Pursuing Immortality

Chapter 623: Twins debut

"I heard that the Penglai faction bought a small island with abundant products and an incredible cost. I don't know where the financial resources come from."

"Penglai sent a brother in Tianzhu Mountain. Could it be a secret operation?"

"How did I hear that there is an official big man behind the Penglai faction? The country has obviously tilted towards the sea in recent years, and its policy is loose. Many people want to take advantage of it ...

In the northeast corner of the square, several people are communicating the toilet news as usual, and there are many listeners around. And not far away from them, another group of people meditated and adjusted their breath, exchanging tips and ideas.

Looking at the whole square, this is almost the case. Noisy and quiet forms a strange harmony.

They have become accustomed to this kind of life. For two years, there have never been any fatal accidents in the illusion. This gives everyone the most basic psychological guarantee, and it becomes more and more relaxed and fearless.

Even near the fantasy, a residence was built with thousands of permanent residents.

"Hey, what's going on?"

Everyone was chatting, and when someone called out, they saw the purple gas tumbling, changing sharply, and a series of heavy objects falling to the ground, and someone kept flying out of it.

This group of people fell to the ground, their faces were aggressive, and it was clearly not clear what happened. And when the number increased rapidly and caused the audience's attention, a roar suddenly came: "My smelter is so good, it's half a turn!"

A throat was like pressing the switch, roaring with sorrow and indignation.

"My charm!"

"My magic weapon!"

"My lubricant!"

Many people are crying for their father and crying, it is not a real game, there is no save function. It's easy to see that some programs just went smoothly, because this interruption may be difficult to copy.

"What's wrong? Is something wrong with the fantasy?"

"Or is the internal test over? Is it a comprehensive test?"

"Well, do you think it's cold?"

There was a lot of discussion, and the sound suddenly stopped, and the whole trembled. An astonishing coercion overwhelmed 20,000 people in the square. There was no transmission and no thoughts, but everyone understood the meaning: Hurry!


After an embarrassing silence, one was more efficient than the other, and rolled away. There is also a brain that is not normal, and shouted, "Why did you let me go, not ... oh!"

Ya was held down by the door and dragged away from the scene like a dead dog.

Come on, this is what they are!

After a while, the square was still busy and noisy, and became strangely empty. Ziqi also stopped tumbling and waited for the next wave of challengers.


Five days later.

There are 360 ​​disciples in Taoyuan and 360 disciples in Fenghuang Mountain. There are 720 disciples. The ratio of male to female is about 6: 4.

Headed here are the first disciples of the Taoist School, the Twelve Golden Immortals of the Upper House.

Headed over there is also the first disciples, twenty true stories.

Another seven or eight people are the most prominent. It is a great congenital perfection, and it is only half a step away from the immortal!

This action can be described as all the elites, but everyone's expressions are a little puzzled. Something is more difficult than fighting, even for a reason!


Zhang Shouyang and Long Qiu led the team respectively. They looked at each other and were helpless. That grandfather is wayward, what can he do? Accompany me.

However, fortunately, a divine thought came soon, and Long Qiu said suddenly:

"This time, regardless of results, no rewards or punishments, after you enter the battle, you can challenge the monsters, fair fights, everything can be done, there are no rules."

"Then when can we end?" Zeng Ke'er asked.

"Limited for half a year."


In half a year, Dote has caught up with the East China Sea! The hearts of everyone were upset, but they did not dare to disobey the command. When Zhang Shouyang ordered him, his figure flickered and he was not in line.

Changsheng and Jiuru are inconspicuous in the disciples. They are eleven years old, their heights have both broken through 170, and their faces are covered by Long Qiu. They look like a pair of fifteen or six year olds.

The two laughed with excitement and nervousness, and they were in a fantasy, for fear that others would not know that they were chickens.

Long Qiu looked at the special speechlessly, a movement of divine thought, an invisible wave shot into it, but it was Jin Chan.

Zhang Shouyang looked over here and said nothing. He knew that the twins came down the mountain for the first time and focused on taking care of it.

When everyone entered, the two teamed up to set up a ban, completely blocked the square, and then disappeared.


The real chickens who watched from afar watched each other in shock and realized. There was a random one out there, and they were all elders in their own school, and even the party in charge was more than enough.

This is the heritage of the two giants.

The first practice is the practice of the death and then the practice, so as to achieve a common longevity, um, nothing wrong.



Jiu Ru just felt a sway in the spirit, and the scene in front of him changed, standing in a chaotic area. There are five huge vortices around, leading to the five-party world.

Many disciples have been here, and their well-known teams have formed teams.

After a while, everyone was almost gone, leaving only these two cute, sturdy and helpless chickens, lonely poking in place.

"Where shall we go?" Changsheng looked around and dragged the corner of his sister / sister.

"Which one do you like to go to? I'm not with you."

Jiuru twisted her body, bit her fingertips, and thought for a moment, strode toward the ghost realm, and yelled, "Don't follow me, don't follow me!"

"I didn't follow you, I went to that too."

Changsheng carried his hands on his back and stalked his tail. Jiuru snorted and went straight into the whirlpool.



In the next second, the two children screamed at the same time, apparently shocked by the ghost scene that became more and more horrible.

Taking the Baizhang in front as the boundary, on the side of the shady soil and the sun, nearly a hundred people gathered in this buffer zone, making final adjustments.

They did not understand the significance of this operation, but since it is here, they must not be idle, let alone another party is involved. So in most people's minds, two game tunes are set early:

The first is to brush the boss. So far, many people have seen five monsters guarding the five parties ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~, but no one has really defeated it.

The second is the fight against the battle, the shadow of the person's famous tree, the two sides each hold up for a long time, it is rare to have a chance to have a fight.

These have nothing to do with the twins, and for the first time down the mountain, they have not eased from excitement. They stood for a long time again, suddenly rushing forward, their feet crossed the boundary line, and they suddenly turned upside down, Yin and Yang turned upside down.

The yang is evacuated and the yin is raging. A cold that does not belong to the world slips into the body, eroding his spirit of madness.

This is not the first time, getting on the surface of the underworld ghost article, more and more closer to reality.

"not good!"

The two children hurriedly operated mana, resisted erosion, and their faces were extremely serious, as if they were enemies.

The Taoists passed by one by one, giving them a strange glance at them, and then a clear smile appeared.

Two big characters: Mengxin!

(And at night ...)

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