Pursuing Immortality

Chapter 525: 10 Years (2)

Yujiaomen is a small martial arts school, full of over 200 people. It was assigned a mountain in Jincheng, with scarce resources, and it had to have a good relationship with the local government.

Life is hard.

The current practice school is, to put it plainly, the former company. Officials give you legal status, and you have to abide by the rules and not oppress the masses and act arrogantly.

If a martial art wants to survive and grow, it is necessary to operate the industry, and this returns to the economic model with which the government is familiar. To paraphrase: Pull you into the system first, and then use your rich combat experience to soften you.

When they came out, they wanted to go to Dongyun to explore the market. Could they open a business road? Baicheng is a must pass. Naturally, you have to worship the pier. Don't look at the salty fish, ah no.

"The martial arts in various places have just begun to communicate, and this is the best stage to seize the opportunity. Dongyun has comprehensive protection, a large population, a developed economy, and indeed many business opportunities."

You Yu accompany him for a few words, and then a disciple came with a box. He picked up something and laughed: "You are here all the way, we are meeting for the first time, please accept this gift, don't go outside."


The two were so flattered that the gates were truly extraordinary, and the courtesy was generous, not overbearing. In fact, in their imagination, they thought they would receive a wave of cold-eye DISS.

Yan Han listened for a long time beside him, and suddenly interposed: "Is there a kind of red garlic in Jincheng?"

"Uh, right."

"How much do you produce?"

"This is a kind of spiritual garlic, about 100 kg per acre."

"I want one ton. Is there any cargo?"


The two were a little bit embarrassed, but this was a good opportunity to get online with Phoenix Mountain, and immediately nodded, "Yes!"

"Okay, bring me some next time. Don't be afraid if you have more. How much is more."

Several people sat for a while and got up to leave, Yu Yu said: "What do you want so much garlic for?"

"Isn't it noisy for you? You have to eat noodles with garlic. Generally, garlic isn't good. You have to have garlic!"

Yan Han rolled his eyes and said, "Damn, I can still look at Ling garlic after 30 years of living. Is it possible to kill vampires with a breath?"

"Ha ha……"

You Yu laughed and remembered this crop.

Nothing else, but after five or six years, I can finally eat noodles again! The group of grandsons called all day long, one after another with big tail wolf.

Yan Han was still sighing and muttering, "It was difficult to eat rice a few years ago, but now it's better. Steamed bread and garlic have to be extravagant.

You Yu didn't like to listen, waved his hand, and walked away. The goods are still asked later: "Hey, why are you going?"

"Dongyun Li Taoist Temple, I have to prepare a congratulation."

"Preparing a gift ..."

Yan Han swaggered and said: "A troubled world is better than a fist, playing diplomacy in peace, and I won't bully me."


Dai Han left the gate and drove to Dongbianfang City.

The market is still so lively, but the levels of buyers and sellers have all improved a bit. He parked the car in front of the shop, and the three guys came over to unload it.

First were boxes of fish, shrimps, crabs, and clams, and finally there were two big salamanders. Giant-toed pupa is irritable, can eat people, and has great strength. It costs a lot of money to customize these two large tanks, and of course the effect is also great.

These things are all raised by himself, he is already the most famous aquatic product in Fang City.

"Shengtian ordered twenty catties of fish, one catty of chicken head shrimp, ten catties of chrysanthemum crab, and just shipped them away. Jincheng wants to order two hundred catties of clams. I haven't responded yet. I'm afraid the inventory is not enough." Dude Reconciliation.

"It's really not enough. You say it's only a hundred pounds. If you want, give it, don't forget it."


After finishing some accounts, Dai Han was sitting at the door, soaking his wolfberry in wolfberry. In his twenties, he has entered the life of a delicate pig boy.

Unconsciously, it has been four or five years since I moved to Baicheng. My life is stable and my parents have adapted to the environment.

