Pursuing Immortality

Chapter 533: Hi mention 0 go


As the coffin was opened, a strange cold chill suddenly disappeared.

Inside was a boy's body lying naked without any clothes and accessories. The flesh had dried up and turned into a thin layer of skin tightly hooped on the bone rack.

Only the hair was thick and dark, and I didn't know what to do with it, and there was a metal mask with a blue-faced fangs on his face.

"Well? There is still a trace of remnant."

Long Qiu was slightly surprised, looking away, and found two red lines on the corpse's neck, extending from the back to the place of the collarbone, then said: "It should be the shaman's secret method to lock the living soul in the body , But it's a long time ago, and it's almost gone. "

"Yes, I opened a dozen coffins, all of which look like this. But the different masks I wear, the higher the status, the more gorgeous the mask."

Magnolia beads covered the coffin and laughed, "It's just looking at a fool. With you, you can't make any mistakes."

Long Qiu smiled and followed her to the west gate.

The two walked a long way, one to the next in the burial chamber, some were a coffin, some were three or five, and spread out. There were about a hundred burial chambers in the whole tomb, and more than a hundred people were buried.

These burial chambers seem to be arranged in a wonderful orientation, dense but not cluttered, forming a large and mysterious array.

Magnolia Pearl has clearly penetrated into it, cracked most of the prohibitions, and still has to sell cute costumes. Please ask Phoenix Mountain for a shot. This further confirms Xiao Jing's judgment, ya is intentional!

Xiaoqiu didn't say anything, but since he's here, he's responsible.

She followed slowly, the consciousness spread, and she kept paying attention. For some reason, she always felt that after thousands of years of decay, the power had not completely subsided, and there was always a faint wave to observe in the dark.

"You're here!"

After walking for a while, Yulanzhu finally stopped, pointing to a group of black fog in front of him: "The past is the core area of ​​the tomb group, and the altar should be visible."

As she said, she changed her pitiful face again and said, "This prohibition is too strong, and it will still bother you."


Long Qiu frowned, suddenly there was a sense of sight facing Xiao Jing. Although the two have completely different styles, they have one thing in common: they are playful!

She knew that her brother had been pretending to be like a wind, and transformed into a big bird to soothe each other. She thought that Magnolia Pearl had joined Phoenix Mountain and it was a foregone conclusion. She would like to be commensurate with the door, so she ignored these details and said, "You step back."

Having said that, she took a step forward and first felt the nature of the black mist. She felt that the restraint was extremely unstable, and it was also the shaman's ghost power system, and she called out the baby Jin Chan.


Jin Chan fell to the ground, shook his head, called a coquettishly, then opened his mouth and sucked suddenly.


Just like a high-powered vacuum cleaner suddenly operated, the black mist was instantly dispersed and turned into thin threads and rolled into the entrance. Instantly, the black mist dissipated, exposing the passage ahead.

Jin Chan's face turned black, and he didn't feel well. He twisted his butt, and put a few stinky farts, which seemed to be discharged cleanly.

Yulan Zhu drew his lips and said, "You maggots are really innocent and cute."

"Just be a kid, hey right ..."

Long Qiu patted Jin Chan and taught: "Sister Jade."

"Sister Jade!" The baby looked very good.

"Ha ha……"

Yulan Zhu was a little embarrassed, apparently she didn't catch cold like this kind of creature. She said, "I was shocked just now. I thought your mother and son were commensurate. Fortunately, she was just an elder sister, otherwise wouldn't you call me an aunt?"

"I haven't read books, I don't have the habit of recognizing my son," Long Qiu said seriously.

With that said, the two continued on.

After walking all the way to the narrow and grave tomb, here it suddenly opened up, showing the structure of an underground palace. The area is the size of a football field, and heavy coffins are placed around it. The regulation is the aristocratic class.

Each coffin is lined with an idol made of straw, or a human body, or a reindeer, a cormorant, a flying bird, etc., and a thin red thread is tied to the center.

There is a three-story circular altar standing there, and the lowermost layer is piled with several dismembered beast corpses. The beast heads towards the middle, with a circle of throat, tongue, heart, lungs, kidneys, limbs and tail at the end.

Too long, it has become a pile of stone objects.

The second layer is a box, exuding obvious aura fluctuations. At the top is a circle of altars, with a huge beast head in the middle.

It has long been beyond recognition, the flesh is dried up, but looking at the pair of long horns and volume, you can feel a bit of its mighty life. And those thin threads are being connected to the head of the beast, like strands of bunting hanging on holidays.

"What does Dan Shu look like?" Long Qiu asked.

"I haven't seen it, only I heard it was made of jade."


Long Qiu had very few words with her. She swept away and took a box directly.

Magnolia was very surprised and asked, "Why not take it? There may be magic weapons in it."

"Tiandao's burden is like throwing stones into the water. The bigger the stones, the bigger the waves. The predecessors will enjoy the blessings and the later generations will suffer. I'll just take one."


