Pursuing Immortality

Chapter 502: The world's first (two)

Northern Europe, Iceland.

Iceland, like Bhutan and Nepal, has a sparse population and no military strength. It can only be relocated as a country when the cataclysm comes. It is a large island in itself, and there are many small islands around it. It is adjacent to the Arctic Circle and the environment is very harsh.

Fiona passed through European countries all the way, the situation is similar to Xia Guo, it is a global robbery. After searching for a long time, she finally locked a volcanic island.

In Bonn that year, she lost a move to Gu Yan, but also benefited from it. After returning to the undergraduate training, she quickly broke through the realm, equivalent to the Eastern Immortals.

The energy used by druids can be called the power of the forest. This is a very magical power that can abate, neutralize most attacks, and have a certain immunity to special sword qi, thunder, curse, and so on.

She is taller than Xiaozhai, reaching 1.8m, and likes to wear a medieval vintage white dress. She is barefoot and wine-red hair is her mark.

Druids are usually gentle-hearted, but when they are involved in a major disruption, they will instantly transform. Fiona entered the crater without hesitation and found the altar.

Here is a high priest and dozens of acolytes, and Gnostic's last strength is here. Looking at the field again, the same endless silver villain flew up, continuously merging into the light sphere, providing energy to tear open the barrier of space.

Seeing her come down, without waiting for the high priest to issue an order, more than a dozen apostles came forward. The silver pupil of one eye flickered, and a huge spirit body was called out.

Fiona's features are not very delicate, but they are perfectly natural and smooth. Of course, at this moment, the face was full of seriousness. She took out a tree-like object, reached out her hand, and turned it into a long gold sickle.

Originally tall body, wielding the same exaggerated sickle, suddenly changed from a medieval lady to a Valkyrie.

No wonder one of the misunderstandings taught by druids is that they are not good at fighting!


Fiona stepped forward in one step, and the crescent-shaped sickle blade slanted, breaking the spirit body instantly. Immediately after that, she turned her wrists, and the sickle came back at an incredible angle.

puff! puff! puff!

Blood splattered, five or six people were cut off, two bodies fell to the ground, the nerves had not dissipated, and the previous twitching movement continued.

In a moment, she broke through the siege and approached. The high priest supported the altar and yelled, "Druid! You and I don't violate river water, why stop it?"

"You disturbed me!"

Fiona snorted, and the golden sickle was severely cut off.


The sickle passed through a silver barrier and was chopped on the back of the high priest, but it protected the light ball with his own body. He was too late to summon the spirit body, and one move was already on the verge of life and death, and silver blood poured out.

"God, we haven't lived up to your expectations, come quickly and wash this dirty world!"

He tried his best to motivate his soul, and put all his energy into the light ball. The light sphere was replenished, and the initiation ceremony was completed at the last moment, and a gap was slowly cracked, spewing out countless frantic remnants.

"what is this?"

Fiona waved the sickle and slaughtered some weak chickens, only to feel the light ball tremble, and a frightening energy came quickly.

not good!

Without thinking, she stepped out and rushed out of the crater while singing in her mouth, like an ancient ballad.

Rumble! Rumble!

Like a thunderous sound, all the trees on the island began to skyrocket in an instant, and the foliage climbed to the top of the mountain, covering the entrance tightly. Countless roots also penetrated the rock wall from the ground, crisscrossing the interior of the volcano, forming layers of protection.


At this moment, a distant figure flickered, and soon came, a gray robe and long beard, but it was Ahmad who rushed over.

He had just greeted him, and he felt the ground start trembling, followed by crackling cracks. The giant wooden protective net covered by the layers was completely destroyed by the opponent.


A huge soul jumped out of the crater, and the fierce breath filled the whole island instantly. With an instinctual desire to devour everything, it was like an ancient beast, which was slightly identified in the air, and immediately locked them.


"It's dangerous, I can't keep up."

Gu Yan steadily landed beside Xiaozhai, exhaling a breath, and seemed a little afraid.

He didn't seem to have changed anything, even the clothes were the same as before, dangling and full of vitality. Xiaozhai was too lazy to come back anyway.


The old Gu was uninterested. Looking at the field, he saw that the second soul had been drilled out, and the gap between the light spheres was getting bigger and bigger, countless complete, fragmentary, unconscious, a little conscious remnant, or excited , Or fear, such as the gate of **** opened, night walks of hundred ghosts, one after another from the soul realm to earth.

These things passed like a hurricane, pierced through thick layers of ice, and went straight outside. Suddenly, the strange beast in the mountain howled and died, better than death.

"Seal that mouth first!"

"it is good!"

The two were very acquainted with each other. As soon as Gu Yan's voice fell, he appeared under the light ball in the blink of an eye and was hitting a second soul. Without waiting for that thing to come through, Xiao Zhai raised his hand and split a purple thunder.


