Pursuing Immortality

Chapter 483: Biggest danger


After a sharp blade confrontation, the two figures in the field quickly separated, paused for a few seconds, and rushed towards the opponent at a faster speed than before.

The onlookers were dazzled and couldn't help but marvel. Since entering the Swiss round, almost every day is refreshing the three views, both in terms of ornamental and hard power, a lot stronger than before.

Usually, they only know that Zeng Ke'er is very strong and You Yu is very strong, but to what extent, there is still no clear concept-I finally learned it today, and even barely saw it.



Bang Bang!

I saw those two figures flying up and down, you come and go, or split or combine, the long swords interspersed with a few runes of attack effects. Ying Yuan and Xuan Tianying both sides of the clear sub-station, to cheer up their companions.

"Okay, stop!"

When the battle was about to end, there was a clear drink from the mountainside pavilion, "The winner is divided, let's go!"

The actions of the two came to an abrupt halt, and everyone looked at it inexplicably: You Yu's sword was pointing at Zeng Ke'er's abdomen, about half an inch away. Zeng Ke'er's sword has already been put on Yu Yu's neck, and he can take off his head with a little slap.

"Haha, I won, whoops!"

Zeng Ke'er retracted his sword and withdrew. Due to excessive consumption, he did not stand still. But she seemed very excited, and said loudly, "You don't always accept me on weekdays, do you today?"

"A mistake was made, and I will win it next time." You Yu was pale and his tone was light.

"Huh, people are ugly!"

She coined a word casually, and Te Ao Jiao jumped off the platform to accept congratulations from her peers.

Suddenly, one side's mood is high, and the other side is infinitely low. This is not only a question of scoring 10 points. In the previous competition, Ying Yuan almost pressed Xuan Tian to fight, but in the recognized strongest matchup, Xuan Tian finally found some face.

You Yu was not discouraged. While resting, he looked at the big scoreboard standing on the sidelines:

Zeng Ke'er, 30 points.

You Yu, 20 points.

Tao Yi, 20 points.

Rongzhi, 10 points.


Xi Jun, 0 points.

Wang Rong, 0 points.

The above are the scores of fifty people, which are subject to change at any time. He does not think about the previous test, but only calculates the points he still needs in his heart.

After a battle, the crowd appeared briefly deserted, and as the next game progressed, it became lively again.


Long Qiu played with a tea cup, looked absently, and said softly, "My brother has been away for a few days. There is no news. Will something happen?"

"Rest assured that the person who caused him the accident has not yet been born!" Xiao Jing didn't care.

"But I always feel uneasy, hop by hop."

Long Qiu touched his chest and suddenly said, "Hey, if we come back to my sister, I can rest assured that she is with me."

"Where is the retreat at the bottom of the sea, the communication is blocked, and we can't go, do you have a magic boat?"


Long Qiu pursed his lips, looking towards the direction of the mountain gate, and finally murmured, "I hope my brother will be fine."


For such things as monasticism, Gu Jie has never believed in a quick way. In other words, in his bones is a guy who is free and free, but abides by the rules.

For example, you must wash your hands before eating, the height of the pillow must be appropriate, the favor must be rewarded, the victim must be retaliated, and the girl must not be forced into it when it hurts.

Because of this, he has always been a very popular guy no matter what the environment.

As long as he develops a cognition, oh, this should be the case, and it will basically not change. The same is true of monasticism, human immortal, **** immortal, earth immortal, and heaven immortal. This is the path he has identified and must be taken step by step.

But now, the woman who has not even reached the strength of Renxian has said that she can escape from the flesh and merge into the soul world. Even if the Eastern and Western practice differed greatly, he did not believe it.

Because it does not conform to the rules of their own understanding, either the other party is deceiving, or Gnostic has some kind of misunderstanding in inheritance-self-heeling.

And after he said that, the high priest had no anger, but just regretted it and sighed, "You are a real monk, but the more pure you are, the more I regret your ridicule.

There is a saying from Xia Guodian, different ways are not complicity. You and I met here with no warning, their own destiny, and you deserve my worship ... "

After the woman finished speaking, her body leaned forward slightly, her knees were slightly bent, and she gave a peculiar ancient ceremony.

"Oh, you seem pretty sure you can leave me?"

She is a master, and Gu Yan also gives the same respect and asks with a smile. The woman did not respond this time, just put on a hood and hid her face in the dark.


"嗤 ... 嗤 ......"

There seemed to be wind blowing in the belly of the mountain, and the lights on the stone wall began to tremble and flicker. Six people face each other on the narrow aisle, and the other side is an empty cantilevered wall.

I saw that the high priest took a step back, and the whole man turned around suddenly, and actually jumped down the passage. The remaining four immediately came forward, the silver pupils flickered at the same time, each emitting a silver light, and quickly merged together.

At the beginning, this was what Quinta and his men made. But now it's different. The four Quinta-level masters merge the so-called soul power, and their strength and power have doubled.

