Pursuing Immortality

Chapter 506: treasure?

Kunlun Mountain does not have the Queen Mother of the West, nor does it have **** teeth.

Its status in the ancient gods is very important, but in the real Taoist pedigree, the incense has not been flourishing. The harsh environment, sparse population, and backward economy make it unsuitable for preaching.

Therefore, Kunlun Taoism is mostly a small door and a small family, and the only one with some fame is the mixed Yuan school.

If you want to talk about the mixed Yuan school, you must first talk about the Tianxin school.

The Tianxin faction originated from the Northern Song Dynasty, and its ancestor was called Rao Dongtian. This faction is heavily embellished and is one of the three Leifa factions in Taoist history. In the Yuan dynasty, a descendant of the Tianxin faction called Lei Mozhang, went out to split and establish a sect, and created "Six Yuan Ruyi Dafa of the Mixed Yuan", which is the mixed Yuan school.

The mixed Yuan faction was originally on Wudang Mountain. Later, its influence expanded and it developed everywhere. One of them came to Kunlun Mountain and set up a dojo. After the Ming dynasty, it was unknown.

Xiaozhai is a school tyrant, and he is inseparable. Since the old Gu came, there is no need to wait any longer, leaving Long Qiu and Xiao Jing at the foot of the mountain.

They floated in the air, looked closely, and saw an ancient view of a small pattern. There are more than twenty houses in the front yard, the back yard, and the left and right yards.

They lowered, and slowly fell on the blue-gray stone bricks, and suddenly hesitated.

Unlike the imagination, there is no difficult prohibition, only a thin layer of protection. As the two walk, they burst like soap bubbles.

There is also no breath fluctuation in it, except that the building decoration is relatively intact, which is a deadly old outlook.

"The mixed Yuan faction enjoys incense in several places in the south, but the bottom line is not deep enough compared with those famous masters. This branch was assigned to Kunlun, and its position in the faction can be imagined. It is estimated that the last heir was also discouraged. It's cold and careless. "

"Perhaps. Maybe it's a surge of soulpower. It's so easy to strip off the ban."

The two entered the Taoist Temple and looked at them separately.

Xiaozhai turned to the left, Gu Zheng to the right, and there were six rooms across the courtyard, and only a few bottles and jars and useless living utensils were found. He turned around and went to the backyard again.

There is a quiet room in the backyard, a glance at the door, a table and a couch, and old futons thrown on the mat. Turning to the back room, there was a booklet on the skewed cloud bed.

Very thick, I do not know what paper to use, feels strange to the touch, the cover is dark yellow, and writes a few black words: "Tai Shang Fu Shen Shen Mang Bao Di"

Gu Yan opened it casually, clamoring for a long string, but it was a fold—an ancient memorial. The first half is full of runes, and the second half is blank.

The so-called rune diagram is the style of the rune, according to which you can learn how to draw the rune.

He looked at the first one. The rune head was San Qingtou. Below was the decree and then below was the runny bile. He's also seen a lot of charms, but he didn't know this one.


Gu Yan came to his interest, and continued to look down. Good guy, about twenty-four runes, barely able to identify two or three, but he was not sure.

"What did you find?"

At this moment, Xiao Zhai came in from the door, holding a big box in his hand.

"Good thing, what are you then?"

"Some fine cinnabar."

The two exchanged items, and after a few glances, Gu looked at Xueba with anticipation.

In the end, the other person shook his head and said, "I don't know it, but since it is called 箓, it must be a scripture of a cleric who performs spells. Those runes are twenty-four runes, which can be called twenty-four. A priest. "

Fuyu is actually two things. The former are all clear; the latter are such pamphlets, which usually record some of the names and genus of Tianguan Gongcao and Shifang Shenxian.

Of course, there is a sign of 箓, usually linked together, called Fu 箓.

Gu Yan didn't understand the situation, but instinctively felt it was a good thing. He even said that the question of "whether God exists and what God is" that has plagued him for a long time may be answered in this volume.

Immediately, after confirming that there were no omissions, they immediately returned to the foot of the mountain.

"Brother and sister, there is news from Minister Lu Dao."

As soon as they met, Long Qiu obediently reported: "They found a few grass cottages in Jinquan Mountain and said they were left by Xie Nature."

"Thank you?"

The two looked at each other with a subtle look, and Gu Min laughed: "The head of Lu Dao is going to have a headache. There are more and more women Taoist priests. There are inevitably mutual affections. Seeing that he still keeps the precepts."

Xie Ziran, a fairy of the Tang Dynasty, created her own dandelion. Dan here is not Nei Dan, but refers to the practice.

Tao is not like Buddha, it does not discriminate against women. Since ancient times, there have been many famous female goddesses, and they have created methods that are beneficial to women's cultivation.

For example, Mrs. Nan Yuewei, Mr. Zhongtiaoshan, Cao Wenyi, Sun Buer and so on.

Xie is naturally a very hanged one, and even a historical book clearly states: "In the tenth year of Zhenyuan, on the 12th of November, the day ascended to heaven, and the number of scholars and cadres admired."

So Gu Yan and Xiao Zhai felt very funny. Lu Yuanqing must have found some relics, but he did not know how he would use them.


Gu Di disappeared in June, Gnosti entered in July, Long Qiu and Lu Yuanqing led the public down the mountain. At the end of August, Gnostic's main force was swept away, and then the altar was opened, and the world was in danger.

They don't know how much countries have lost in the turmoil. When things finally came to an end, there were only two impressions of 恍 恍惚 惚 ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ First, it is now September, and finally I can go home.

Second, the deterrent power of the government has collapsed. Some awe and balance have been used before. After this time, everyone suddenly felt that, the contrast between the two sides is too obvious!

As early as the beginning of the extraordinary power, many people expected that the government's existence would become more and more humble when the transcendental chips became heavier and heavier.

But no one expected that this day would come so fast. Regardless of whether it is Xia Guo or other countries, everyone will recognize this turmoil as the opening sign of the 2.0 era.

That is: extraordinary ≥ everything!

At this moment, everyone was rested and preparing to return. What suddenly Gu Gu thought, he looked at the ancient view and asked, "What do you think of this place?"

"It's very good here, it can be used as a place." Xiaozhai understood.

"Exactly, it can be used as a place." He laughed.

"That's right, and it's the right thing, and the jade mine!" Xiao Jingdao said.

"What are you talking about?" Long Qiu didn't understand.

"Well, do you understand what is the nature of this time? It ’s a big catastrophe! Let ’s not overdo it, let alone a beppu. Besides, here is close to the Himalayas, we have to monitor that thing, who dare not Promise? "Xiao Jing explained.


Long Qiu understood, saying: "Shuifu and Snake Island cannot be exposed, but it is better to have a clear one, but to reassure the other side. Ah yes, there are still a group of people on the mountain. Do you have to interrogate when you go back?"


Gu Yan groaned. He didn't want to quarrel with a group of the day after tomorrow, and he didn't want to get involved in faction battles. By the way: "There is no need to settle accounts after the autumn. They are all smart people and will give me an account!"

(This chapter is cute for three defeated Taoists ...)

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