Pursuing Immortality

Chapter 558: Jedi Survival

Xiaojing is not shaking, she just lacks a bit of suffering to make her goals clearer and stimulate the accumulated results over the years.

To put it simply, Lao Gu's heart is strong through battles; Xiaozhai is also firm with Lao Gu's strength through battles; Long Qiu's personality is so obvious that he can see the world after the mountain.

Only Jiang Xiaojing, the state of mind is not as good as her sister, and she lacks the corresponding experience. Although he is devout, he is still a little bit meaningless.

It is always said that Long Qiu is well protected, in fact, Xiao Xiong is the most protected one--otherwise, with her temper, she would have been beaten to death thousands of times.

Similarly, for ten years of daily practice, daily accumulation is not a problem.

She was abused by her sister for two months, and she really felt the test of life and death, just like the new car must be ground, and the steel must be refined.

Thanks to his heart and soul, he has been bruised all over again and again, and he has not given up. Once he gives up, he is almost hopeless in this life.

Because this does not mean that she has passed, but it means that she has just qualified for clearance.


Xiaojing breathed for a long time before exhaling a long breath. She opened her eyes, the pain on the flesh was greatly relieved, but the internal injuries did not improve, and there was stagnation during the reiki operation, especially the lungs, which should be broken.

She coughed twice, each touching the wound, causing a hot pain from the inside to the outside.

On the contrary, her eyes did not flinch and shake, the sensation of twitching lingered in her body, inexplicably giving herself a strong confidence and a calm mind.

What she thought before was that Jiang Xiaozhai was her own level and she had to break through. Now thinking about it, there have been some logical changes.

The congenital peak will not win if you fight against the immortals, and the mana and realm are crushed in all directions.

In this case, how can I not use it?

"Ahem ... heh ..."

She endured the pain, stood up, and walked slowly to the opposite side.

The two were separated by hundreds of feet. If they had blinked in the past, they were now step by step, wearing ragged shirts, and their shoes were deeply sunk in the scorched black loose soil, leaving a line of clear footprints.

She walked for a long time before she got under the big rock.


Xiaozhai sat on the stone and still looked down.

Xiao Jingxi looked at her sister for a while, then suddenly smiled, and her figure jumped up to the stone.

No longer fighting, no more thunder, I saw her left hand and five fingers spread out, such as petals falling to her sister's chest, her right hand pinched into a bird's beak, and peeked at each other's eyes with a shadow.

These two moves are extremely fast, but their power is very weak, and they have no luck at all. They are simply boxing. She learned everything from her sister, and the first set of things she learned was this forty-eight hands!


Xiaozhai was cold and expressionless, as before, responding with the corresponding moves-and no luck.


Mid-April, late spring.

There was a little chill in the air in the north, the peach trees on the roadside were covered with falling pink, the grass was yellow with green, and everything was revived and vibrant.

Today is the day before Tabitha started, but the participants were totally scratched. There is no place in Baicheng that can accommodate more than 70,000 people at the same time, so some people are crowded in the large square under the Phoenix Mountain, and some people are staying in urban areas and towns, all waiting to release news.

Sure enough, in the evening, everyone noticed a refresh on their phones. At the same time, a voice came from the mountain:

"You all know the content of the game, and I would like to emphasize a few more points.

A total of 71,380 people participated in this joint contest. In addition, more than 4,000 Taoist heads and mages from various perspectives and sects will also participate.

From the Bohai Sea to the East China Sea, there are two major stages. The first phase will last for two months. At seven o'clock tomorrow morning, there will be a fleet waiting at the port of Dongyun City with only 50,000 seats.

There are a total of 50 islands along the coast of Liaodong (except Snake Island) and a total of 40 islands along the coast of Jiaodong. The map has been sent to you. Choose your own target.

The rule is: only 200 people can reside on each island, responsible for exploring the terrain and various resources (there is a detailed list of species). On each island, there will be several road chiefs and mages responsible for supervision and coordination.

If the survey data is returned first, and the number of people matches, the game can enter the second stage immediately, and new rules will be announced at that time.

Remember three things:

We are only responsible for sending you to the competition area, the transfer of positions between islands, you solve it yourself.

When the two-month period expires, the number of people does not match or the task is not completed, it is deemed to be eliminated.

Regardless of the means, but it is not allowed to harm human life, once found, it will be punished! "


The audience was silent. Rao already knew the game procedure. At this moment, he could not help but surging and uneasy.

That's right! Surprisingly everyone expected that this time the big home was not placed inland, but instead chose the ocean instead.

According to data from the Xia State Government, there are 6,536 islands over 500 square meters, of which 450 are inhabited. Common characteristics are that there are many small islands, few large islands, many uninhabited islands, few man-made islands, many water shortage islands, and few water islands. About 60% in the East China Sea, about 30% in the South China Sea, and about 10% in the Yellow Sea and Bohai Sea ...