Magnolia looked at her without blinking, grabbed the box for a few seconds, and laughed, "But you gave this to me, you can get one yourself."


Long Qiu also stunned, quite reasonable, so he did not pretend to take another box.

The two were in a mood here, Jin Chan walked around hopping around, he was curious about everything, stopped for a while and stopped in front of a coffin.

He glanced at it, reaching for the thin line.


I don't know what the thin line did. As soon as the finger touched, a "wound" was cut out. When Jin Chan was in pain, he felt his soul drifting along the wound.

This faint aura of spirit entered the coffin, and the coffin began to vibrate lightly. The shock was like a signal, quickly swinging, covering all coffins.

"what happened?"

Magnolia was startled, watching the coffins glow red, and strange forces passed down the altar along the thin line. Those boxes are also trembling, providing their own energy.

The giant beast's head was even covered with red light, and the dried epidermis was restored to fullness with the naked eye.

She screamed awful, Crow's mouth, I thought it was broken for a long time, but I didn't expect that there really was a big boss. Jin Chan knew that he was in trouble, and dumbfounded his sister to make an ostrich.

In other words, we often see such scenes in film and television dramas:

Whenever the villain fits / transforms / upgrades / summons, the gang of protagonists will always stay in place like silly, waiting for the other party to strengthen BUFF and pressing themselves to the ground to rub them hard before using one. This is a way to insult the audience's IQ.

There is a trick from the sky to learn about the mecha version.

So Long Qiu took a look and immediately said, "Damage the altar, you cannot let it out!"


Jian Xiao Long Yin, a little green suddenly appeared, as if it illuminated the long night of eternity. Immediately afterwards, Qingmang turned to emit a multitude of silk, and formed a net, covering the palace.

"Why not move?"

Magnolia beads were very puzzled, and the next second, they changed color suddenly.

Every inch of her space is filled with powerful fluctuations. Every green silk is actually thousands of swords that are cut out instantly, layer by layer, almost condensed into a solid,

Because the speed is too fast, the naked eye seems to be still.


"Squeak! Squeak!"

A coffin can't bear the strength, it exploded, and the body inside was broken. Followed by another bang, almost at the same time, the coffin of the ground palace shattered one after another, and the energy supplied to the altar decreased sharply.


A shadow has emerged from the head of the beast, faintly showing the appearance of ancient beasts. It only has a part above the chest, and the bottom is still trapped in red light. Can't wait to jump out of the altar and struggle with waving arms, but the ritual has not been completed and there is no alternative.

"go with!"

Long Qiu reached out with a finger, and the fire dragon composed of 72 fire cloud needles whistled out, passing directly through the chest at the ghost image.


The shadow of the beast suddenly faded, and became more furious.

Long Qiu once again pinched his fingers, Wan Dao Qing silk suddenly closed together, blended into one, bright and colorful, the sword rushed to the sky, like a sea of ​​jade clouds slowly flowing in the palace, a red dragon just in the clouds, flying and tumbling.

Magnolia looked blank, and even forgot to come forward to help, unconsciously leaning on her side, she felt very relieved.

From the start to the present, in fact, only between the number of interest. The beast head Xu is the last hope of Fuyu ancient country ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Use it to deal with Goguryeo and reverse the war situation, but unfortunately it will be destroyed.

And millennia later, it had a chance to come back to the world, but unfortunately met Long Qiu.

Also poor ...


In a short amount of time, all coffins have been destroyed and energy support has been lost. The beast head is getting weaker, the shadow is getting smaller and smaller, and finally it is invisible.

Large and small rubble debris fell and the earth shook, showing signs of collapse.


Long Qiu took Magnolia's arm, pointed her toes, broke through obstacles and returned to the ground.

boom! Rumble!

When they stood outside Baizhang, they saw that the hill suddenly sunk in a large area, and then quickly sank, but the entire hill collapsed.

"Are you all right?"

Nalan Shu, who had escaped, hurried over.

"OK, uh ..."

Long Qiu put down Magnolia beads, and wanted to ask a few words, but looked up, startled. The woman's eyes were so hot that she couldn't bear it.

Xiaoqiu practiced for nine years, and I would like to mention Lily!

Ahhh! nonexistent……

"Thank you, or I'm going to die in it."

Magnolia bead glanced back.

"You're welcome. If it weren't for Jin Chan, you wouldn't have encountered such a thing."

She took out the box and shifted the topic: "Look at the contents and don't damage it."

Magnolia covered her mouth and chuckled, without chasing after her, she opened her box and took a look. There was only a white board inside, crystal clear and jade-like, with a few lines of gold inscribed on it.

The general idea is that XX can be a fairy land, protect believers, accumulate virtues and do good deeds, and tell the world to prove it!

(It's a cold. Tonyima in the Northeast is cold, and I need to wear a sweater and quilt ...)

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