Pursuing Immortality

Chapter 478: Big match (1)

The sky is clear and the clouds are lingering.

A small river flows from the mountain, turns a corner here, and flows north again, converging into a small lake. The vegetation on both sides of the river bank is lush, full of exotic flowers and weeds, and hummingbirds are flying, while on the river, a stone road leads to the mountainside.


The river is soaring and clear and pleasant. Sixty-one people stood on the main square, staring in the direction of Shi Lu.

Their breathing is light and long, with a unique sense of rhythm, and they breathe in and out, seemingly to create a wonderful aura of fluctuations in the gas field, each person's brilliance flowing, can not be seen.

Waited for Ban Zhuxiang, Shui Yao, Li Dong and other major deacons appeared. After another moment, halfway up the mountainside, there were two little dots, one blue and one red, and then a blink of an eye, it was already there.

Except for Gu Zheng and Xiao Zhai, the core strength of Fenghuang Mountain is all here, which is enough to show the importance of this big comparison. The disciples stationed at Snake Island also returned early to prepare in advance.

"Tomorrow will be divided into three rounds. The rules are as follows ..."

Lao Shui announced loudly, saying, "Take 100 in the first round and try it out in the field. Take 50 in the second round to catch a match. Take 10 in the third round, the Swiss round system. If you do n’t understand, go back. Research, draw the number plate below! "

After all, he put his hands in his trouser pockets with a serious face, and then took out a long, shiny, mysterious, er, cell phone.

"There is a shareware in the group, you can draw your number when you open it."


Everyone was stunned and stunned, and used to staying in the mountains. Wearing robes and learning Taoism, they almost forgot that this is modern practice. Immediately, Hula La flipped out of the phone and opened the software.

You Yu held her super-large screen with dual cards and dual standby. She poked at it, the roulette wheel turned on, and then a big number came up: 233.


He was relatively silent, and didn't want to use any expressions to face it. Then he listened to the roommate next to him and asked, "Hey, what's your number?"

He just wanted to answer, and Laoshui's voice came again: "Don't disclose your number plate. From today we will record the results, assign the battle, only the number, not the name!"


You Yu nearly choked to death, smiled awkwardly, and the roommate was also very bad. He shrank back.

After that, Lao Shui ordered a few more things and everyone dispersed.

Shanri immediately became lively, and the topic of discussion was naturally the rules of the game. I understand all the field trials, I also know how to catch and kill. What kind of ghost is the Swiss score?

Everyone studied for a long time and finally figured it out:

For example, an eight-person competition is better than three rounds. First play out the battle table randomly. The first round is A vs. B, C vs. D, E vs. F, and G vs. H.

The result was an ACE win, a BDF loss, and a GH tie. The winner has 1 point, the tie has 0.5 point, and the loser has 0 points.

Then proceed to the second round, try to score as high as possible and as low as possible. Note here: Those who have already played will not encounter again! For example, E vs. C, H vs. A, F vs. G, and D vs. B.

By analogy, the point ranking is finally obtained.

The Swiss round is currently recognized as a relatively fair game. He said, it must be the seed of Xiao Jing's head. As soon as she opened her mind, she went to the theatre to watch her skin, but she called the apprentice crying father.

What they originally thought was the traditional two-on-two battle, a total of 601 people, divided into 300 groups, and then one by one. Usually inside, this person is either the protagonist or cannon fodder.

Then he went all the way up and won the big name, and was given Zhu Jidan, or a close-up maid of Merlot, or a mysterious silver instrument holder, an acacia set, a sulfur ring, a hanging jade ring, and an umbilical balm.

Who wants to be such a big teacher, there are three big rounds. This is a month-long play!


June, summer.

The people of the country do not know for a few years and have not felt the real early summer.

At that time, the weather was just hot, dry and dry. The wind was sometimes cool, sometimes tampy. Wearing short-sleeved singles during the day, a little thicker, and a thin quilt at night, no bare mats, only a bare leg, There are bugs outside ...

It's the same as living in a dream.

After a long period of devastation, ordinary people have long lost hope, but this year, especially the northerners, did indeed feel the long-lost summer.

Everyone came out of Baicheng and went west all the way, full of flowers and trees and trees. Big and big alienated roses are hanging on the green wall like big horns, grasshoppers with big fists jumping around, watching these humans with green eyes curiously.

For a time, everyone had the feeling of being ignorant of a teenager-you are a sister-in-law, Cai, and I was dancing lightly, alas, that's it.

They were happy for a short time, but Long Qiu and Xiao Jing were not negligent. The two went one step ahead and reached an area bordering the neighboring province, called Shaling. The two sand spiders were caught from here.

The two landed on the ground to see that there was a vast desert to the west and a few bald ridges across, but a poisonous swamp to the east. This is a famous death restricted area outside the customs. There are countless strange beasts and poisonous gas spread across the vast area of ​​the two provinces.

"Which side are you on?" Long Qiu asked.

"I'm casual."

"Then I go to the desert, you go to the swamp."

The desert is long and time consuming. Xiao Qiong swaggered her mouth, and actually realized the power of Xiaoqiu's boyfriend ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ This is not a good phenomenon.

However, she did not refuse, nodded, and both of them flickered and disappeared at the same time.

It took about half an hour before the big troops arrived here. More than 600 people stood in the middle of the bald ridge, listening to Laoshui's announcement of specific rules:

"Listen to me, I'll just say it once. The eggs of the eight-eyed scorpion, the tail of the sand snake, the five-colored stone, the red bee thorn ... Twelve items, you can get through nine. I don't care what you use Method, remember, you only have five days. Five days later, you will meet in the mountains on the east side of the swamp.

Laoshui really only said it once, there was no nonsense, a big hand waved: "Start now!"


The voice dropped, there was a very short standstill, and everyone stood still without moving.

The desert is long and narrow in the west. The swamp is in the east, and is generally round in shape and not too small in area. These twelve things are on both sides, so crossing is a must.

So, it is important to choose which side is the first.


Everyone was turning their brains quickly in order to complete the task efficiently, and suddenly heard a gust of wind blowing, accompanied by a petite figure, plunged into the desert.

Zeng Kerer!

You Yu's eyes narrowed slightly. In his heart, the young lady was the most powerful opponent. Immediately, there was no ink, just like the arrow off the string, and broke into the swamp.

When the two people moved, it was like pressing the switch and brushing, 601 people quickly split into two strands, and they were empty in an instant.


Several people in Laoshui stunned each other, showing a hint of helplessness and envy, and set up camps, prepared various types of wounds, and waited in the middle area.

(Two more cute owners, thank you for your support, there will be more ...)

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