Pursuing Immortality

Chapter 583: Starting from the Tao family

A strange man came from the Tao family, and the news quickly spread to any Dow industry in western Yunnan.

It is said that the man was a casual repairer, with a thrilling brute force and speed, which defeated all the enshrined masters. Within three months, Qingyun went straight and turned from the manager's bodyguard to the general manager's bodyguard. Now he will be summoned by the western Yunnan king Tao Yu .

Hundreds of thousands of people work directly or indirectly for Dow, and no more than one in ten thousand can talk to Tao Yu face to face, envy others!

It was like Wanda employees were suddenly called to talk to Pharaoh, alas, that was the feeling.

Contrary to this scary kung fu, the man was almost an idiot in other respects, didn't understand anything, and almost made a wonderful joke about washing his face in the toilet.

Of course, according to a close colleague, although he has few words, his learning ability is very fast. He has gone from not even turning on a computer to a level where he can happily brush the animal world with his mobile phone.

What do you think of the animal world?

Spring is here, everything recovers, and it is time to mate. The air is full of hormonal scent, but on the vast expanse of Asia and Europe, there is a huge number of mammals-single dogs.

Oops, it's too bad!

Ruili, the Tao family.

Middle-aged Tao Yu sat in a chair and looked at the man in front of him.

Two meters tall, with wide shoulders and a thick back, wearing oversized sneakers and custom-made loose pants, although fitted, it always feels a bit nondescript.

Because this person's breath is too out-of-the-way, that wild and fierce vibe cannot be covered by ordinary clothes. He should wear an ancient short dress, show his chest, and carry a huge blade, so that he can be more pleasing to the eye.

"Tao Hui?"

"it's me!"

The man's throat was no longer low-pitched and thickened.

Tao Yu smiled, not unhappy with his rudeness, and said, "Nothing else, just come to talk to you. You said that you were born in the wilderness, the teacher is unknown, but there are always ways to do the exercises, can you? Tell me more? "


Tao Hui looked at him, seemed hesitant for a moment, and said, "It's nothing, it's to use the secret method to promote the growth of the body. The muscles, bones, and blood have been greatly improved, far exceeding the physical limits of ordinary people."

Far beyond ...

Tao Yu nodded secretly, noticed these two words, and said, "Will you be able to operate Reiki and practice Taoism?"

"Haven't tried it," Tao Hui responded.

Later, Tao Yu asked some more, and then officially announced that he would transfer the other side to himself and keep it as a bodyguard. When Tao Hui left, he asked, "Happy, is there a problem?"

The figure flashed, and a teenage juvenile appeared in the room, with short curly hair, clear eyebrows, a gentle temperament, and even a hint of femininity.

"It's not the truth, but the breath can't fool people. The number of sidewalks to take is not evil, so use it with caution." Zheng Kaixin was very objective.

"Well, I save."

Tao Yu reached out to make a seat, brewed tea himself, and changed the topic: "Next month is Jiuru's birthday. I would like to pay tribute to the mountains and talk about the future development."

"Uncle Tao has a big career now, do he want to go further?" Zheng Kaixin laughed.

This person is the uncle of Tao Tong and Tao Yi, and the two are the great disciples of Ying Yuan Dian. The foreign relatives rose up, and he also called his uncle.

"Oh, who would be too cheap to do business? The channel of the Tao family has always been inland, but I heard that the government recently plans to develop Beibu Gulf. I want to explore the sea."

The boundary between Dian and Gui provinces, Gui province faces the sea in the south, Leizhou Peninsula and Qiongzhou in the east, and the perishing Vietnam in the west, so a semi-closed bay is formed.

What Tao Yu meant was to go to Gui Province and develop maritime trade. Of course, he had to get the support of Fenghuang Mountain.

"I don't know much about business. Since Uncle Tao wants to expand the industry, he goes to Xi Xidi (Xi Jun), who is responsible for this."

Zheng Kaixin wasn't interested, but his voice followed, saying: "Speaking of Gui Province, I have heard a lot of rumors recently. There are many people under the banner of Fenghuang Mountain who are engaged in projects and gather money. Is this possible?"

"This one……"

Tao Yu sweated a little.

He wanted to **** the commercial sites in Guizhou Province, so he would naturally send people to explore the road. The most important thing in developing a new market is the name and gimmick. Phoenix Mountain is a natural banner.

Perhaps his original intention was not so, but his people gathered private money and secretly made up, and gradually became a true version of MLM activities.

With a large family business and mixed staff, my mind changes.

Tao Yu has been standing against the peak of Fenghuang Mountain for so many years, standing at the pinnacle of life, unconsciously giving birth to a lot of inferior mentality, and opening and closing this matter.

Unexpectedly, I paid special attention to it and even sent Zheng Kaixin to reprimand—the apparent task was to **** jade back to the mountain.

In fact, it is normal. The Tao family has a special status, and the people who come here have a weak status, and he will not care.

