Pursuing Immortality

Chapter 499: 2. The Zero Age Begins (2)


The first car didn't explode long, and another police car that heard the sound suddenly burst into flames and shattered. Nearby residents opened the windows to look around, and they suddenly shouted frantically, mixed with the screams and appeasement of police officers.

"Don't go out, don't go out!"

"Fight out the fire, hurry up!"

In a flash, the neighborhood boiled, a large number of police rushed to this side, and several groups of special operations personnel also came.

Various noises broke the peaceful night sky of Kang Bao, and the whole city's attention was focused on it. As everyone knows, just to the east of the city, several silhouettes easily crossed the cordon and reached a location on the outskirts of the city.

"You bypass the city, go west into Jin, and go to Gaoping (ancient Changping)."

"You go south and enter Yuzhou."

"Go southeast into Ludi."

A leader-like guy assigned the route and said: "Pay attention to hiding, walk more towards the crowd, be sure to restrain their energy. In the last battle, I probably learned about the strength of the other side. Except for the two leading priests, most of them are comparable to you. So do n’t worry about it, take the initiative to attack if you have the chance, you can kill one. ”


Wait for them to leave and disappear into the night. This talent left alone and headed straight for Beijing.

From Kangbao to Beijing, it is about 340 kilometers. Jizhong is densely populated, and there are almost no large blank areas. The route he chose is very clever.

I saw this man shrouded in darkness, appearing suddenly, as if teleporting in a small space for a short period of time. The body is not the black robe, but it is usually dressed and attached with some spiritual magic, which makes people unrecognizable.

Not bad! He is just brave and wants to sneak into the capital to engage in wind and rain!

It was late at night when Kang Bao exploded, and it was almost dawn before he knew it. Sky light rose slightly, blue mixed with black covering the earth, it was already early in the morning.

He walked, suddenly, a pair of black pupils like Xia Guoren lifted up.

In front of it is the industrial area to be built. The construction sites are next to each other, which outlines a group of buildings. No one was around, but he suddenly felt a breath.

Hao Ran, majestic, oppressive, even stronger than those two Taoists!


His pupils contracted abruptly, and without hesitation, he swept westward.

There is an old town with many residents. The street lights have not been turned off, the police officers on duty are shifting, several shops have been busy early, and the sanitation workers have begun a day of work.

Not a short distance, the person crossed in an instant, reached out and grabbed, the lives of several idlers were drawn, and the dough was kneaded into a silver light ball.

He threw backwards, encouraging the soul, the light ball opened, and an instant protective barrier was formed. This move was extremely vicious, the living soul was not fully digested, and several faces were printed on the forbidden, with great pain and struggle.

Monk Xia Guo is careful not to hurt the peace, these are all innocent souls, and there must be concerns in his heart. As long as you can block for a moment, you can escape.

Just listen, bang!

The banned bullets broke without any pause. The breath was getting closer, he could even feel that the breath had become a person, right behind him!


The human soul surged, and the air waves rolled around, forming a huge vortex with a strong suction. Almost at the same time, from the residential area not far away, a series of translucent souls were drawn alive and drawn into a vortex.

His shape was even more fluctuating, and the black pupil became the silver pupil, which is the high priest of Mobei!

"Husband, what's wrong with you?"

"Ah! Help! Help!"

"Don't go out, he's that cult ..."

"Let's run!"

This momentum has long shaken the entire neighborhood, crying and yelling, begging for pain, and various voices mixed together. People running from here, from elsewhere, and people who didn't know they wanted to see the lively ... the messy crowd covered several streets.

Speaking of Gnostic's soul art system, the sword is completely off-center, abandoning the physical body and pursuing soul power.

According to their system, when the high priest rises further, he can briefly escape from the flesh and act as a soul. Further up, it is completely shelled and turned into a pure spiritual body.

It is a pity that no one can do that except for the first pope.

In fact, if they have patience and choose a strong leader, they will wait for decades to come back to work, and the success rate will be much greater. But Gnostic was suppressed for hundreds of years, and he couldn't wait.

At this moment, the high priest took the mentality of being unsuccessful and becoming a benevolent. After extracting the souls, the silver pupils of the pupils skyrocketed and turned into a huge giant silhouette that was more powerful than the previous ones.

The giant flew into the air, surrounded by surging soul power, gathered in bundles of silver light to attack people.


With a slight thunderous thunder, the man disappeared out of thin air and appeared in another place, exactly Xiaozhai.

She tilted her head and looked at it, as if judging the opponent's constitution, and by the way avoided another attack. When I dodge again and reappear, I seem to understand the opponent's progression.

She floated in the air, pinching an extremely tedious decision with both hands.

The so-called universe cares about the hands, Wanhua lives in the body. By pinching, holding, and pinching some parts of the hand, you can communicate with the Zhou Tian universe.

Why is the power of Lefa more advanced? Is to be able to use more and more large spells, great magical power, no longer like the innate period, can only be split with thunder.

Xiaozhai squeezed his fingers and pushed his hands forward.



