Pursuing Immortality

Chapter 488: reaction

Siberia, Fire Eagle Nest.

Inside the huge mountain vertical hundreds of meters, there is no trace of light, the paint is dark and dark, as if a closed dim space, with an unusual and strange atmosphere.

One hundred thousand pits are still neatly arranged at the bottom, but the silver liquid in the holes has been consumed. The sword marks on the surrounding stone walls are staggered, leaving a little breath.

After that battle, the Gnostic people came to investigate and found nothing. They just sealed the entrance. This hill stands quietly in a larch forest, with pine winds and waves, and no one can imagine what happened.



The quiet bottom of the mountain suddenly blew a light breeze, the broken stones rolled, and a thin sound was heard in the dark. A flat body suddenly appeared with no warning and no aura fluctuations.

He closed his eyes like death.

Because he doesn't have the slightest feature of life, he can't see the slightest vitality, just like the wonderful boundary between life and death.

I don't know how long after that, this person started to breathe, his chest was slightly undulating, his body curled up, like a baby sleeping in the mother's womb.

Then, the Aura also resumed its fluctuations, and the sword was suspended above the sea of ​​air, and everything seemed to be normal. Only in his mystery, a battle continued.

The consciousness made up of traces of thin threads clumped together, hiding in the deepest part of Xuanqiao. The other force overwhelms most of the space. Due to the closed door of Xuanmen, it is impossible to escape. It has changed from a rampage to a smooth and smooth, floating in clouds.

The time in the dark passes quickly, and I don't know how long it has passed.

The small group of gods suddenly found a tentacle, and slowly reached out to the clouds. As soon as Fang touched, the clouds began to tremble, showing a strong rejection.

The tentacle had to retract and walk around its edges, seemingly looking for the other party's pheromone so that it could blend with each other.

After thousands of temptations, the clouds finally opened the gap, and the tentacles were carefully inserted into it, and then stopped inexplicably. It's like a newborn baby opening its eyes for the first time, shocked by the strange world.

In this way, this small group of consciousness keeps exploring into the clouds, collecting the information of the other party, and analyzing the origin.



The breeze was blowing again, and the rubble rolled down. Just as it appeared, the body suddenly disappeared, and it was still dark.


"They're here to ask if Gu Min is on the mountain?"

After listening to the report, the old man in Jing's office was quite surprised. "What's on and what's on?"

"They didn't seem to have a specific purpose, they just wanted to confirm this fact. At that time, Jiang Xiaojing was desperately blocking, and his attitude was extremely strong. He said that Mr. Gu was in retreat and he could not see the guests. If it is weekdays, I have no doubt, but put it together with the four countries visiting It seems to be concealed, there is no silver here. "

"What was the result?"

"The result is, uh, Gu You went out a month ago and should not be on the mountain now."


The old man frowned tightly, and suddenly slammed the table, igniting the fire: "We don't even know the sound of such an important thing. What do our intelligence personnel eat? Go check it and give me the fastest information!"

One of his subordinates, like a chill, was ordered to leave.

The old man's anger remained, and it took him a long time to calm down, and asked, "What do you think?"

"According to the analysis of Fenghuangshan's attitude, Mr. Gu has lost contact and is more fierce and fierce. And this matter is likely to be clear to Dongzhang, the universe and Yueguo, and to be used as a target to test, there must be a messenger behind it. Germans are hard to say, they Always orderly and neutral, maybe he went to visit with sincerity.

In any case, we can't think of Mr. Gu for this job. In the end, I can only guess boldly that this matter may be related to Gnostic. "


The old man froze for a while, then remembered the title. Some time ago, Lu Yuanqing of the Taoist Academy specially informed that he briefly talked about the situation in Gnostic and emphasized the threat of the organization.

However, there is very little information about them. It is not clear to all countries in the world. Only the extraordinary powers of Europe are pursuing them in secret, so they have not paid much attention to them.

Speaking at this moment, the old man was suddenly shocked: Gu Yan-Missing-Gnostic.


In an instant, Gnostic's danger level went up.

"Actually, I'm very surprised. Why didn't Phoenix Mountain tell us about such a big incident?" A staff member was puzzled.

"Maybe we're afraid we're going downhill?" The other shrugged.

"Childish! We haven't been stupid enough to provoke civil strife. We are too underestimating us!" The old man was very unhappy.

"You have no idea, but you can't stop some people from having an idea ..." the buddy muttered.


The old man stared, but could not refute.

Basically, the government is reassuring, but regardless of the organization, there are so many blind-minded guys who are hindering. As long as I see the other person has a sloppy slump, just like the grasshopper after the autumn, it is just like a hovering breeze.


The Dead Sea, the ruins of the ancient city of Babeljo.

Six men in black robes gathered together, apparently discussing things. Four women and two men have different temperaments, the only thing being the same is that they have a pair of silver pupils.

That high priest is also a double silver pupil, that is to say, they are all masters of the same level-the second step and the third layer of the half-step fairy peak.

"Anisha didn't waste an altar in vain. The news from Dongsun just came, that the man went out a month ago and probably hasn't returned yet. Either he died or he was hiding and healed, no matter which one, it is a golden opportunity ! "

"Yes ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ We should act now to collect the final soulpower."

"Their territory is so big, there are so many restricted areas, they can't even care. Even if they meet directly, they are definitely not our opponents."

"Astrat, don't underestimate the enemy! The Xia State Road Academy is still very powerful, but they have too few staff, which is a weakness. We personally led the team this time, and ordered the parishes to sneak into the border and start operations. To collect the soul Strength is the most important thing, so do n’t provoke the forces at will, if you ca n’t avoid it, kill any interference! ”

"By the way, I heard Dong Xun's visit to Xia Guo was based on a celebration proposal. What's Xia Guo's reaction?"

"In their usual style, they are likely to propose to the World Association. It is up to them to do their best to catch their carnival night, and we will give a gift to all humanity!"


At the same time, Phoenix Mountain.

A bright moon shined into the Qingxinlu, cold and frosty, in the quiet courtyard, only one wooden house was still on. Long Qiu and Xiao Jing were sitting at the table, which rolled out the sheepskin rolls.

Xiao Xiong took out a diamond-shaped glass bottle, which contained a thick paste-like object like cold oil-this was given by Master German before leaving.

She spread the cold oil evenly on the lambskin roll, and for a moment, lines of handwriting appeared on it. The handwriting was scribbled and incomprehensible, as if the ancient language of a long time ago, the two had not yet recognized, and suddenly felt a strong impact from the roll.


Long Qiu swept his sleeves and broke in one blow. Immediately afterwards, the flames of sheepskin spontaneously ignited, and a spiritual magic appeared gently in their minds.

They closed their eyes, as if watching a movie, with pictures and sounds flashing through the scenes, which is the origin of Gnosticism and the spiritual system!

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