Pursuing Immortality

Chapter 463: If you feel right, do it

Each person has a different temperament and a different approach.

If it is Xiaozhai, kill it directly; if it is Xiaojing, you have to play around, and then end it. But Long Qiu didn't really think about it. She happened to encounter Luo Tianxing, and she caught it and took it back to the clan for disposal. Anyway, she would come to Anhua to take a look.

At this moment, the other party's attitude was clear. She also wanted to practice the commandments: if she was covered by a teacher's door, she would accompany her.

"Well then, since you have protection, you can only condemn it together."

She was like saying "hello" and "goodbye", and spit it out lightly, without any action, still sitting firmly.

She didn't want to take the lead, but in the eyes of the other, it was even more disdainful and ironic!


In response to her, a terrible tiger shouted, and the Luo family's chief pinched his fingers. A little further forward, a small tiger-like tiger jumped out.

It is similar to Luo Tianxing's lower-level soldier, but it is also brow-like, with fangs grinning, and his body is red, but his momentum has soared several times.

This tiger cricket seems to be false and real, stepping on all fours, with prestige, like a huge ball of fire pounced on.

"what is this?"

Long Qiu didn't recognize the puppet soldier, and thought it was a special spell. When he turned his wrist, he showed a round water-bag-shaped magic weapon, his mouth turned up, and he yelled, "Close!"


A jet of black gas sprayed thinly, and turned around in the tiger's trunk to form a large net.

The tiger flirted with all four feet, and pulled back desperately, but his body was dragged by black gas, vacillating, and finally turned into a ray of red smoke, digging into the gourd mouth.

This magic weapon is exactly what the tiger's wind puppet trains. It can collect and destroy the opponent's magic weapon, or this kind of ghost soldier ghost.


Long Qiu was very happy, and he patted the wind bag. This big tiger is very strange and took it back to study. She forgot about her face so much that the seven patriarchs looked strange and terrifying at the appearance of a young daughter.

That tiger cricket, they are too clear!

This is a monster soldier who died of the death of the tiger king in the mountains, ossified in the crystallization of the five elements in the heavens and the earth, and dyed at the intersection of yin and yang. In essence, the soldiers are similar to the wandering wild ghosts, but they are much more powerful. They are born brave, fierce, and mighty.

It took a year for the old Luo family to conquer this tiger cricket, but it was just like a grain of dust, so it was taken away.

Definitely a master!

They didn't think much about it. Seven people exploded at the same time. Three people picked up the teapot and splashed it with their hands. The drops of water splashed into flowers in the air.

Suddenly, a few arrogant madness filled the field, the water vapor dissipated, and nine humanoid soldiers, such as red flames, or fierce crickets, or hawks, looked at Long Qiu crazy.

Two others also threw the tea cup to the ground, muttering words in their mouths, and the water ripples fluctuated.



A poisonous snake actually emerged from the water, and followed by the second and third, there were hundreds of poisonous snakes, rushing towards each other like a carpet of colors.

Two more people drank in their mouths, flashing red light, but attacked with a pair of flesh palms. One person is shaped like a monkey, and one person has thunder in the wind.


Long Qiu stretched out his index finger of his right hand and turned it around slightly. A soft whip was drawn in the left hand, which was made by gluttonous tendons.


When the long whip was shaken, a long vacuum belt seemed to be drawn out of the room. The ordinary mountain serpent, when encountering the mighty dragon's might of higher creatures, hissed and tangled, coming in like a tide, and receding like a tide.


At the same time, the two men waved to the front, one inch in front of Long Qiu's placket, and suddenly, two fleshy little hands were stretched out in the sky, welcoming softly.



The five men's spells were broken and their minds were wounded. The only two of them were flushed, their muscles were tense, and they were rather stalemate with the two little hands.

"woo woo woo woo……"

Immediately afterwards, a white fat doll suddenly jumped out with a sound of unknown meaning. It can block each other, but it doesn't have much advantage.

"Golden silkworm pupae!"

The seven were shocked, and the head of the Luo family pointed at her and said, "You are a Miao!"

"Okay, come back!"

Long Qiu always sat on the chair without raising his buttocks, and recalled the silkworm with a wave of his hand. The fat baby sat on her lap and tried to behave well.

The Luo family's look changed, and Shen said, "Since you were born in Miao Village, when you know that you and I are of the same type and share the same pan king, why are you aggressive and break into my Meishan?"

Long Qiu only felt unable to communicate, and said, "I said a long time ago that Luo Tianxing made a mistake and should deal with it according to law. Are you covering your children and asking me instead?"

"Practice is prosperous today, and my generation stands on the cloud, so why not kill a mortal? Besides, he just asks for money, and young people are not easy to practice, can he not learn a little money for him?" Taken for granted.


Long Qiu frowned, not expecting the other party to be such a concept. She took back the golden silkworm, thought it over, and said seriously: "I don't argue with you, I just tell you that this is wrong."