Of course, these data are before the mutation.

After the mutation, some islands disappeared, and some islands were newly formed. The island was covered with unreadable animals and plants and ore, waiting for someone to mine.

Twelve years! Xia Guo finally got rid of the anxiety such as inland environmental disasters, population migration, urban agglomeration construction, and power balance, and set his sights on the ocean.

There are resources, sites, and benefits. Therefore, the three parties discussed and quickly reached an agreement to engage in this joint contest.

The first is the delineation of islands, not even those with large palms. There are 1,336 above a certain size.

It is roughly divided into 50 islands and 3 island groups along the coast of the Liaodong Peninsula.

There are 40 islands and 3 islands along the coast of the Jiaodong Peninsula.

Southeast coast, 1100, 24 island groups.

Others are located in the South China Sea and are too remote to be included in the plan.

Secondly, the nature of this game.

There is no Swiss roulette, there is no competition in the ring, there is no fighting method, it seems stable, but it is more dangerous.

Just boarding the ship eliminated more than 20,000 people! Two hundred kilometers from Baicheng to Dongyun, it's six o'clock in the evening and sailing at eight o'clock tomorrow morning-that is, they have fourteen hours left to use.

Then, there are 200 people on an island. Whoever you want, whoever you want, it's all a rumor, and it's inevitable that there will be a **** storm.

What's more, the island is full of crises, and alienated creatures need to deal with ...

So after hearing this, many people are timid and plan to quit quietly. There was much discussion in the square, and they all felt too harsh and cruel.

Suddenly, a guy shouted boldly: "Dare to ask real people, are these 200 people only our contestants, or do they include the Taoist Masters and Masters?"


Shan didn't respond, and when he thought the other party wouldn't answer, the voice suddenly sounded, "all included."


As soon as this statement was made, everyone was even more turbulent.

Those senior masters who shouldered this responsibility sank. Since it is included, there is a conflict of interest. I wanted to use my identity to pressure, but now I have to be cautious and besieged.

If you win, you are afraid that you will be driven off the island by a group of younger generations.

After that guy asked, another buddy immediately shouted: "Live, I see Diaoyu Island and Su Yanjiao on the map. Can we really take it?"

"Yes!" He answered without hesitation.


A small number of people cheered at once, and when everyone responded, the cheers continued. Some even shouted, "Live, live! There's a worm-shaped island to the east, can we take it?"


There was a burst of energy, and the goods looked like a ball, and they grunted a few laps, and were ashamed, everyone laughed.


Two hundred kilometers.

It takes only one hour by high-speed rail. If you drive by yourself, you can arrive in three or four hours even if you run sixty miles. The key is that there is no high-speed rail from Baicheng to Dongyun, and few people drive by themselves.

There are only a few ordinary trains and buses passing between the two places. The bus is off work, there are three trains left, and the remaining one hundred tickets are wiped out immediately.

Overnight, as big as a truck, medium to bread, and as small as a motorcycle, everyone in Baicheng with wheels was bought, borrowed, rented out, snatched away ... Uh, dare not.

Of course, more people choose to hike.

It's all the day after tomorrow. It's not too difficult for them to rush to Dongyun in fourteen hours.

Therefore, it is the same as the summer marathon in which every few people use their bonuses every year. Www.wuxiaspot.com .

At first the road was narrow and crowded, all crowded together.

When we got out of Baicheng, we set foot on a wide national road, and our strength immediately manifested. A small group of people point on the tip of their feet, passing over the heads of the people like a big bird, and landed in front of them.

The figure flickered again and again, and he clearly understood the appearance of Jishu.

"Can't let them go first!"

Someone shouted aloud and took the lead. Several thin red threads flew from their sleeves. The ends of the threads were shimmering, but there were several silver needles.

The people nearby were also blindly excited, and all the means came out. At one time, all kinds of weird weaponry blades burst into a rage and attacked the group.


Long Yin cleared Xiao Jian, and Jian Guang flashed a few times in a row, blocking the attacks one by one. A teenage girl with a sword standing in the middle of the road said, "It is right to go to the port first. Do you want to waste time here?"


This said, everyone reacted and closed the momentum one after another and moved on.

At the same time, at Dongyun's estuary, the water surface stirred and rippled, and four French ships were successively drilled.

The three larger ones are the standard whale ship style. After Xiaozhai's refining was successful, Long Qiu refined one, the Tao Yuan also refined one in exchange for the formula, and the other was Gu Yi's bone-bound shuttle boat.

I saw a ghost, Long Qiu, Lu Yuanqing, Mo Haofeng, Bai Yunsheng, Shi Yunlai, You Yu, Zeng Ke'er, Zheng Kaixin, etc., a total of thirty congenitals, plus two people immortal.

It was late at night, and everyone stood on the French boat, looking at the dark tide, the vast dark sea, showing a strange and strong look-this is the master judge of this big comparison!

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