Pursuing Immortality

Chapter 466: Wintry

Long Qiu walked through the forest and set aside the waste grass. He saw a shallow trench under his feet, snaked to the foot of a mountain, Xiaosuo's cold winter forest in the south, and the hue changed instantly.

That mountain is less than a hundred feet high, the circle is less than a hundred miles, hard and straight, and the edges are prominent. It is made up of five colors of black, white, red, green, and yellow.

The air of the Five Elements came in from all directions, and once it was here, it was absorbed by the mountain and deposited. The yin and yang air flowed unhindered, gathered together on the mountain, and tangled for three moments and then flowed away.

"Sure enough, it's a treasured land. It's really unique that you are next to this mountain." Long Qiu sighed.

"This wasn't the case before. About ten years ago, the vegetation was slowly depleted, and the rocks changed color. A teacher accidentally caught a puppet soldier and became a Meishan forbidden area."

Long Tang led A sister down the mountain, and found out a token. Several of the guards who came over came to see the order of the clan leader Fu, looked at Long Qiu, and asked, "Who is this?"

"She is my elder sister. The teacher asked her to come and see me and we will go back in a moment."

"Then you pay attention, the mountain has not been flat recently."

"Are there any troubles again?"

"It's weird if they don't make trouble, well, you guys go up soon."

They are here to guard and do not return to the county often, only when Long Qiu is a young disciple who the Fu family intends to train.

The two were allowed to hike up the mountain. Xiao Qiu looked all the way, there are indeed five colors of mountain rocks spreading around, the five elements of gas gathered here crystallized, as if dead. But who would have thought, this dead land is a great place to breed another life.

"The puppet soldiers are different from ordinary wraiths and ghosts. Although they are not wise, they are arrogant, rude and arrogant. They will make a noise every once in a while. If we are disturbed, we will give them some wine and meat Eat. "

When the two came to a stop, Long Tang stopped, opened the bag, pulled out a red cloth and spread it on the ground, and took out a few bottles of wine and **** meat.

"The soldiers think simple, you give them delicious and delicious, they will not be difficult for you, it is easy to collect them."

She said, and touched another piece of earth amulet and put it on the food and drink, and said a few words in her mouth, and then she cried, and the whole red cloth was burned.

In a short time, Long Qiu felt that the surrounding air was not right, and there seemed to be a group of extremely restless guys coming in and hovering above the flames. And as the wine and meat burned out, the mood of satisfaction appeared, and they dissipated.

"Well, they won't be noisy. Let's go."

Long Tang stood up and pulled her sister up to the top of the mountain. There was nothing special about the top of the mountain. It was bare. After the two walked around, and returned to the mountainside, she said:

"The soldiers have different grades, and you can compare living creatures. For example, a man of average physique is the lowest, then stronger, then very strong, and then beasts such as tigers and bears. Of course The best is a high-ranking soldier who has improper bravery. He can even be a general. Unfortunately, I have never seen any of them. "

"Do they form regularly?"

"Uh, the environment during my life has a certain relationship, but not too much, mainly depending on the opportunity after death. Sister, do you want to accept one to try?" Long Tang asked.

The booklet given by Fu Fa Sheng contains the recipe for collecting and releasing. Long Qiu has read through it and thought about it: "Forget it, I don't think there are too many puppet soldiers here, nourish it. Or I will look for it, there is no similar place elsewhere."

"Okay, you're so good, you can't take a waste ..."

Amei's eyes fluttered, her nose wrinkled slightly, and she smiled, "Maybe you can do 300,000 soldiers and horses like Zhang Wulang, and be a magnificent female marshal!"

"Are you looking for a fight?"

Long Qiu grabbed her face and twitched, and the two were noisy, as if they were back in their childhood.

Unknowingly, Xiaoqiu has been in Anhua for more than ten days. During this period, he had never seen any Miao villagers except Long Tang.

Maybe they have ghosts in their hearts, guilt in their hearts, and fear in their hearts, and they are afraid to show up anyway.

Long Qiu didn't care, she secretly and mainly investigated the situation of Fujia. Fujia was also a Meishan clan a hundred years ago. Unfortunately, one generation is not as good as the next, and has fallen to the middle and lower strata of the twenty.

The patriarch helped Fu Sheng, and there were three uncles and seniors, and the juniors of Fuyao and the disciples of other surnames. Only a total of fifteen people studied the Meishan method, and they were pathetic.

Xiaoqiu observed that the family of Fujia is simple, extremely united, and somewhat selfish, but compared with Luo and others, it is considered to be of good character.

"Grandpa Fu, I have carefully considered what you said before. I ask you again, do you really want to join the family and become the lower mountain of Phoenix?"

In the old house, Long Qiu asked seriously.

"Exactly!" Fu Fasheng was more determined.

"All right, I'll take care of it."

Xiao Qiu nodded, and after taking over the referral, he also commanded: "Now the parties are sensitive. You don't need to disclose it to others, you just need to know inside."