The head of the family also did not understand, simply said: "Well, if you have the ability, catch us all and see if they will obey the law!"

He originally suggested to the other party that he should not do too much. Who knew that Long Qiu nodded and said: "All seven of you have already taken a shot, and it is considered a sin, and you should all catch it."


Seven old men who add up to a few hundred years old are so speechless. Is this head intentional, or is it unknown, or is it not enough intelligence?

"Little friend and slow!"

At this moment, an oddly overwhelmingly overwhelming seven people from far to near, almost blinking in the blink of an eye, an old man with grey hair appeared in the house.

"Master!" The seven of them quickly saluted.

They are all sixty or seventy years old, and they are still the heads of their respective families. The ones who can make them worship the masters must be the ancestors of the older generation. They also showed joy. This is the longest and most powerful of the twenty names.

"Little friendly ability, wave your hand to defeat the enemy, admire and admire!"

The old man was dressed in traditional ethnic clothes, with smooth skin and full of energy, and arched her hands.

Long Qiu was also very surprised. Meishan Fa did not lose his reputation, and he practiced innate methods. She tilted her head and looked at it, saying, "Old senior, you are too old. Although you have just entered the innate, but you are not old enough, do you want to swim in this muddy water?"

"Meishan people have always been one family, and you have turned the world upside down, so I naturally manage it."

The old man smiled secretly, no one else could see it, he was very clear, this man is clearly congenital, even above himself.

"Oh, that would be better."

Long Qiu finally stood up and gave a ceremony to show respect, saying, "It is not easy for you to practice. You and I have to do a trick each.

After all, she jumped into the courtyard, made a gesture of please, her swollen and tall body, and she showed a bit of Yuanyue's master's temperament.


There are three major techniques in Meishan: the technique of hunting in the mountains, the technique of fragrant walking and the technique of fighting evil.

And twelve: Huayu method, Luohan method, snow mountain method, iron method, water method, tea method, snake method, cricket method, hunting method, medicine method, puppet trick, and point-and-click method.

Including hunting and raising, sacrifices and blessings, spiritual enemies and corpses, healing of injuries, exorcising evil spirits, releasing soldiers, and fighting. Why is the Meishan law system complete? These things are basically preserved, and of course there are more important secret laws.

There are techniques for viewing Yuanchen, stopping magic, Zhaolei, Meiwangtu, and family members of Plague.

The old man saw that she was in a good posture, and knew that she could not be good, and she did not talk nonsense immediately. She shook out a token in her left hand, pinched her tactics in her right hand, and said "Five Curses of Turning Altar":

"I invite Zhang Wulang to turn the altar, and the second division of the ancestors descend to the mandala. Earthquake is earthly, all gates have guarded the 3,000 world, Wulei thunders and dust, the disciples are here to ask!"


The words fell squarely, the wind was cloudy, the clouds gathered, and the thunder was rolling.


Long Qiu blinked, are you calling for Thunder? Are you calling Lei in front of Xiaozhai's sister?

She looked up, waited for about two breaths, boom!

A thin gold thunder chopped down.

First of all, the five lightning methods, including those in Maoshan and Qingwei, are "foreign exercises" that are performed by using palms, symbols, and tokens.

Xiaozhai is an internal law, it can establish Taoism, and can reach Dixian. So the power is different ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Of course, the first angel comes, and there is a little power.


Qing Ping's sword came out of the sheath, as if the Qinglong rushed straight to Jiuxiao, severely chopped at the golden light. That Lei Guang was cut off from it, Qinglong passed by, hovering and flying in the air.

The old man was in a hurry, Fang wanted to continue to cast, but saw a flash of light, the other party closed his sword and said, "Old senior, stop."


He sighed, slowly withdrew the token, and the clouds scattered.

Others have long been silly, and in their realm, they are not qualified to contact Meishan's secret law. One is to surprise one's own potential, and the other is to scare the other's strength.

"I'm convinced to take it orally, just to ask, what exactly do you want us from Meishan?" The old man said.

"I don't understand your thoughts. I have said many times that I have to be punished for making mistakes. I just happened to encounter them, not for you Meishan."

Long Qiu pointed at Luo Tianxing, who was paralyzed on the ground, and said, "He, the first sin."

Then he pointed to the head of the Luo family and said, "And he, as the head of the family to protect the children, the family is regarded as a sin."

The old man suddenly stunned and asked: "You mean, the family is considered a guilt?"

"of course!"

"These seven are crimes?"

"What do you mean?" Long Qiu was puzzled.


On the contrary, the old man relaxed, and said with a smile, "You know how many people there are in these seven families? Except for ordinary people, who have practiced Meishan law, there are 236 people, plus me, 237 people. Get us all? "


Long Qiu hesitated, slowly sitting back in his chair, silent for a while, and suddenly found a messenger and sent it out.

After a while, a golden light flew, and she caught the amulet, and a familiar voice sounded in her consciousness, which was very short: "If you think it is right, do it."

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