The light at the fingertips skyrocketed, with the sound of thunder, is no longer the five colors of gold, wood, water, fire and soil, but is an integrated one.

This purple awn quickly manifested, first a huge head, followed by a body, and finally a long tail. Suddenly, a behemoth that was dozens of feet long flew out of his palm.


"It's a dragon! It's a dragon!"

For a moment, the neighborhood was dead, and everyone forgot to run away, poking at the place and staring blankly at the sky. That is a thunder dragon with a clear outline, sharp scales, and a beard swinging!

It snarled, fast enough to cut through layers of airflow, and seemed to rush to the silver giant with the mighty might of the Nine Heavens.

boom! boom! boom!

The two collided head-on, and the shock shock brought by them suddenly caused the air waves visible to the naked eye. The rising sun in the early morning dawn seemed to be covered by this power, dim and dull, and smashed back to the horizon.

The giant only held his breath for a while, like a beautiful and delicate crystal product.

One move, only one move, killed the "god" the opponent relies on most!

"Human fairy, another human fairy."

"It looks even better than that."

"The world will change again!"

The silver light scattered, like rain, when Thunder Dragon was born, Tianwei was energetic, satisfying all mortals' illusions about gods. Not only shocked the residents below, but also stimulated the special bureau staff who came to see it.

At this moment, the woman is the incarnation of the fairy!


The high priest was violently bitten back, spraying blood wildly, without fear and horror, just reaching out and grabbing to the side, but also wanted to extract the soul to replenish the energy.


Xiaozhai waved his long sleeves, and several purple thunders fell down, painting the ground as a prisoner, binding him dead.

"you you……"

The high priest struggled, but found that his body quickly became rigid, and finally lay like a corpse in a thunder cell.

"Fairy! Fairy!"

At this moment, a woman suddenly reacted, fell to her knees, and cried, "You are so compassionate, can you save my husband?"

At her feet, a man was lying, and the unlucky one was taken away from the soul, and the dead could not die anymore.

Others heard it, and they all kneeled down, all crying for help.


Xiaozhai lowered her head and glanced at them before disappearing.


When Long Qiu and others came to the meeting, they found that everything was over. Although several acolytes have not been caught, the capture of a living high priest is of little significance.

People from the government and the military came one after another and gathered in a large city in Jizhong.

"what's your name?"

"What position are you teaching?"

"What is the purpose of you entering the country illegally?"

Officials are responsible for interrogation. The high priest cannot move but can only speak. But he was very disdainful of communicating with this group of people, and only asked: "Are you Jiang Xiaozhai?"

"it's me."

"It's a well-known name, we miscalculated and greatly underestimated your strength."

The high priest was rather self-deprecating and said: "You have the power of heaven and earth, why do you kill mortals? You do not belong to this world, you, we, and that Mr. Gu belong only to our transcendent world.

"Where are those two altars?" Xiaozhai was too lazy to make nonsense.

"Oh, you can't extract my soul, and you can't peep at my thoughts. My soul art is given by the messenger of the upper world. Although you are powerful, you are still a little worse. I can't tell you that you don't have to waste your words."

The high priest's bachelor is also telling the truth.

Xiao Jing came up and asked, "Sister, you really can't help it?"

"His soul barriers are very special. I am not good at consciousness. Gu may be able to pry open here."

Xiaozhai had a fight, and Xu Shi had a good fight, and his face was a little more energetic.

The nearby Lu Yuanqing listened to ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ and suddenly said: "I have a personal choice, and I can let senior Wu Shan try."

"Yes, yes, the predecessors are hundreds of years old ghosts, who have been in a state of spirits and souls. Ghosts to ghosts, souls to souls, can't be more suitable!"

Hearing this under-excited tone, Zhunbao is an empty picture.

Everyone felt that it was feasible and immediately transferred to Qiyun Taoyuan.

Wu Shan was also curious, and immediately after preparation.

So in a quiet room, Xiaozhai himself guarded him, and a ray of virtual light floated from the wine, stopped for a moment in the air, exuding a weird wave, and slowly went to the high priest.

The high priest was resentful, unwilling, and wanted to struggle, but could not escape.

Finally, the wave penetrated into the other person's brain. Gnostic soul art is indeed very doorway. The tempered soul is extremely tough. Rao is such an old-fashioned immortal, and he did not pry open for a while.

The high priest stopped struggling, closed his eyes simply, and struggled with Wu Shan. He knew that if he persisted for a while, his success rate there would increase a little.

The two stayed indoors for a long time, and outsiders did not dare to bother.

I don't know how long it took, Wu Shan finally broke through the opponent's barriers, and he was happy and unobstructed. He quickly read the information, found memories of the altar, and slowly said:

"One is in the extreme north of Europe, on an island. One is, at ..."


He hadn't spoken, the consciousness suddenly broke, the red shadow shuddered, and the fear was retracted. Xiaozhai also stood up stupidly, revealing a trace of surprise.

After a few seconds, it was a while, boom!

"this is……"

The priest, who had been so pale, felt the wave, raised his head suddenly, and laughed wildly: "Hahaha, you are still late, late!"

(And at night ...)

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