it. I have the power of the soul and soul, and the power cannot be used. You have to ask for help from Phoenix Mountain.

He could not help pouring cold water when he saw the atmosphere was too warm.

"It's okay, we will share the recipe and make him owe a bit of affection." Lu Yuanqing laughed.

Indeed, the Taoist Academy asked Phoenix Mountain to help and share the recipe of Liuyi Clay. It was nothing more than offering flowers to the Buddha, and it was just a matter of favor.


That night.

Zhang Shouyang, Wu Kongtu and Zhong Lingyu came out of their respective residences, followed Kushiro toward the courtyard, and met again in the middle. Tatar people looked at each other in a complicated mood and walked silently.

Thirty-five friends of the Taoist School, except for Bai Yunsheng's sword immortal method, they did not transfer to the Dan method. Because I am not willing! Unwilling to work hard for 20 years of Zhengyi method, once in the end, actually ran to Quanzhen.

They have been waiting and waiting, watching other people's innate breakthroughs one by one ... I thought, if there is no chance, I can only switch to Danfa next year.

As a result, Wushan suddenly appeared. Although it was from the Sheshan School, it was also the same! (Xu Xun is the founder of the Jingming School)

It was dark, and the three of them walked and heard a squeak, a quiet room opened the door, and Huang Huiguang, the predecessor of Sheshan School, also appeared.


He wasn't surprised, and offered a little politeness to join in.

After a while, the four arrived at the secluded courtyard. A red imaginary figure floated in the air, looking up at their heads, as if they were feeling the moon.

They didn't dare to bother. After a moment of incense, Wu Shan turned his head and said, "I guess you are coming, sit down!"

"Thank you!"

The four of them sat on the stone bench, and the shadow slowly shrank, turning into a halo over the wine, saying:

"I have lived here for a few months, and each of you, I see clearly.

Huang Huiguang, your talents are slightly poor, your bones are mediocre, and the practice of gas-breathing is extremely difficult. Even if you are lucky, you will not be congenital in your life. On the contrary, I see that your Nedan method is still in the air. If you study hard, you still have a chance to be promoted. Do you think about it? "

"Uncle Shi, I know what I'm doing. Although I transferred to Neitan, as a descendant of Sheshan, I will eventually have the opportunity to practice the sages ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ If I do n’t try it, I will die.” Huang Huiguang Resolute.

"Well then, hope you don't regret it."

Wu Shan turned to the other side and said, "Diqi is not the same as Dan, and it requires a strong aura and excellent qualifications. It is because the threshold is too high that the sages felt the exhaust of the aura before they explored and created the Nedan method.

The three of you are all talented and talented, and passed down from Zhang Tianshi, Mao Shan, and Qingwei, and you can learn this method of gas-breathing.

There are many schools of gas-breathing methods, including "Six-breathing-breathing method", "Fire-breathing-breathing method", "Waterfall-breathing-breathing method", "Five-element-breathing-breathing method" and so on. Tianyang Diyin Breathing Method.

Tianyang Diyin is the second energy of yin and yang. If you think about heaven and earth, you can practice day and night.

However, before practicing, there is still a net physical exercise as a pavement. I will teach you first, wait until the fire is enough, and then teach you how to breathe. "


(Everyone, I ’m the third and more beast that was tired and degraded yesterday ...)

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