He was so impressed with his wit that he came to settle in Baicheng early, and later he couldn't even eat the shit. He was alive and willing to work, and earned a small family business. By trading with Yan Han's PY, he also learned how to nourish qi, his body was awesome, and he was delicious, so he sent a daughter-in-law and a baby.

Of course, he knows that his qualifications are not enough, and he will pin his hopes on the next generation. Those who have the qualifications must also provide support for selling iron. If they are not qualified, then they will inherit the family business. It is also good to live a stable life.

Alas, this mentality is very similar to Chu Qing.

"Boss, I heard that Salt Lake and Qianzhou are going to open the market, don't you plan to open a branch?" The buddy received a guest and chatted casually.

"Open a fart branch, do you have so many sources of supply? We are a small business, let's stabilize Liaodong first."

"Okay, I'll take your calm!"

Dude thumbs up, suddenly changed to a cheap virtue, whispered: "Boss, what did I think about the last time I told you?"

"what's up?"

"Well, my cousin! Two years of a flower, white skin and long legs. You can be considered a well-off now, and you have nothing to worry about, social gentleman, get married this year, have a child next year, and now the government rewards birth, hehe And make a fortune. "

"roll roll roll!"

Dai Han took a sip of wolfberry and said, "I haven't confirmed my eyes yet, get a hairy marriage?"

"Hurry up, hurry up, you can't keep up."

"Hey, wait, wait!"

I was chatting, and suddenly I heard the shop over there wow wow wow, a group of people rushed out with joy. And more and more, people across the street are running away in a panic.

"What's going on?" Dai Han forced.

The man patted his head and called, "White face! White face!"

"Fuck, almost forgot! Walk around!"

Leaving one to watch the store, the other three guys jumped into the car and immediately chased after him.

In a flash, a team of traffic started from Fang City, gathered more people in the urban area, and went straight to one place-the farmers' market!


"Don't squeeze, don't squeeze, line up!"

"Have you heard in the queue, otherwise it won't be sold!"

In the market, in front of the stalls set up by the government, people were surrounded by three layers inside and three outside. One person stood on the table and shouted with a big horn: "Today is a trial sale. The quantity is not large. Each person weighs a pound of flour.

After a long period of chaos, order was barely in place. Countless eyes are staring at those pockets, with white flowers inside, smooth and tender ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ It is a lovely flour that has not been seen for a long time.

After the changes in the environment, wheat and corn were almost completely destroyed, and rice and potatoes became the savior. After the initial panic, experts found that although the plant was mutated, it did not leave the scope of the genome.

In other words, modern science can be studied.

For example, Yuan Shennong has cultivated several generations of new rice based on several wild alienated rice plants. The yield per mu is not a dream!

Just because of the new rice, it was ensured that Xia Kingdom did not fall into famine. By the way, it relieved the rice-based countries and forced the bread-based countries.

Later, the researchers took painstaking efforts to find a wild alien wheat and alienated goat grass in West Asia. After a few years of research, I finally made a breakthrough last year, started large-scale planting, and got something similar to flour.

Why is it similar?

Because wheat is no longer the wheat it used to be, the flour will definitely taste different-but at least it is stronger than the whole **** potato!

Not much to say, Dai Han was so tired that he grabbed a pound of noodles and brought him home at night.

My mother has been waiting for a long time. She is from Qinchuan. A pound of flour, eaten by three people, and surrounded by a small basin of noodles are very funny.

After a long silence, Dai Han picked a chopstick.

When some are familiar and some strange tastes enter the throat, I do n’t know if it is spicy or spicy, and the tears come down-even if he hated noodles the most.

Look at Mom and Dad, they look similar.

You chopsticks, I chopsticks, you one by one, it took a long time to destroy the small bowl of noodles. Dai Han swiped his mouth and patted his belly. "It's delicious, it's delicious ... It's okay, everything is fine, everything is fine!"

(This chapter gives Bai Hongwan an alliance ...)

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