Pursuing Immortality

Chapter 434: Fairy Way

() There are mountains and waters, winds and meats, hot pots and beauties, mostly young people, lively together, it is easy to forget the trouble of being unable to go home.

In fact, after more than half a year of experience, many previous concepts are slowly changing. The second middle school in the world, laziness, anger, tears of men and women, tears in the workplace, and so on. In this new era, it is just like children playing.

My **** sits high, and my vision is naturally high.

Everyone had a happy New Year's Eve. Xiaozhai still didn't come back and sent a message saying it was over the East China Sea. Gu Yan has no time, and has been tinkering with the materials of Juqidan.

Only Xiaoqiu and Xiao Jingjing, who spoke a few words casually, ran to the Yunyun Peak with a few bottles of wine and chatted for a night of whisper ...

Later in the year, Gu Zheng kept his promise and demarcated a large area of ​​land in the eastern foot of Fenghuang for planting new rice.

Nowadays, the construction of urban agglomerations has an infinitely compressed space. In the past, farmland was either polluted or occupied by alien beasts. Except for agricultural plantations with large-scale plantations, only planting around the urban agglomeration can be seen.

Liaodong is a large grain-producing province, and the land has suffered a lot. Baicheng is the most comfortable, so it has assumed part of the province's grain supply. The government stated clearly that if rice was grown, it would be bought at a high price.

whispering sound!

Gu Yan was stunned. Am I missing your money? It's just this trick that makes people uncomfortable.

The time passed, and about in mid-March, Qi Yun came over and said that Liuyi Mu had been reconciled.

Tianzhu Mountain, Taoist Temple.

Gu Yan followed Lu Yuanqing and others to bypass the main building group, and reached an open space on the mountainside. He looked at a strange house and said, "This is the legendary Dan house?"


"It's too small, aren't you afraid of fryer or carbon monoxide poisoning?"

"Joke, this is built by senior Wu's personal instructions, it must be safe and worry-free." Lu Yuanqing said.

It's no wonder that Gu Yan spit out. The house is 3 feet long, 1.6 feet wide, and the windows are 4 feet wide. They are extremely tight. The doors and windows are closed, and no light leaks. In the center of the Dan room, there is a 8-inch by 24-inch pit for the Dan furnace.

So grin, this is a rectangular room, the space is so tight that it can't even catch up.

"Junior ignorance, our Danfang structure is the same, what is carbon monoxide poisoning?" Wu Shan could not help but come out to reprimand.

"it's okay no problem."

The goods waved, he didn't want to explain to a Ming Dynasty what carbon monoxide is.

"Jushi, this is the Liuyi mud we reconciled, please look over."

Shi Yunlai carefully held a pile of things close to him, Gu Ji took a look, as white as a dough, feels very soft and sticky.

The most special is that it has no weight and is a complete body that cannot be pulled apart.

"Liu Yimu was first seen in" The Yellow Emperor Jiuding Divine Sutra ". Six plus one kind of material, one is the number of days, and the sixth is the number of the ground.

Wu Shan was very diligent in science popularization and introduced: "The refining of dandan must fit in the world. Six plus one mud is needed as the raw material. The intention is to seal the kettle to ensure that the sublimated gas condenses and prevents dandan from leaking. . "

Oh I got it!

Gu Yan understood that the most important thing of Dan furnace is not the body material, but how to seal it tightly so that the essence of Dan medicine can remain in the tripod during the refining process and cannot be leaked.

Liuyi mud has this effect.

"That's it, Senior Wu, what kind of Dan furnace do you want to make? Do you have a sketch for me?"

"Come inside!"

Wu Shan led him into the Dan's room, followed by a ghostly shadow, exuding a sense of consciousness. Gu Yan also found out, reluctantly engaged with him to receive information.

The two had been entangled for a long time before he fully understood and nodded: "It doesn't have any skills, it just takes a little longer."

"That's why I ask you for help. Their mana cannot support it."

Xingying looked at the outside abstractly and asked, "When did you start?"

"Just now."

"Okay! The materials are here. Get them at will."

Wu Shan was so happy that he went out to drive the crowd away, and he flew around the Dan room, as if guarding himself.

Gu Xun ignored him and sat next to the pit stove, checked the materials first, and then sat down to adjust his breath. When the spirit and qi reached fullness, he picked up a piece of green wood and threw it into the stove with one finger.


A cluster of flames rose, quickly engulfing the entire piece of wood. When he moved in his heart, he found two red inflammation fruits and threw them in.


Chiyan fruit contains a powerful fire aura, the fire is fierce instantly, like a red snake dancing wildly, and the indoor temperature is constantly rising.

He increased the melting power of the flame a little bit, from red to blue, from blue to white, and then picked up a small handling operation to send the pile of materials into the stove.

While maintaining the high temperature, the material must be wrapped with consciousness and slowly shaped. The mana consumed is unimaginable. He was born with spiritual power, and was able to cope with it. He still had no time to figure out the gourd and drank two spirits from time to time.

This practice is a full five days.

Wu Shan always stayed outside, always watching the inside of the house, and Lu Yuanqing and others often came to watch it.

