Pursuing Immortality

Chapter 585: Non-My Race Has Different Hearts (1)

Jiuru learns art at the age of two and has little actual combat experience, but his talent has crushed more than half of Xia Kingdom.

At this moment, the frightened birds flew, and the sun was sinking. Before she saw the enemy, she made the most correct response: after a footstep, the whole person leaped into the air, turning over like a smart mule.

The giant corpse's thick body suddenly became a natural barrier.

As soon as she landed and her foot was not stable, she felt the air burst suddenly, as if a large caliber howitzer fired from a distance.

Her small face was tight, her toes were more favorable, she moved back a few feet, and then she heard bang!

The corpse of a giant maggot like a hill shattered into the sky with no warning, and the powerful shock wave continued to sweep forward, hitting her chest and belly severely.


Jiulu sprayed blood, and his small body was tipped in the air, and the whole body was washed away like unbearable pain and tidal water. She flipped in the air, but her consciousness was extraordinarily clear, and she seriously judged the injury.

Several bones were broken, one was inserted into the internal organs, the bleeding was severe, and the fighting power was basically lost ...

After a while, the feeling of hitting the ground hardly arrived, but fell into a warm embrace. She barely lifted her eyes, but was a little sister on the mountain. She was gentle and docile on weekdays and was very popular.

Huh! Several disciples guarding in secret also flew out one after another, frightened and angry. They didn't expect that anyone would dare to do it in Baicheng, and even more unexpectedly, the goal was still Jiuru!

Who leaked the news? What is the other party? ? ?

Of course, now is not the time to think about these, several disciples have used their own killer at the same time. In an instant, the thunder and fire were horrific, the brilliance was shining, the vines soared and entangled, mixed with the roar of the spirit beast.

The little sister didn't even see it, and she withdrew Jiuru. At this moment, we must not be desperately full of blood, and it is the correct way to go back to the mountain for help.

"Bang, bang!"

"Ah ... ah ..."

Violent explosions and screams continued to be heard from behind, including one of his best friends. She didn't dare to turn back, tried to calm her mind, launched a land-based decision, shunned the battlefield, and ran towards the mountains.


Just after running for a while, a scream of sudden halt followed, and a chilling spirit straightened to the back of his heart. Little sister strove to send Jiuru forward and draw a long sword ...


The body is suspended in the air, the delicate chest is punctured, and at the back of the heart, is a troll-like fist made up of five thick fingers!


Jiu Ru rolled a few rolls, which happened to be the scene, and immediately burst into tears.

Just now all this, but a few breaths of work, so fast that it is hard to react, is already bloodstained. In the drowsy dense forest, the stalks shook, and finally showed a man's figure.

"who are you?"

She asked with a small hand, gritted teeth, secretly remorse in her heart. In order to sneak out and complete the ritual of hunting animals, she dropped the self-defense and induction jade pendants on the mountain ...

Men shouldn't, and didn't seem to expect progress to be so smooth. He looked at the little girl with a quirky surprise, and sure enough, she could be regarded as a natural talent only by virtue of his physical and physical qualifications.

Then he couldn't help being angry. Why could a human be so? !! !! !!

He clenched his fist and flew forward. The petite and lovely head was the perfect target.

Jiuru is unavoidable, with a bit of fear, a bit of unwillingness, a bit of doubt ... except that he refuses to close his eyes and wait for death, holding his long sword, he will have to fight for his life.


The strong wind came in an instant, and the skin was like a knife cut. The fist became bigger and bigger in the pupil, hey!

A jade flute that didn't know where to come from, clicked on the front of the fist, and gave out a clear whistle of metal. Followed by, Yu Xiao chased forward, quickly pushed back the other side, and brought out a slender hand ...


There seemed to be a bubble of air in the void, a young girl with black hair and a long coat fell on the ground, holding a flute in the middle.

"Brother Jin Chan!"

Jiu-ru saw his heart and was calm.

"Quickly adjust your interest!"

Jin Chan bombed a pill of elixir in the past, which was quite suspicious. It was originally fun to play, didn't want to hit it, and it was even more shocking that he had met the other party for the first time, but he had a sense of connection somehow.

Men also feel the same way, looking at each other in doubt, suddenly showing a weird smile: "You are not a human, are you a strange monster?"

"who are you?"

Jin Chan took a step forward, his heart was undulating.

"Hahahaha, you are a monster!"

The man's gaze swam back and forth between them, suddenly burst out laughing, and seemed to see the most ridiculous thing in the world, "A spooky monster, who gave himself up to protect a human being, ha ha ha ha!"

He completely eliminated his intentions, apparently more interested in the appearance of Jin Chan.

Jin Chan stared at him with inexplicable anger, or used his anger to cover his uneasiness.


The air exploded suddenly, and a sharp, sharp spirit was approaching the opposite door.

The man snorted coldly and couldn't avoid the simple nature. Taking advantage of the short time of the wound, he accurately captured the opponent's trajectory and waved his fist and hit him hard.

They are totally two extremes-www.wuxiaspot.com-one extremely fast and one extremely hard. The man was impatient and said, "I don't want to do anything with you, or do you think I can't hurt her?"

Figure flashed, Jin Chan retreated.

Jiu Ru behind him is taking elixir and is closing his eyes to adjust his interest rate-if a man insists on attacking, it is difficult for him to maintain his integrity. With a single blow, he can kill Jiu Ru with a single blow.

"What on earth do you want?" Jin Chan asked in a deep voice.

"I did n’t have a purpose here, I just wanted to find a chance and give some trouble to these arrogant guys. But I met you. Oh, I just want to talk to you now."

"We have nothing to talk about."

Jin Chan's attitude was stubborn. The man didn't care and smiled. "You are not the same as me. The impact on you seems to be small. Can I ask why?"

As soon as this statement was made, they basically recognized each other.

About six years ago, Jin Chan came back from Daxue Mountain with Long Qiu and found that he had changed a lot. The first is the growth of psychic powers, reaching a surprising level.

The second is the uncontrollable thirst for knowledge and learning ability, as if curious about everything, and one or two about everything.

Finally, there is a change in thinking. Whether or not the thinking of an intelligent life has changed, he must have counted. As it grows day by day, there are gradually some inexplicable ideas in the brain, and from time to time, there will be impulses to complete those things.

His soul is mellow and complete, but it just vaguely feels that there is something wrong.

For a long time, Jin Chan relied on reading and understanding, self-cultivation, and communication with Long Qiu to try to suppress those crazy thoughts.

It felt like it was covering up well, and as a result, it was broken by this person today.

(And at night ...)

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