"A month, rectified and cleared, is there any problem with Uncle Tao?" Zheng Kaixin said.

"There are a lot of people involved, some are veterans, this ..."

"Is there a problem?" He asked again, only to be moderate after a change.

"No, no problem."

"That's good. I'm here to complete the transfer. I'll be back in the mountains tomorrow. Bye bye."

The breeze passed, and the little boy seemed to be in the wind, floating out of the deep courtyard.




On Ruili's national road heading for Spring City, a car was moving quickly.

Tao Yu brought two people, one was Tao Hui sitting in the co-pilot and the other was sitting next to the assistant. He was wearing glasses, flipping through a document, and the car was quiet.

After a long time, he raised his head and looked out the window, wondering: "How did I go down the path?"

"The road was being built just now, rest assured, this road is closer and you can't miss a plane."

Tao Yu nodded, not minding.

The path is the former passageway for the towns and villages, with forests and fields on both sides, from time to time passing an abandoned village. It looks horrible. In fact, in recent years, the safety factor has greatly improved. People have traveled far less nervously than before.



The car passed another village, and the tires rubbed against the gravel road, making a harsh noise, and the body was a little bumpy. Tao Yu leaned on the back of the chair, thinking about to pause for a while, then suddenly jumped up, and then turned around.


He reacted instantly, immediately grabbing the support point, and in a violent shock, he rolled into the ditch. When the consciousness recovered a little, it was found that the assistant had fallen into his arms in vague flesh, and the driver rushed down, trying to open the door, but Tao Hui disappeared ...

Immediately after, I heard a roar from outside.


"call out……"

"court death!"

Tao Yu was dragged out of the car by the driver, a thick **** breath rushed out of his face, his eyes seemed to be soaked in blood. Countless alienated beasts, countless pieces of minced meat, and blood flowed into the river.

And right in the middle, a tall silhouetted iron tower was firmly there.

"Beast, beast tide ... Reiki has been stable for five or six years. Why is there still beast tide?" He leaned on the driver, his hands trembling, wondering whether he was scared or frightened.

"Boss, run quickly, or it will be too late!" The driver was purely afraid, persuading.

"Stupid, what are you running? Didn't you see the winning ticket in your hands?" Tao Yu cursed.

The driver calmed down and looked at the scene, really.

Fight against hundreds of alienated beasts in one person, without any downside, and completely crushed! A single punch penetrates the chest and abdomen of a leopard, and kicks off a big bird's head with one kick. It is simple and rude and directly effective!


Finally, a wolf that seemed to be the leader howled and led the beasts back.

"Where to run?"

Tao Hui spit out blood and chased him. Tao Yu shouted: "Stop chasing, stop chasing!"

"Boss, I can win."

Tao Hui was obedient, he looked puzzled.

"I know you can win, but now is not the time to fight, hurry up and leave."

Talking, the three brought birthday gifts to the little princess, hurried through the village, and barely found a hiding place. The driver was busy calling the police for help, Tao Yu was holding the gift box and was shocked.

It took a long time for him to calm down, looking at the rude and burly, blood-stained big man, and he couldn't help saying, "Thanks to you this time, otherwise I'll be a mob wasteland"

"I eat your meal, of course, to protect your life!" Tao Hui bluntly ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ ha!

Tao Yule is here, I really appreciate it this time.


Baicheng is very lively every day, and even more so today, people from all walks of life sent people to worship the mountain.

Probably from the age of Changsheng and Jiuru, their birthdays have become a conventional festival. Although Fenghuangshan emphasizes not to do it every year, although they have not seen the true capacity of the dragon and phoenix until now, they can't stand the enthusiasm and give congratulations.

You can't always let people go out.

It's not useless. For example, in a certain year, Jiuru likes a coral tree very much, and asked if it was sent by Dongyin. Of course she couldn't say anything, but the disciples listened to it. Oh, the East Hermits had an impression, and she would take care of one or two during communication.

The doorway for women and children is the easiest to clear-Ma Yun and Ma Huateng.

"Is this Baicheng?"

When Tao Hui set foot on this land, his heart was very wonderful. He never thought that he would come to Phoenix Mountain in such a way.

"I was the same as you when I first came here. I was very curious, but in fact it was nothing. Just follow the rules."

Tao Yu saw that his eyes were bright and bright, and he would laugh and say something wrong.

Since his rescue, Tao Yu ’s trust in him has been rising, his strength is strong, his heart is straight, and his grievances are clear. This kind of person is very suitable for acceptance.

The driver stayed in Spring City, so there were only two of them.

All the way straight to the mountain gate, where there have been long lines. The Tao family is a foreign relative, but dare not make trouble, obediently waiting in the back.

Tao Yu did not hesitate to introduce, Quan Dang told a story, how to set up a school in the past, how to set up a law formation, receive a ceremony, burn amulets to pray for the rain, join two contests and so on ... -At least this is the surface.

(And at night ...)

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