"It should be almost."

He estimated the time and said, "No accident, it will be tonight."

"Then we wait together." Lu Yuanqing said.

Wu Shan guessed quite well. The pile of materials was not the same as before, and had become a Dan furnace embryo, and was wrapped in a fire like a baby to sleep.

Gu Yan was exhausted, but at the most critical moment, he dared not care. He stared at the slowly rotating embryo, grasping the best opportunity, suddenly raised his hand, and the mass of Liuyi mud flew in.


The flame flashed wildly, shrank suddenly, concentrated around the embryo, forming a circle of white outline.

I saw that the Liuyi mud gradually melted, thickened, and slowly flowed on the embryo, filling the tiny gaps between the materials, making the Dan furnace round and complete.

I don't know how long, when he was almost unable to support, he suddenly heard outside and yelled, "Stop!"

Gu Yan's subconsciously weakened the fire, and listened again, boom!

Dan's room trembled, Dan Gao flew up Lao Gao, dropped slowly, and banged into the pit.

"It's finally over!"

He exhaled and looked at his work carefully.

This is different from that of Tianshifu, which is a three-story, round-bellied big tripod. This statue is two tripods of water and fire. The perimeter is twelve inches long. It should be twelve months and twelve messages. It is eight inches long and should be eight knots.

Shui Ding is on the top, Huo Ding is on the bottom. This is called "Jiji Furnace." It comes from the hexagram name in the sixty-four hexagrams of Zhouyi. The fire tripod is used to place materials, and the water tripod is full of water. It plays the role of cooling and sublimation.

The body is yellow-brown, cast like brass, and faintly radiant.



A few beckons came from outside, and Gu Min had to stand up, push the door out, and laughed: "Fortunately, it's a shame, Dan furnace is done."

After receiving the affirmation from the other party, Lu Yuanqing and others were all happy, and they all greeted each other: "There is work!"

"No, it's just an equivalent exchange."

"Oh, that's what it says, but you don't have to help."

Lu Yuanqing smiled and presented a jade bamboo slip, saying: "This is the formula of Liuyi mud and the materials needed for refining the Dan furnace."


Gu Yan didn't worry about the other person being deceived, and took it away.

Immediately, those people went in to check the furnace, and Wu Shan said, "How do you feel, can you hold on?"


"All right, go back and talk."

The two left Dan's house, returned to the Daoyuan, and entered the small yard. Gu Yan sat down on the stone bench and said directly, "Let ’s not bother, what do you want me to do?"

"No rush, listen to me."

The ghost floated above the wine bottle and said, "I have been in Tianzhu Mountain for eight months, and I have a little understanding of this era. I have spent more than five hundred years and I am not familiar with anything. This environment I don't like it very much, but I have to cater to it. Its only benefit is the rejuvenation of spirits, and it is the beginning of a spiritual practice.

As you may have guessed, I am committed to the Daoyuan, but this side is weak, and I will get the most convenient conditions for joining.

I want to glorify the mountains and mountains, but I have too many constraints. I am in this state of soul and spirit, and there are many things I can do nothing about. I think about it, I can only take a path if I have a rebirth, maybe I can go further ... "

Xing Ying waved his hand, interrupted the other side, and laughed: "Don't worry, I will lay down all the foundations before I give birth, and I will worry about it all the way."

"So you came to me?"

"Yes, you are the only fairy. Many places have to borrow your power."


Gu Min groaned and said, "You want to understand, it is always good to have a goal. You must have also investigated me. I always adhere to the principle of exchange and benefit sharing. You know what I want."

"Hehe, it's already a fairy. Everyone wants to go further. Although I'm in a desperate mood, I still have some understanding of the way of immortals."

A flash of red light suddenly flew forward and asked, "Do you know what this world is made of?"


Gu Yiyi replied, "According to modern science, made of matter, we live on the earth. The earth is the universe, and the universe is formed by the Big Bang.

According to my personal understanding, it consists of four realms.

The first is the Tao, the origin of the universe.

The second is 炁, which is the time, space, nothingness, yin and yang, five elements derived from 炁, and so on.

The third is the soul, that is, the realm of the soul, soul, consciousness, gender, thought ...

The fourth is people ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ where we live.

The Tao produces all things, the Tao is in all things. These are all part of the great reincarnation of the universe. "


After he finished speaking, Wu Shan was also stunned, and sighed, "You can reach this level by yourself without relying on the teacher's guidance. It is indeed a natural cultivation seed.

Yes, the world you understand is almost correct. Except for the origin of the Tao, the other three realms are opposite to heaven, earth, god, and man.

The four realms are spread in the same vein, step by step, the human immortal experiences the earth, the gods understand the magic of the soul, the earth immortal knows the use of the god, the heaven **** further goes on the basis of the earth immortal, and transforms into a person, infinitely close to the Tao, but Not Tao. "

Wu Shanpiao wandered around and continued, "You want to understand the way of the gods, but it's actually very simple. Remember one sentence:

Valley God is not dead, it is called Xuanzang. The gate of Xuanzang is the root of heaven and earth.

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