I saw the translucent humanoid spirit floating in the air, a dozen feet tall, silver rhyme flowing around, like a silver-white robe. The eyes are golden, however, without a touch of emotion, such as the vision of ants.

This time, it wasn't the foreign powers, the middle powers, but the actual distribution of "Divine Power".


Gu Yan stood still, as if scared. The **** raised his golden eyes and waved with his hand, and an overbearing and weird power hit the other side.


Lao Gu's body melted instantly, and the four were overjoyed, followed by another shock. The physical body did not turn into silver water, but disappeared like a balloon.

One of them stepped forward and saw a stone rolling down to the ground, he could not help but yell, "Fake!"


They immediately reacted, looking down, "Chasing!"


Since Gu Yi debuted, he has had dozens of battles, big and small, and he has never been defeated, but this time, somehow gave birth to a sense of crisis.

1VS5, it is not suitable to fight in battle. Naturally, you must make a quick decision.

He turned into nothingness and flew down the aisle before chasing the substitute, chasing the woman away. The mountain is hundreds of meters high, and the height inside the mountain is almost the same as the outside.

He almost jumped down from the top of the mountain, and only now could he see the bottom. The spiraling passages are made of black stone, and there are hundreds of floors along the inner wall, all the way to the bottom.

There are lights on the inner wall, and the stars are shining, reflecting some light.

But when he jumped down several floors, he heard the continuous sound of crickets ... The layers of the lights suddenly extinguished without wind, and there was darkness in front of him.

Immediately after that, a thin figure appeared in front of him, the high priest.

She fell slowly, aware of the chase, looked back, and smiled. In this laugh, there are passion and desire, indifference and excitement, **** and compassion, and many contradictory emotions are mixed in one place.


Gu Xunyi, before reacting, felt that the environment had changed. There was a strong wave around, the space seemed to have wonderfully changed, the darkness became richer, and it seemed that all material concepts had been lost.

The high priest turned his head, speeding up suddenly.

"Hugh off!"

Gu Yi flipped her right hand and summoned Chiyang Sword, while she carried out a small porter to catch the weird woman.

Small handling, in theory, as long as the mana is strong enough, you can move any object within the rules, including people. He never missed using this trick, but at this moment, it seemed to hit a layer of invisible barrier, which actually failed.

The woman's figure turned and disappeared again.


He simply stopped in the void, surrounded by thick black, could not hear the sound, could not see the material, as if he was at the origin of the chaotic universe.

What is this place? The legal array? The realm of magic? Enchantment?

Gu Zheng was thinking for a while, suddenly breathed suddenly, turned back and cut off with a sword.


The overwhelming sword spirit swept through, with a very strong intention to kill, as if the Milky Way was upside down, the star current was bright, and he rushed to the "god" that appeared behind him.

The light of God's golden pupil soared, emitting two golden lights, and violently colliding with Jianqi.

boom! boom! boom!

Waves of sword qi were flowing like the Yangtze River, and they continued to ravage the golden light. The two sides were deadlocked for a while, and God suddenly disappeared.

Only a clear sword mark was branded in the void, slowly dispersed, followed by another darkness.

What does this mean?

Gu Ye didn't understand.

He slashed the sword again and again, his sword was full of strength, but he couldn't touch the end. This space is deeper and deeper, just like the black hole is swallowing sword energy, silent.

He turned into golden light again, and wanted to fly out, but after a few laps, there was no border.


Gu Ye was a little surprised, and Muffinister has the strength to create a ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ domain that can control time and space?

No, no! If that is the case, Gnostic would have unified the world long ago, and would it still need to be sneaky?


Gu Yan thought of this, simply sitting in the void, looking at me alone, everything is quiet. The consciousness in Xuanqiao flows like water, it is soft and soft, without any aggressiveness.

It is like a stream flowing in the mountains, winding down, divided into several streams, or accumulated into a pool. These waters slowly extend in all directions, moving naturally, passing through the hollow darkness.

He let the consciousness flow, and finally, a small tributary seemed to come across something and shrank back in shock.

"found it!"

Gu Yan suddenly opened his eyes, just about to fly over, the silver light was dazzling before him, and the **** appeared again.


Jian Qi and "Divine Power" confronted, gorgeous and gorgeous.

Although he had the upper hand, he could not win each other within a few strokes. It was this short period of restraint. There was another wave of fluctuations and changes in space. The exit just found has been erased.

So many times, whenever Gu Jie found the exit, then God came out and stopped.

He was quite helpless, and he was trapped stiffly, but at the same time he couldn't understand: what was the purpose of that woman? Just tether yourself?

I don't know how long after that, the darkness suddenly shakes, a ray of light rises, followed by a second ray, and a third ray ... tens of thousands of silver rays are pouring out.

Gu Yan looked down, and saw the darkness below be scattered, revealing a large rocky ground and the pits of hundreds of thousands. About a third of the potholes were glowing with this silver light.

"Your soul power is enough for us."

At this meeting, the voice of the high priest sounded, "It is our honor to sacrifice with a single god!"

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