Pursuing Immortality

Chapter 570: Hualong (4)

When we describe a person's mental state, we often use a word, airy.

We can see a pride and lonely green pine biting on the cliff of Dangerous Peak; or seeing a majestic tiger who is unparalleled in the king, this feeling will also be produced.

Divine energy refers to the inner pure energy of living beings, and also refers to the external manifestation of the aura integrated with the environment. Everything in the world is full of energy, but some are dazzling and some are dim.

The Tao evolves everything in the universe, and heaven and earth are in it, and heaven and earth have their own energy. And this spirit is usually decorated by various exaggerated beauty, which has pulled out a series of high-end vocabulary: such as the avenue machine, mountain and river air transport, and so on.

In fact, it is very simple. Compare the heaven and the earth to people, and the world to learning, dedication, and wisdom ... When these things reach a certain height, the human spirit naturally manifests itself.

Just now.

There are dozens of miles of Xiamen Island, and more than 70,000 monks are calling for the tsunami. As a result, the two immortals were talking and talking. At the climax of the atmosphere, they suddenly rose into the sky and looked northward.

The crowd didn't know why, but followed closely, their hearts fluttered together, some seemed to be whim, some were vague, and the degrees of induction were different.

"Hey, why is it over there?"

"That cloud will move!"

"It's going to be overcast too!"

In a state of tension, panic, excitement, and excitement, the warmth of the sun was wiped from the island little by little. First, a dark cloud floated over the north, covering the nearby sea area, and moved to this side at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Every mile moved, the darkness spread a mile, not long after, the distance was already covered with dark clouds, just as before the storm.

At this moment, another person with a higher cultivation found that he suddenly called out, "Look at the sea, what is it?"

"Oh my God, is that a monster?"

Everyone jumped up high and looked to the north, only to see the turbulent waves rolling, broken silver flying stars, a behemoth separated from the water, long bodies looming, as the waves fluctuated.

After a swim, the thing suddenly raised his head.

The snake-like huge head, the pupils are dark golden, and there are some blue lines on the skin. The **** sarcoma in the forehead is bright and exciting to everyone's senses.

"Well ... Wulong!"

One yelled aloud, and his throat suddenly became hoarse. An atmosphere of shock over fear spread quickly through the crowd. They don't know what to do, and someone says, "Look, the real people are gone!"


In addition to Magnolia beads, five immortals flew over the dragon.

Gu Min tried to connect with divine thoughts, but found that the other party's mind was chaotic, extremely agitated, and could not communicate clearly, and frowned, "It's clever, it can't communicate, and I have no good way."

"Forcing the dragon is against the law. It looks quite difficult. Will it be backwashed by luck and create evil?" Lu Yuanqing said.

"Looking at this virtue, you need to make a mess and be prepared to close it."

Xiaozhai didn't like this kind of merchandise very much. As soon as his sleeve was flung, he left the team and ran to the left of Xiaojiao Island.

As soon as she left, as if to prove the facts, Xiaolong suddenly stopped her body, showing her pain, began to twist her body, and became more and more intense.

It started from the Bohai Sea, and all the way ahead was good. When entering the East China Sea, the obstacles increased significantly.

This vast and boundless sea gave birth to a faint sense of rejection. It was always pushed away and squeezed and crushed, as if its qualifications were not enough to reach here.

It is the law of nature to dwell in rivers and rivers in Long Juhai.

Of course, this guy is also a tough guy. But the gas flow of Sugao Island rose and stirred the heaven and earth to sense that the fruit had matured, and the repulsive force naturally increased infinitely.


A snake blew a croak, and the dark-golden pupils became blood red and blood red. Suddenly, he spit out a dark blue air arrow—it is the magic weapon of life, which can pollute the saliva of all things.

At the time of the hunting in Dongting, Gu was just born, and Gu Yan was amazed by the power of saliva. Now several years have passed, and the enhancement is different, and the effect is different.



There was a series of explosive sounds on the sea, and where the gas arrows passed, it seemed to penetrate through the layers of invisible barriers. Countless sea monsters and beasts turned over to the water, all died.

The snakehead felt that the obstruction had been reduced a little, and hurried forward, marching dozens of feet, and getting closer to Xiayu Island.



At this moment, the clouds were tumbling, and the sound of thunder was rolling. There was no light in this area. Immediately, the dark sky seemed to crack a gap, and the rain poured down and poured down.


A bit of fear flashed through the snake's eyes, and it could feel that this was the anger of the heaven and earth universe, and it warned itself not to move forward. But in the next second, this fear was erased, and it became full of madness and longing.

At this point, how can we step back? !!

Regardless of the tearing of the body and the sense of pressure on the consciousness, it slammed its tail fiercely, flapping on the waves, and still darted forward.



boom! boom! Rumble!

The earth and earth changed in an instant ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The rainfall was so indescribable that the sea level across the East China Sea seemed to be rising slowly. Dozens of silver snakes twirled in the air, a gigantic breath, like Mount Tai's top ... bang!

An area with a snake radius as its center and a radiating radius of 100 feet collapsed without warning, and the seawater stopped flowing for a while, sinking into a large vacuum zone.


After the seawater was refilled, the snakehead's head burst into the water, opened its huge mouth, and spit out gas arrows. The gas arrow was bigger, thicker and faster than before, like a clear blue light, rushing into the sky without fear.

The majestic power of heaven and earth, the created creatures of the day after tomorrow, the shock waves generated by the collision of the two, stirred up in circles, sweeping the entire sea instantly.

The waves were like mountains, wrapped in storms, and waves of waves pushed forward to a desert island on the outskirts. They hit the reef rocks fiercely and stirred up a hundred waves.

As the dam was opened, thousands of torrents poured out, and it swarmed over to Xunliao Island and its associated desert island.

"Quick, evacuate!"


Several warships on the sidelines were so terrified that they turned around quickly and were able to survey and withdraw to a safe area.

"Run! Run!"

"Help! I don't want to die here!"

The monks on Xiaojiao Island were panicked and fled, but unavoidable. A good event, with eyes narrowed, will turn into a calamity on earth.

Xiaozhai floated in the air, shook his head, squeezed his hands, "Go!"


The monstrous water and gas on this side was instantly drained, and turned into a black mine-dragon dragon. The dragon roared into the center of the storm, and instantly turned into a red dragon.

(There will be a while ...)

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