The soul was caught off guard, and after some embarrassment, he became furious and turned to Xiaozhai. At the same time, the first one continued to pounce. I saw her toes a little, soared into the sky, flew directly out of the ice, two things disappeared behind one after another.

Gu Yan stood in the corpse all over the ground, Xuanqiao trembled, and the majestic spirit power flowed out, which was far superior to the past. This force quickly formed a large net, tightly wrapping the light ball, and squeezing it toward the center, as if to close it.


Boom boom!

The light ball is restrained, just like a deflated ball, it is pinched open, and the soul power in it becomes more manic, rushing to the gap, squeezing out.


Gu Yan waved his hands, and hundreds of Jinyan swords shot into it, killing those fragmented low-level remnants. At the same time, the airflow was pulled, forming a nebula-like air mass around, and slowly turning.

The significance of the altar is to use a lot of soul power to disrupt the energy balance of the physical world and forcibly split the barrier. Then as long as you have enough strength to restore energy to balance, it is possible to seal the opening.

Gu Yan is lucky, or human beings are lucky.

After two soul bodies emerged in succession, no powerful soul realm appeared. He invoked all the power of the soul to stabilize the restless atmosphere here.

After repeated combing, finally, the light ball gradually stopped trembling, and the gap was gradually closed. But unfortunately, it is not completely closed, it seems to be unopened, like a ripe pomegranate.


Gu Yan sighed, after all, he hadn't reached the fairyland, and he could only do that. He banned several successive bans, temporarily solved the hidden dangers, and flew out of the ice immediately.

The wind and snow rage covered up everything in the world.

The vast and majestic Himalayas, among hundreds of towering snowy peaks, have become battlegrounds for hunting. Countless remnants that have spewed out before, raging wildly in this world, and even killing each other.

Dead alienated creatures can be seen everywhere, as well as instantly formed fierce land, as well as a small number of creatures that survived this robbery-in the future, it will be a hegemon of the Snow Mountain.

At the top of a soaring snow peak, a thunder light flew around the mountain peak, and then two groups of souls chased after each other. The speed of the thunder light has obviously slowed down, and it should have been impacted and damaged.

"Come here!"


Lei Guang turned abruptly and turned around, a golden light ushered in from below, just in the middle.

The two souls are suspended at high altitude, seemingly looking at new opponents, and they are pleasantly surprised to find that they are more delicious than the previous ones! With a clear sense of excitement, they all sent out a wave of waves, pierced each other's knowledge of the sea, and wanted to win.

"Good job!"

Gu Yan didn't dodge, he rushed straight forward, stretched his hands, and seemed to hold him in his arms.

"call out……"

The three guys slammed into each other fiercely, and with a whispering blast, Xiaozhai watched as they disappeared out of thin air. She quickly flew over, looking around, and faintly felt the breath of a fellow.

"Huh? He's still here, but not in this space."

Xiaozhai only felt very novel, and muttered, "What kind of art is this ... oh!"

She looked stunned and thought of one, illusion!

As mentioned earlier, the human **** Xiucheng becomes the Yuanshen ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Yuanshen enters the realm of soul, contacts the origin, and realizes the supernatural power, which is the symbol of the gods.

Supernatural power, that is, the power held by the Yuanshen.

He gained a large force in the spirit realm. The outside world was two months, but in the process of fighting with him, he only spent decades and hundreds of years.

His Yuanshen was a mass before, and now has the outline, more importantly, he analyzes the soul power and obtains a lot of valuable information.

The soul realm is higher than the material realm because it is beyond the basic level and is a higher level puppet.

Renxian, using Taoism, is the material representation.

Above the immortals, they began to explore the rules themselves. For example, soul, time, space, light, darkness, life, death, water, fire, thunder, wind, etc. all have their own origins.

Gu Yan has always been brain-minded, not only to improve his spirit, but also to repeatedly study another relatively unpopular skill, illusion.

Although not used much, you must know that it is recorded with the breath method. The status of gas-breathing law also determines its mediocrity, but it lacks early strength and cannot be deeply explored.

Gu Yi was blessed by misfortune, and saw a trace of soul mystery, and a trace of soul origin. With this opportunity, he successfully upgraded illusion to a level, and even the power was scared.

Previous illusions just created a false space. Now, you can create a realm of consciousness for a short time, and inhale the soul / residual soul / ghost and so on.

Illusion becomes real, just like a weakened version of the high-dimensional space, invisible and untouchable, both here and there.

Gu Xun did not dare to call magical powers, and called himself a small magical power-even in this field, he is a well-deserved god!

(Pushing several old dramas: "The Wrong Sedan Married Couple", "The New Horsewoman", "Pink Girl")

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