Pursuing Immortality

Chapter 480: Big match (three)

"Give up!"


In the arena, a senior brother of Ying Yuan clasped his fists. Although the master of the opposite Xuantian lost a move, he had a good attitude, and was equally polite.

Xiao Jing rolled her eyes while looking at the pavilion on the mountain. Since entering the second round of the game, these people have completely released themselves, showing their second and second attributes to the fullest.

What "Dare not dare", "being convinced", "Qingshan doesn't change the green water and long flow" is pretty good, the most frightening thing is that someone really shouted the phrase "30 years Hedong 30 years Hexi, don't bully the boy poor!"

Even more frightening is that after he shouted to step down, he immediately took out his mobile phone and took a picture of the two long-legged teachers and sisters clamoring each other.

This feeling is very wonderful, as if time and space shuttle, thousands of worlds merge, it is awkward and funny.

It is said that the second round of the process is ten groups a day for five days, the venue is on weekdays. Laoshui announced the number plate of one hundred winners in the group. The winners were promoted regardless of their order.

For example: 111 matches 520.

6 on 9.

250 went up to 500.

1 on the 601.

When this table came out, the disciples were very aggressive. Was it intentional or intentional or intentional? Xiao Jing naturally would not admit it, and the expression of righteousness was carefully considered and randomly selected.

As a result, everyone saw the last group again, and went to the random selection of special meow!

233vs404, just ask if you are afraid? Are you scared?


On the high platform, Xuantian's sisters were beating each other. They didn't use swords.

Practicing will fundamentally change a person's temperament, and even if you were ugly before, you will become calm and elegant. They used forty-eight hands. This body technique was suitable for women, and there were no rough moves such as orthodox punches, collisions, and flying.

It is mainly fingertip kung fu, with hand shape, specializing in the opponent's eyes, throat, joints and other fragile points.

The two sisters themselves are also beautiful, you come and go as if wearing flowers and butterflies, light and elegant, graceful. And he was wearing an ancient style robe, unconsciously with a loose placket and a half-neckline.

"Well, this trick is really white and big, making it good! Wow this trick is also good, the shape is perfect, the bamboo shoots are tall and straight ..."

Xiao Jing vigorously commented, forcing some fun to play.

No way, it's boring! They have only studied for two years, and they are just getting started. How much can they expect? The two public servants are here to show the importance they attach to the fairness of their supervision.

She yelled and screamed, Long Qiu sipped tea, a pair of glances sweeping away, a clear view of the field and the field.

Xiao Jing glanced inadvertently, and could not help saying, "How do you become more like your brother-in-law?"

"Huh? Where does it look?"

Long Qiu was weird, and the momentum dissipated, and he returned to the past.

"Pretend to be a fan! I said that you have to cultivate your breath, do you have to rely on this route?"


Long Qiu thought about it seriously and shook his head, "Not necessarily. Maybe I have a similar personality to my brother."

"Like a yo-yo! A white lotus, a central air conditioner?"

Xiaojing groaned and asked, "Hey, you said your brother-in-law was in a hurry to make a big comparison. Is there a war going on?"

"I don't know, but my brother attaches great importance to the Gnosticism, saying that their strength cannot be underestimated. The Kunta I encountered before seems to look at Xia Guo, and he can't beat him more than 20. If the tower is high-level personnel, it is okay, if it is middle-level personnel, Gnostic is really terrible.

That's why we need to improve our strength ... By the way, how much do you practice Refrax? "

"It's fire."

"So fast?"

Long Qiu was surprised that if Xiaozhai did not have the trials at Laoshan, he should have just repaired the torpedo now. Xiaojing is one year behind her sister, but her progress is not bad.

"Hee, it seems that you have worked a lot of hard work behind your back, but you talked hard!" She laughed.

"It's not hard-spoken, a scumbag like you will never know the heart of a school bully." Xiao Jing despised it.

The duo drew their mouths and supervised, and the game went smoothly under the auspices of Laoshui and Li Dong.

As early as the end of the first day, everyone thought about the taste: the arrangement of the group is very intriguing, the strength is very similar, and it will not easily be crushed.

For example, Lei Xiao is a seed player against Tao Tong. Whoever loses can win only one, and the other has to wait for the next opportunity.

This is completely different from what everyone thinks. In general, we must ensure that potential disciples win. This is like intentional arrangements, giving some disciples some less opportunities.

As a result, the atmosphere became more tense. I do n’t know who my opponent is, and no one inquires because I dare not.


"I'm out of energy, I confess!"

An Susu pursed her mouth and spit out the sentence reluctantly. Su Xingzhou, who barely maintained his breath, was overjoyed, even if the other party was a few seconds in the evening, it was himself who voluntarily conceded.

Susu is the youngest of all disciples, and it was an accident to get through the first round. In this battle, even though Su Xingzhou's endless stream of strange props made her miserable, but with Meishan method and unexpected runes, she almost came back several times.

This also makes everyone look at it. Over time, the little girl will become a big deal.

"Su Xingzhou wins!"

When the result was announced, An Susu stepped down in frustration, and his companions quickly came to comfort. You Yu also came together and said, "It's okay, you should learn from this experience. You are still young, and there are many opportunities."

She is the closest to You Yu, and was comforted for a while. She also asked, "Brother, when are you going to play?"

"Wait two more games."

"Well, let me cheer you on!"

The crowd continued to watch the battle below, Rongzhi VS Wang Rong, Rong Zhisheng. Tao Yi and Xi Jun civil war, Tao Yisheng.

"Tenth game, both sides are ready!"

As the sun tilted, today ’s final match began. Listening to the voice of Lao Shui, Yu Yu looked pale and said, "I'm gone!"

He made a leap and fluttered to the high platform. According to the original estimate, the opponent was most likely Zeng Ke'er. It turned out that it was Yuan Lingshan when he looked up.

The two looked at each other and grinned at the same time:

It turns out you are 404!

It turns out you are 233!

Don't say anyone, it's ashamed ...


The two knew each other's strengths ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ no nonsense, they greeted with a single greeting.


The disciples were in a turbulent mood, and they were nervous, but Gu Zheng ignored them all in the inner mountains.

During this time, he was bored refining alchemy at home, from the blood-supplementing and wound healing medicines used the day after tomorrow to the gas-condensing and condensing medicines used one after another, and the inventory of Fenghuangshan was almost bottomed.

In addition to that, stay in touch with Ahmad and share news.


The Dan furnace was opened, and a strong medicinal fragrance permeated. Forty Dan pills were rolling in the feces, like jasper.

He loaded the elixir into the gourd and placed it on the desk case, and there were all the gourds, large and small, with thousands of them.


Gu Yan breathed out, and was a little tired from continuous work. When he was about to rest, he felt that there was a wave in Qingxinlu.

He flickered, returned to the quiet room in a blink of an eye, and sure enough, the bag of magic powder for messaging was about to move. He took it out and sprinkled it on the flame, and Ahmad's old voice came out:

"My man chased a believer, and that man fled into the Siberian region. Our search was difficult and I hope you can help."

"Is there anyway?"


Ahmad said a place name and said: "They probably have a stronghold in Siberia, we must find it."

"give it to me."

The communication was interrupted, and Gu Zheng simply packed her things and flew out.

"Hey? Brother down the mountain?"

Long Qiu suddenly looked up, seeing a golden light passing, can not help but show a hint of surprise and worry. She and Xiao Jing looked at each other, and looked at the hot game underneath, quite a complex feeling of "sit up in dying, business woman still sings backyard flowers".

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