Then, she took out two things, one was a round jade pendant, and said, "With this thing, you can go in and out of the mountain gate freely. What is difficult for you? Even if we speak, we will occasionally send some disciples to communicate."

The other is a few hand-written thin papers with scribbled scribbles, apparently written temporarily, "Meishan's law system is very complete, but it is only slightly inadequate in meditation and nourishment. This method can solidify the foundation and temper the mind. You Keep it."

"Thank you, thank you!" Fu Fa was overjoyed, as if he had treasured in his personal pocket.

As a folk law, Meishan has the same advantages and disadvantages. The advantage is that the content is complete, all-inclusive, quick to get started, and aggressive enough. The disadvantage is that the heart is not strong, it is not much to repair it. The higher the repair, the more obvious it is, the floating is unstable, and the space for improvement is limited.

Now that the law is available, Fujia can finally move closer to Xuanmen Authentic, and it is no longer a Minke Yezi.

After everything was arranged properly, Long Qiu turned to Long Tang and said, "Amei, since you don't want to go with me, practice well here. If you don't understand, ask Grandpa Fu, or you can always ask me, I have time Come see you again. "

"I'm not a kid, what do you want to see!"

Long Tang was embarrassed by such warm milk in front of everyone. Long Qiu smiled. For a moment, his mind was wide open, and the sky and sea were wide. He even performed the shadow-shadowing technique and turned it into a ray of light.

Soon after, on Phoenix Mountain.

After receiving the message from Xiao Qiu, Gu Min was a little surprised, and then reassured, showing an old father's smile. It can be said that the tide of the Chunjiang River is even Haiping. My daughter has grown up in my family, and she has thousands of miles to follow. My daughter has her arms in her arms.


"Huh ... it's so cold today!"

Squeak! The double doors of the Taiqing Palace opened, and Xu Ziying ran out first. She exhaled a white gas, warm and cold, and condensed into a brief hoarfrost in the air, and slowly dispersed.

"It wasn't so evil a few years ago, this winter is weird!"

As she mumbled, she turned on the inner air and reached her whole body, causing a burst of warm current.

Xu Ziying was fourteen years old, and she was already tall. After more than two years of growth, her green skin had faded and she had stripped off her appearance like a spring onion.

At this moment, the fine snow was flying, and the girl in the robes stood in the snow, the lacquered wooden door, and the ancient temple of flying eaves.

She had a lively temperament, saw many eyes staring at her, suddenly jumped, Kaka deliberately jumped a few times, and was completely destroyed in an instant.

"Sister, don't jump, Master will punish you again!"

With a sigh of silence, another one stepped in the door, with a much shorter figure, immature eyes, but a very calm temperament. The two styles of twirling paintings are entangled, giving rise to a very subtle cuteness.

"Xiaohe, don't be stern in the sky, you're only ten years old, born like a little old man, come and laugh!"

Xu Ziying leaned over and reached out to pinch her face. He He had been prepared for a long time, with a tiptoe, and he slid around behind the other side, Xu Ziying raised an eyebrow, with a tricky look, grabbed it backhand, just under the hood.

He He walked round and round, and magically turned to his back. The two, like wearing flowers and butterflies, went through a few tricks lightly and delicately, and the snowflakes splashed.

At this moment, a middle-aged women's champion also stepped forward ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Seeing a headache, screaming: "Enough, what a fight!"


The two figures suddenly separated, bowing their heads to make a quail shape, and were honestly reprimanded, "Master, we know something wrong."

"Copy the commandments a hundred times at night!"

"Yes, Master!"

Qinghui Dao shook his head, quite helpless. Xu Ziying is a master sister among female disciples. He He is calm and never causes trouble, but as long as the two are together, like the enemies of previous lives, all kinds of chickens jump.

She led twelve female disciples and gathered before the observation. Not long after, Chief Fang Chengzi also led eleven male disciples out, followed by the abbot of the Taiqing Palace and the chief of Huayang.

A total of twenty-three disciples, all between the ages of ten and eighteen, wore white jerseys, a blue robe underneath, a pair of round-heeled shoes, and a dagger in hair.

They stood in three rows and waited in front of the spectators, with a restrained spirit and a new style.

Hua Yang swept over the children, rejoicing and feeling. According to the original plan, after three years of training, they can only go to the Daoyuan to participate in the selection. It's not three years now, but Qi Yun is spreading the door and holding a ceremony.

The abbots from all perspectives are clear. Today the situation is delicate. The Taoist rush to expand staff and strengthen the heritage has to be implemented in advance. As teachers, they knew the apprentices, and most of them would be eliminated. Fortunately, they were selected for each of the four or five people.

But I also brought it with me. After all, it ’s a rare opportunity.


Before long, a bus drove slowly from a distance in the snow. Everyone got in the car and went straight to the airport.

On the same day, in the thirty-six provinces of Xia Kingdom, except Tanggut and Qingning, thirty-four ten-square jungles and five hundred and twenty-eight disciples eventually entered Qiyun.

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